Ruins Of War

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"We are descending at a rate of speed that is most concerning." Tech stated, pulling Aurora back to reality.

"Don't worry!" Omega said. "The reentry thrusters should engage soon."

"They better!" Aurora said.

"If they don't, we're all dead!" Echo stated.

The cargo jolted and the group all collapsed onto the ground. The reentry thrusters finally kicked in.

"I don't ever want to do that again." Aurora stated, getting herself into the kneeling position.

Everyone slowly got themselves to their feet. "Told you." Omega said.

"Other than not being able to steer or control where we land, I would say this is going well." Tech said.

"Way to jinx us, Tech." Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Tech, did you reach the escape pods yet?" Hunter was heard over the comms.

"Not exactly." Tech responded. "We are using an alternate mode of transport. My calculations have us crashing towards the upper forest region of the planet."

"Crashing?" Hunter asked.

"It's fine!" Aurora added. "Don't you boys crash land all the time?"

The cargo worked its way towards the ground and nobody was stable. Omega fell into Echo, who wrapped his arm around her while Tech and Aurora held onto the net. They felt the container come to a stop but it felt very unsteady. Aurora looked up at Omega who was panting heavily.

"Are we finally done?" Aurora asked.

Echo and Omega came out from the net. "That was smoother than some of Wrecker's attempted landings." Tech stated.

"Remind me to never fly with Wrecker then." Aurora added.

"Tech, report." Hunter came over the comms but the signal wasn't clear.

"We are alive." Tech responded.

"Barely." Aurora mentioned.

"Where we are, I am not fully certain." Tech finished.

"The Empire's gonna come looking for their containers, and for us." Echo added.

"Get out of sight and lay low." Hunter ordered. "Once we get to the Marauder, we'll come for you."

"Roger that." Tech said and the group started walking. They weaved through the war chest when the container shifted. They all paused.

"Uh, what's happening." Omega asked.

"We haven't fully landed yet." Echo said and they started running back the way they walked. "Go! Go! Go!"

"Omega keep up!" Aurora yelled.

Whatever surface the container was on broke away and they all started falling backwards. Tech and Aurora fell on top of a net together and Tech looked up.

"Aurora, look out!" He yelled and pushed her out of the way.

Tech cried out in pain as Aurora looked over to him. "Tech!" She exclaimed.

"Tech!" Omega yelled at the same time.

Tech tried to lift the box that had fallen on top of him but it was heavy. Aurora got up and got to him the same time as Echo and Omega did. The three of them pushed the box off of him. Aurora knelt down next to him and started to examine his leg, gently putting a hand on his knee.

"Are you okay?" Omega asked.

Tech groaned. "My left femur has been fractured by approximately 150 kilograms of pressure..." Tech grabbed Echo's arms and Aurora helped Tech up. "So, no." The container shook again.

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