The Bounty Hunters

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Aurora's head was spinning. She felt her cheek on the cold floor. The ship was quiet, which was weird, she thought. She expected to hear everyone running around. Panic searching for Omega.


Aurora groaned and put her arms under her and lifted herself into a kneeling position. "Hunter?" She croaked out. She opened her eyes. This wasn't the Marauder.

"Not even close." It was a familiar female voice.

Adrenaline kicked in and Aurora shot up and pulled out her blaster and held it towards her 'old friend.' "Fennec." She was sitting in the pilot seat.

"Put the blaster down Aurora." Fennec said.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just shoot you now." Aurora took a step forward.

"We have history together."

"Our history is the only reason why I didn't shoot you first. Give me a real reason."

"Because I know where the girl is." She said Cooly and Aurora's hands wavered. "Aurora," she sighed. "Put the blaster down and sit."

Aurora hesitantly put down her blaster and sat next to Fennec. "Where is she?"

"Oh I'm not going to tell you."

"Fennec if you hurt her-"

"Relax Aurora." Fennec looked at her, "I'm not gonna tell you because you'll just shoot me and take my ship." Aurora had a small nod in agreement, "and besides we're going to her now."

Aurora looked out into the galaxy. They were in hyperspace. "Bane took her."

"I know."

"Why were you even in Bracca? Are you planning on taking Omega yourself because I won't let you."

"No. My bounty's different. I'm here to stop Bane's contact he's meeting. I've been tasked to keep the girl away from Kamino. Bane has been assigned to bring her to Kamino. I have to keep the girl safe but I think she'll be safest if she stays with you guys. Which is why I grabbed you because those boys would probably shoot me."

"The thought is still there." Aurora grumbled.

Fennec really looked at Aurora, who was starting out into space. "Who did that to you?" She questioned the bruises on her neck.

"No one."

"Was it this Hunter person?"

"No," Aurora was too quick to answer and Fennec picked up on it.

"I thought you were done with feelings and emotions like that?"

"There's nothing going on between us. I hate him."

"Oh you hate him?" She raised an eyebrow. "If you're so concerned about the kid you would've said her name instead of this Hunter person." She stated.

"Just shut it."

"Aurora, I just want you to be careful."

"Fennec I'm not that little girl anymore. I can protect myself. I don't need you!" She whipped around.

"All I'm saying is I don't want to see you like that again."

"Don't act like you care."

"Aurora, I do care. We do go way back." Fennec from somewhere pulled out a ration and handed it to her. "Eat." Aurora rolled her eyes and took the ration.

"I'm always careful now." She whispered. "And it wasn't just Hunter who did this. It was another clone as well. They were under the influence of an inhibitor chip. Hunter was very remorseful once he realized what he'd done."

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