Spoils Of War

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Aurora, Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker all were running back to the beach. Wrecker in the process of getting the package, managed to wake the whole horde of Aggrocrabs. The crabs were running after the group. Echo broke the treeline first and ran into the water but tripped and face planted into the water. Hunter and Aurora ran out next and the two of them grabbed Echo to his feet and finally Wrecker was last, holding the package.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Wrecker yelled. The crabs were not far behind them. "Go, go, go! Go, go!"

"We went over the plan five times!" Echo lectured, holding his hand up.

"I got the package, didn't I?" Wrecker retorted back.

"Boys, enough bitching." Aurora scolded.

"Just keep moving." Hunter added at the same time.

"Can we get a pickup?" Aurora asked.

Hunter pulled out his comms. "Tech, we've got the cargo, but we could use some firepower."

Aurora turned her head and saw the snapping of the Aggrocrabs claws, they were slowly gaining on them.

"Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?" Tech responded. A crab jumped out at Echo but he somersaulted underneath it and Hunter shot at the crab.

"Yea." Hunter shot the crab again, but it didn't do anything because of its thick shell armor. "And they're not happy. We need a pickup."

"Sooner rather than later." Aurora yelled.

"Copy that." Omega said. "We're on our way."

The group continued running, even Aurora could feel herself starting to get out of breath.

"Tech, where are you?!" Wrecker yelled.

More crabs ran out in front of them as the Marauder flew around.

"Oh for kriff's sake..." Aurora mumbled.

"Why is Omega hanging off the ship?!" Hunter asked.

"It is... an unscheduled study break!" Tech exclaimed.

"Oh brother." Aurora rolled her eyes.

Omega got back onto the ship and unhooked herself and lowered the hook for the group. Wrecker attached the cable to the cargo and the boys started shooting.

"Aurora!" Wrecker yelled, shooting a crab.

"On it!" Aurora jumped onto the box and jumped up further up the line, grabbed onto it. The three boys all settled on the box, still shooting the crabs.

"Omega pull us up!" Aurora ordered.

Omega pushed the button and the group lifted into the air, Aurora climbed on first, followed by the boys. Echo got off next, then Hunter, and finally Wrecker, who grabbed the package. The group all walked on board the ship and Tech flew off.

Once everyone was settled, the boys took off their helmets. Aurora grabbed a med-pack and walked back over to Hunter.

"What's this?" He asked her.

"I know that crab got you." Aurora said, sitting next to him. "You didn't need to go get yourself hurt trying to protect me. Let me see it."

"I'm fine." Hunter stated.

"I'm sure you are." Aurora grabbed his arm and took off the armor and peeled back his blacks. A deep gash was freshly bleeding but it wasn't deep enough for stitches. "You're lucky you don't need stitches."

"I thought the beach was gonna be relaxing." Wrecker groaned.

Hunter turned his attention to Omega as Aurora worked on cleaning his arm. "Appreciate the backup, but try staying inside the ship next time."

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