Gone Again

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Aurora felt the Marauder land, they must be on Ord Mantell. She's done her research and figured this would be a good place to disappear. She was packing her bag, putting a few rations into it when The Bad Batch walked out. Omega was about to leave when she turned around to Aurora. "Hey Aurora! You coming?" She waved to her.

Aurora turned to the girl, "You go on ahead, I'll be out in a minute and catch up!" She called back. Omega nodded and left the Marauder. Aurora wasn't one for goodbyes so this was better in her eyes. She finished packing her bag and made the cot she had been sleeping on. She realized she still had Hunter's jacket on. She pulled it off and folded it neatly and placed it on the pillow. She looked around the ship one more time before leaving. She knew the group went east towards a bar so Aurora went west. She wandered her way through the town seeing what it has to offer.


Omega and The Bad Batch made their way to a place called Cid's Parlor where Echo's contact was. Omega looked behind them and didn't see Aurora. "Hunter." She tugged on his armor, "where's Aurora?" She asked him.

Hunter looked behind them and the girl was nowhere to be found, "I don't know kid, but we have to get inside. I'm sure she's not far behind."

"But Hunter-"

"Omega not now."

Omega sighed, "yes Hunter." Together the two of them followed the others inside. The batch took off their helmets when they walked in. Hunter surveyed the surroundings.

"Filthy cheat! I saw that!" One of the patrons said to the other. Hunter looked over to a female Trandoshan fixing up a machine.

"Me? Who are you calling a cheat?" The other hollered.

"Which one of them is Cid?" Hunter asked Echo.

"I couldn't tell ya." Echo said. "I only heard about Cid. Never actually met him."

"That would have been information to share earlier." Tech added in.

Hunter walked up to the Trandoshan. "We're looking for Cid. You know him?"

The Trandoshan turned and looked at him. "Cid, huh?" She stood up. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

"What about them?" He nodded to the two fighting over the game.

"Was I not clear? You're in the wrong place." She said. "So unless you're here to spend money, get lost." She walked away from him.

"Great plan, Echo." Wrecker said.

"I'm certain this is Cid's." Echo stated. "The Jedi came here during the war." Omega was messing around with one of the tables when she noticed the Trandoshan sitting at the bar.

"Well, perhaps Cid heard what happened to the Jedi and fled." Tech added in. "Or he was arrested for violating countless health code regulations."

Omega walked up to her while her brothers were still figuring out what to do next. "What's your deal tiny?" She asked Omega.

"You're Cid." Omega stated.

The Trandoshan crossed her arms. "You're sharper than your friends over there."

Omega held up her comm-link. "I found Cid." The boys looked over to her and Omega pointed to the Trandoshan, whose arms were still crossed.

"My office." Cid said.

Omega walked over to Hunter. "Hunter, when are we gonna go find Aurora? She's been gone for too long, maybe she got lost."

"Later, she's smart. I'm sure she's just looking around Ord Mantell." Hunter responded.

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