Boyfriends and interrogations

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A/N: happy snow day to those who are currently being affected by the snow (aka me) how many inches of snow have you guys gotten if you are affected by it? In my little town we are currently at 8 inches and counting. Hope you all are staying safe and warm😊

Hunter sat at the bar. Cid hadn't need any of them today and has been holding up in her office, making it clear that she didn't want to be disturbed and the group was fine with that. Hunter heard the sound of giggling and he turned his attention to Aurora, who was of course entertaining a customer.

"Come on dollface." The patron said. "You're too gorgeous to be stuck here working. If you came with me I'd make sure you never work another day in your life."

Aurora giggled again and placed a drink in front of the male. "Aren't you just the sweetest little thang." She folded her arms below her chest and leaned up against the bar.

The male looked up and down smiling, and placed a bunch of credits on the counter. "What do you say? Let me take you on a date."

Aurora smiled back, taking the credits. "Well I don't know."

"What's stopping you from saying no?" He asked.

Aurora shrugged. "I don't think my boyfriends would like it, if I went on another date with a man."

"Boyfriends?" The man gulped and Aurora using her eyes nodded to her left. The man looked and saw Hunter, staring at them sitting at the bar along with the rest of the batch relaxing behind him. He looked at Aurora again and got up, quickly leaving the bar and his drink behind. Aurora laughed and cleaned up the glass.

"Boyfriends?" Hunter asked, after the man left. "As in multiple?"

"What?" Aurora smiled, keeping her back to Hunter, grabbing another glass and poured a drink.

"And who exactly are these boyfriends?" He teased as Aurora turned and placed the drink in front of him. She casually leaned on the bar.

"Well the infamous bad batch of course." She winked at him.

"Oh so we all are?" He took a drink from the glass. "And what makes you think that?"

Aurora took the glass from his hand and took a drink. "Come on. If that man wouldn't leave me alone. You wouldn't do anything about it?" She raised an eyebrow and Hunter stayed quiet. "Exactly, and I know your brothers are the same way. Therefore you are all my boyfriends."

"Psh. Sure." He scoffed. "Well since we all apparently are your boyfriends, do we finally get to see the new tattoo you got? The one with an apparent twist according to Omega."

Aurora laughed. "I guess so." She backed up and pulled up her shirt a little and resting on her hip Hunter saw a skull tattoo but half the skull seemed to be shaded in black ink the other half outlined.

Hunter stared at the tattoo. "Huh." A small smile crept onto his face, noticing the similarities with Aurora's tattoo and another tattoo he's very familiar with. "A skull I see."

"Yea I figured I stuck around long enough to earn the skull."

"And what about the black ink?"

Before Aurora could answer, Cid stormed out of her office. "Dark and broody, in my office. Now!" She stormed back in.

Aurora raised an eyebrow towards Hunter. "What did you do to her?"

Hunter stood up and shrugged. "I have no idea." He started walking towards her office.

"Well if you need help." Aurora said. "Blink your comms on."

Hunter laughed. "Will do." He made his way back to Cid's office and he entered through the door without knocking first. "You need me?"

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