Just A Bounty Hunter

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Hunter looked around the ship, the boys and Omega were all in the bridge. He looked over to where Aurora was and she was sitting on the cot she had been sleeping on, typing on her data pad. He walked over and sat down next to her. She put the data pad face down in her lap. "You okay?" He asked her.

"I'm fine." Her answer was curt.

"Right..." Hunter stayed quiet for a moment. "Those were some impressive moves back there, where did you learn tricks like that?"

"I was trained by Terrelian Jango Jumper's when I was younger." Aurora refused to look at Hunter and kept her focus on her hands that were on top of her data pad.

Hunter laughed thinking she was joking. "That's a good one."

"I'm not joking."

Hunter looked at her. "Wait, you're serious?" She looked at him and nodded. "Oh... well they trained you well." Aurora put her data pad in her backpack and got up. She busied herself with a med pack that had been left out, cleaning up the supplies. "Aurora, somethings bothering you, what's the matter?" He finally asked.

"Nothing is bothering me." She kept her back turned to him.

Hunter stood up, "so why can't you tell me that to my face, I know something is bothering you." Aurora turned around and leaned against the table and crossed her arms. "Just say it."

"Fine." She clenched her jaw. "I think it was stupid of you to give up the data stick."

"That's what bothering you? The data stick? Aurora, it was the right thing to do."

"No it wasn't. Surviving is the right thing to do!" She argued.

"Surviving? Aurora, they needed that for the rebellion, to fix the Republic!"

Aurora got off the table and walked up to him. "Who cares about the rebellion! Just trying to make it in this galaxy is the only thing that should matter to you, to her!" Hunter knew she was talking about Omega. "And you just gave up a bantha crap ton of credits for some rebellion that may die out before it takes fold!"

"Aurora, things were better when the Republic was in charge."

"Really?! Because I haven't noticed a difference with the Republic or the Empire. Everything still seems the same to me!"

"You're just thinking like a bounty hunter! Of course the Republic was better!"

"Oh that's rich, coming from the deserter! If the Republic was so great, why did it fall?" She jabbed him in the chest.

"You're just a bounty hunter, you don't know what you're talking about!" He yelled too.

Aurora laughed. "You're right maybe I am just a stupid bounty hunter but this stupid bounty hunter has been playing this game a lot longer than you have and knows how to survive the rise and fall of empires all the time!"

The two of them had been fighting for so long they didn't see Omega get in between them, she tried to push Hunter back. "Guys stop! you're supposed to be friends." She called out but they ignored her.

"You know you're starting to be a real thorn in my side." Hunter pointed.

"Good! Why don't you use your clone justice and arrest me and lock me away then. Oh! You can't!" She pointed back.

"Aurora!" Omega said and tried to push her back.

"You think I'm being a thorn now, buddy you haven't seen it yet." Aurora said.

"Don't you call me buddy ever again!" Hunter yelled.

"Wrecker! Echo! I need backup!" Omega called, still trying to push Hunter away.

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