Kidnapping A Queen

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"Now that we're actually looking at her, she doesn't look like the bounty." One of the Trandoshan's said.

"Any human can change their hair, Ryker." The other said.

"No, not the hair, Bouse." Ryker said. "I mean her face, she looks older and she has a daughter and the bounty didn't say anything about a child."

"Maybe whoever is looking for her doesn't care about the child." Bouse said.

"I don't know." Ryker disagreed. "I mean if anything I would care more about my possible child more than anything."

Aurora groaned and picked her head up, slowly opening her eyes. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust, but once they focused she saw she was on the floor of a cell. She looked through the bars and saw two Trandoshan's looking at her.

Act dumb. "W-where am I?" Aurora rubbed her head and looked at the Trandoshan's, she needed to convince them they had the wrong girl. Aurora eyes grew wide and she scooted back until her back hit the wall. "Who-who are you?!"

One of the Trandoshan's walked to the front of the cell. "Well look who is awake now, our guest."

Aurora stood up and brushed herself off. She had to think of something. "Guest?!" She scoffed. "Don't you know who I am?"

The other Trandoshan hissed. "Enlighten us."

"I am the QUEEN of Alderaan and once my husband the SENATOR of Alderaan finds out you kidnapped me he will be furious and take action." Aurora lectured.

"The Queen?" The one closest to the cell questioned. "Bouse, what if she is the queen?"

"What if?" Aurora put a hand on her chest in disgust. "What if? I am Breha Organa!"

"She's bluffing, Ryker." Bouse said.

"She has a child though and we know The Queen of Alderaan does have a child." Ryker said.

"My daughter?" Aurora asked. "If you harmed a single hair on her head I will make sure you face an unholy wrath."

"The child remains unharmed." Another hissed. Aurora watched as another Trandoshan climbed down a ladder, he was much bigger than the other two. Once he looked at Aurora she saw a giant scar that went through his right eye, that eye staying closed. She had to look up at him.

"Boss!" Ryker bowed.

"Ghidorah!" Bouse said at the same time, also bowing.

"I hope they are not pestering you. Now what did you say your name was again? Breha?" Ghidorah asked.

"That is Queen Breha of Alderaan to you." Aurora firmly said.

Ghidorah laughed. "Is that so?"

"I am the queen."

"And what was the queen doing on a seedy planet like Ord Mantell."

"Sightseeing with my family." Aurora crossed her arms. "Now I would like to be taken back to my planet and to my family if you are so kind... Ghidorah is it?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, my queen."

"Why not."

"You look somewhat familiar on a bounty and well, let's just say we are going to see this bounty through. No way you are getting out of this Queen Breha." Ghidorah turned and started to walk away, his goons following him.

"Excuse you!" Aurora yelled to them. "Where do you think you are going?!" But it was no use, they didn't turn around or respond to her. Aurora sat down in the back of the cage contemplating her escape.

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