The Poison Chosen Especially For Aurora

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The sun scorched Ord Mantell and the heat wave was killing any and all motivation Aurora and The Bad Batch had to do anything. They were all laying around the Marauder trying to find various ways to keep cool. Aurora was sitting up in the bridge with Echo, she found herself sweating in areas she doesn't normally sweat in.

Echo handed her a canteen. "Thirsty?"

Aurora nodded and graciously took the canteen. "Why is it so hot?" She took a sip.

"Around this time of year the weather on Ord Mantell heat tends to spike up-" Tech started but Aurora pushed past him.

"It was rhetorical Tech." She stated. She moved past everyone else who was sitting on the floor. "I'm changing, then going to the parlor for a drink."

"I might join ya." Wrecker mumbled, wiping sweat off his forehead.


Aurora was the last to make it to Cid's Parlor. The boys and Omega went on ahead first. The streets were practically empty. The citizens looking for places to keep cool. She walked into the parlor and she noticed that it was a little busier than usual. She looked over and saw Hunter had looked her up and down, she noticed the shirt that Hunter wore clung tight to him. She moved further into the bar.

Hunter watched Aurora enter the parlor. He quickly noticed what she was wearing. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had a dark red crop top with the black shorts she tends to wear when she's working the bar. Of course she still had the piercing in. Hunter turned back to his brothers when she moved into the bar.

"Something cold, I don't care what it is." Aurora told the droid behind the bar. The droid poured Aurora and she took a sip.

"Miss Aurora!" Aurora turned around and saw Ketch walking up to her. She leaned against the bar.

"Hello Ketch." Aurora smiled, she looked over his shoulder and saw Hunter staring back at her again. "What can I do for ya?"

Ketch scratched the back of his head. "I just-uh-I just wanted to tell you that you look really pretty. Even with this dreaded heat."

Aurora chuckled. "Thank you Ketch." She moved past him towards Omega and the boys. "I'm flattered really."

She walked away from him and sat down next to Hunter. She saw Wrecker and Omega playing Dejarik at the table. "Kissing up is he?" He asked.

"Jealous much?" She teased and took a drink.

"You know you are wearing something very revealing-"

She cut him off. "If you are going to make a comment about what I'm wearing just stop. It's a million degrees today. I am hot."

"Aren't you afraid it's going to draw unwanted attention?"

Aurora quickly finished her drink and stood up. "Maybe I like the attention." She winked at him. She walked back over to the bar and ordered another drink.

"Well hello there." Aurora turned and saw a Pantoran male and Cerean male walking towards her. "Aren't you just a fine one?" The Cerean male said.

Aurora smiled. "Well thank you." She grabbed her drink and went to walk past them.

"Hold on now, we want to get to know you." The Pantoran said and stood in front of her. "Let us buy you a drink."

"I already have a drink." Aurora said.

"Yea but we'll buy you another drink." The Cerean said.

"No thank you." Aurora repeated.

"Problem?" Aurora felt Hunter put a hand on her shoulder.

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