The Summit

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Before the group knew, it was back to work on the Hemlock case. Everyone was crammed inside the Marauder once nighttime settled on Pabu again. Tech and Echo had gone through their research on what they discovered on the research vessel. Aurora was leaning on the wall across from where Tech was sitting, who was on the comm-computer.

"Echo and I have scoured through imperial and republic files, but intel about the Advanced Science Division is limited." Tech stated.

"Do we know where they're detaining Crosshair and the other clones?" Hunter asked.

"Negative. Their base of operations is unknown." Tech said.

"Well what about their chief scientist?" Hunter questioned.

"There is even less on Dr. Hemlock, and I was very thorough." Tech added.

"Of course he is practically a ghost." Aurora commented.

"He is a ghost." Tech agreed.

"Not quite." Echo walked towards the group. "According to a contact of mine, Hemlock's set to attend a high-level imperial summit in two rotations. He sat at the computer across from Tech and Aurora got up and leaned over, observing what Echo was doing.

"Where?" Hunter asked.

Echo finished typing. "Tarkin's compound of Eriadu. If we do a covert infiltration, we can plant a homing beacon on Hemlock's ship and track him to his base."

"And to Crosshair." Omega added.

"It won't be that simple." Hunter said. "We'd be at a tactical disadvantage, and I'm not sure it's worth the risk."

"I understand your hesitation." Tech said. "We have not agreed with Crosshair, but he is still our brother." Wrecker nodded. "We do not leave our own behind."

"If there's a chance to get him back, then we have to take it." Omega added.

"Definitely." Wrecker said.

"Aurora?" Hunter questioned.

"You know where I stand on all of this. I follow you." Aurora said.

Hunter sighed. "What about reinforcements?"

"Well Rex is on a separate mission, so it's just us." Echo said. "A small enough team to get in and out without alerting them. But we'll need to move quickly."

"Well then let's get started." Hunter said.


Tech had the whole group on their way to Eriadu. Everyone was in the bridge, while Tech and Echo were flying through hyperspace. Wrecker, of course, was eating.

"I have identified a suitable location to land outside their sensor range." Tech stated.

"How are we bypassing those cruisers?" Hunter asked.

"Using a clearance code Rex and I acquired from one of our contacts." Echo added.

"This will be good." Aurora mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Good to have you back, Echo." Wrecker chimed in and looked at Omega. "Just like old times." Omega nodded in agreement.

The Marauder came out of hyperspace and Aurora saw all three Venators in front of them. Even Aurora couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Wrecker, man the tail gun." Hunter ordered. "Just in case."

Wrecker got up. "You got it."

"Transmitting code." Echo said.

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