Blind Betrayal

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"Keep it moving." Aurora pushed her captive along the corridor. Rodian's watched as she pushed the man in front of her. Aurora kept an eye on her surroundings.

Hunter tried to say something but his hands were tied and his mouth was gagged.

"Shut it." She said again. She kept him walking in front of her, she had a hand hovering over her blaster. The two of them walked through double doors. Aurora saw a green Rodian sitting behind a desk. He had two bodyguards on either side of him.

"Well, well, well choy? Do jee-jee have unko? Bata tuta doe dead wee shahnit?" (Well, well, well what do we have here? Back from the dead bounty hunter?) The Rodian said. "U have balls showing do face unko." (You have balls showing your face here.)

"Mee heard u were looking che je." (I heard you were looking for me.) Aurora smiled.

"Tagwa, u killed myo men, stole yours bata along gee doe girl, yet unko u are standing noleeya front of je aurora-" (Yes, you killed my men, stole yours back along with the girl, yet here you are standing in front of me Aurora-) The Rodian started.

"Then u know why mee am unko." (Then you know why I am here.) Aurora quickly cut him off. "Um yet u won't tell je do name." (and yet you won't tell me your name.)

Hunter tried to speak but all they heard were muffled tones.

"Zimo." The Rodian said. "While I appreciate the formalities of Huttese, I want your friend here to be a part of this interrogation." Zimo spoke english.

"Doesn't matter to me." Aurora shrugged.

"My men have been watching your group for a little while now, Aurora. It seemed you were close to these clones. We went after the girl after we hadn't seen you for a couple rotations."

"That's what they thought."

Hunter again tried speaking.

"Pull his gag down. I want to hear what he's saying." Zimo nodded.

Aurora pulled down the rag. "How could you Aurora! We took you in."

"Ah a blind betrayal it seems." Zimo said.

"That's how they were looking at it. This was my plan all along."

"Your plan?" Hunter spat.

"And that plan was?" Zimo asked.

"Get the girl for the credits, we all know she has that bounty on her. Good credits." Aurora said.

Zimo laughed. "Still a true bounty hunter. So why bring him to me."

"I'm weighing all my options." Aurora said.

"Your options?" Zimo questioned.

"Yes. I know I could bring the girl right to Kamino and claim the bounty but I want to see my other options. You know, who will pay the most for the clones. I know these boys have to mean something to someone." Aurora smiled.

"And you think you can get all the clones?" Zimo questioned.

"No doubt about it." Aurora said. "They all still trust me. I mean even this one here did, they never knew what was coming."

"You're evil, I like that." Zimo said. "Could you bring me the girl too? I'll pay handsomely for her too."

"You want the whole crew?" Aurora asked.

"Aurora you will never touch her-" Hunter started.

"Oh shut up." She smacked him in the back of the head and put the gag back in his mouth.

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