A Day To Remember

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Hunter started to stir. The sunlight starting to peek through. He adjusted in the bed, Aurora snuggled up against him but still fast asleep. He opened his eyes and saw her back was to him. He sat up and slowly got out of the bed so he didn't disturb her. He sat there for a moment, thinking about their time on Pabu together. With the thought still on his mind, he opened his nightstand drawer and pulled out the small box that had been hiding in there. Looking at the little black box, he remembered asking Tech to take care of it and his brother did in fact come through.

Standing up, Hunter got dressed and looked back at Aurora, it was one of the rare times he was up before she was and he just wanted to take in the moment and just watch her. She moved and was laying on her stomach, hugging the pillow. The blanket was down to her waist and her back was exposed. He studied the tattoo up her spine.

He walked over to her side of the bed. Smiling down at her, he was so in love with her and it was quiet moments like these that really reminded him of that. Hunter leaned down, placing a small kiss on her temple. She groaned and buried her face deeper into the pillow and he let out a quiet chuckle. Spinning the tiny box in his hand, he turned and walked to the balcony door and stepped out into Pabu's morning sun. Thinking.

Aurora stretched in the bed, someone had disturbed her. The bed was still warm but she knew she was alone. Slowly sitting up, she grabbed the blanket and brought it up to cover her chest, looking around the room she saw the balcony door open. A certain sergeant was standing out there, looking over the village. She stretched again, groaning loudly.

Hunter turned around upon hearing her awake and walked back into the room. "Good morning." He said.

"Mornin'" She smiled as he walked over to her side of the bed. "What has you awake so early?"

"Thinking and just enjoying Pabu's early morning." He said. "I don't even know how long we have been here for. Last night's conversation just has me thinking about a few things."

"78." Aurora said.

"78?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"We've been here for 78 rotations now. I asked Tech two rotations ago how long we had been here for and he said," she pointed her finger, mimicking Tech. "We have been here for exactly 76 rotations according to my data."

Hunter laughed. "He would say it like that."

Aurora kneeled on the bed, getting to Hunter's height. The blanket still covering her. "So since we have been here for so long... does that mean we are staying forever?" She questioned. "Because I think we should. We're all happy here."

"What makes you think we are happy here?" He teased.

"I have no idea what is giving me that idea either." She smiled and leaned in, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Hunter didn't say anything back, he brought his hand up and caressed her cheek. He smiled at her. "What?"

"Nothing, you just... so beautiful."

She leaned into his hand. "You're only saying that because I'm naked in your bed."

"It's far from that."

"Oh really?"

Hunter nodded. "It's true and I'll even prove it to you."

"And how do you plan to prove it?"

"Marry me."

Aurora pulled her head away from his hand, more in surprise than anything. She focused on his eyes, trying to gauge what was going on. "Hunter, that's not funny."

"I'm not joking." Hunter pulled something out from his back pocket. "I mean every word. Marry me Aurora Ealis." She saw what he was holding in his hand and it was a small gold ring with a red gem twirled in the band. Clearly a hand-made piece of jewelry.

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