What Happens Now?

375 10 17

*Reader discretion is advised for this chapter*

The Marauder landed on the topside of Coruscant. Wrecker and Omega climbed off the ship first. Hunter moved to the cots to change. He was putting his blacks on for his armor. Facing the gunner's mount he pulled his shirt off and grabbed the blacks. Someone walked up behind him.

"Yes?" Hunter said.

The sound of a data pad made Hunter aware it was Tech. "Hunter, there is something I wish to discuss-" There was a brief pause. "What happened to your back?"

"What?" Hunter turned to face his brother. "What do you mean?"

"Your back is covered in scratch marks." Tech moved to get back behind Hunter. "What happened?"

"It's nothing Tech." Hunter quickly said. "We have other things to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? You might need medical attention." Tech stated, as he continued to inspect Hunter's back. "Hunter, these could be serious. They look like claw marks, specifically human, they look like the markings from fingernails-" Tech paused again. "Hunter, did you and Aurora have sex?"

Hunter let out a cough and spun around to face Tech again. He brought his blacks to cover his chest as if it was going to help. "What? No!"

Tech raised an eyebrow. "Hunter, those are fingernail marks from a human and judging from the small size of the markings. I am led to believe they are from a female, and from knowing the fact that you admitted to kissing Aurora. You and Aurora had sex."

Hunter scoffed. "You got all that from some scratches on my back?"

"And the two of you weren't necessarily quiet the other night on Cantonica." Tech shrugged.

"Oh like you know so much about sex." Hunter glared at Tech, who adjusted his goggles and gave Hunter a weird look. "Actually, don't tell me I don't want to know."

"Hunter! Tech!" Omega yelled from outside the ship. "Are you two coming?"

"We best go before the others see the nighttime activities on your back." Tech said and turned around, walking to the door.

"Tech!" Hunter yelled as he walked out.


The group had all exited the ship. In the short distance they saw the building that Aurora's ex owned. Tech typed on his data pad as Wrecker cracked the muscles in his neck. Hunter knelt down to Omega.

"You need to be extra careful when we enter this place, do you understand?" Hunter asked.

"I understand." Omega nodded.

Hunter stood up right as Tech walked over to him. "Do we actually have a plan?" He asked.

"Go in blasting, get Aurora, get out." Hunter shrugged.

"That sounds easy enough." Tech sarcastically said.

"Do you have any ideas?" Hunter asked.

"I do not." Tech said.

"Alright then." Hunter said, placing his helmet on his head. "I'll go in first, everyone stay behind me and Omega you stay right with the group." The others all put their helmets on as well.

After running the short distance to the building. Hunter peered around the corner and didn't see anyone guarding the entrance.

"No one at the entrance?" Tech observed.

"Why is no one guarding the entrance?" Omega asked.

"Maybe he's cocky." Wrecker mentioned.

"Or it could be a trap." Hunter said, taking his blaster from his holster. "Everyone be on guard."

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