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Aurora, Echo Wrecker, Omega were outside. Wrecker was showing Omega how to disarm a bomb. Aurora stood by watching them, she didn't want to miss this.

"-and that's how you disassemble a thermal explosive." Wrecker said. "There's tons of live ordnance buried in this shipyard. If you trip one, you need to know how to disable it."

"Seems simple enough." Omega said and Aurora chuckled.

"Well if you're so sure, here Disarm it." He tossed her a pick and started up the bomb.

"Me?! But I only watched you once-" Omega started.

"Ten seconds till we're all goners." Wrecker said and Aurora crossed her arms. "Ten, nine..." Wrecker started counting down.

"The conductor feeds the coil expander," Omega crouched down.


"This connects to the transmitter."


"Then what." Omega looked at Wrecker who just kept counting down, she turned her attention to Aurora who shrugged.

"Six, five, four."

Omega cut a yellow wire. "I don't know which wire to cut next!"

"Better get it right. Three, two, one!"

Omega cut another yellow wire and the bomb beeps rapidly, "obviously not that one. Too late! Run for it." Wrecker and Omega ran away from the bomb, Aurora stood right where she was standing, arms still crossed. Omega tripped and hurried behind a piece of metal. The explosive went off, Omega peaked around the corner.

Wrecker came out laughing. Aurora standing in the smoke. "Haha! Gotcha!" Wrecker said.

Omega scoffed. "Why didn't it explode?"

"Because it was a smoke bomb." Aurora said.

"You think I'd let you train with a live explosive?" Wrecker asked. "I'm not crazy." He laughed.

"That last part is still up for debate." Aurora said and Wrecker laughed more.

"You should've seen your face." Wrecker slapped Omega's shoulder.

"For next time kid, knowing your bombs and grenades is step one but if you do ever come across a thermal explosive, it's the blue wire first, then yellow, the red. Afterwards it shuts down automatically." Aurora patted her on the shoulder.

"Guys pack it in. Hunter wants us back at the Jedi Cruiser." Echo came down, and took his helmet off. "How'd the test go?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Omega said.

"Cheer up kid, I failed my first disarming test too." Wrecker said.

"There's a shocker." Aurora said sarcastically.

"With my help you'll be a pro in no time." Wrecker finished.

Everyone started walking and Aurora picked up on the scrapper guild members watching them. Echo and Wrecker picked up on them too.

"We've got eyes on us." Echo said.

"Yea I see them." Aurora said, and kept her hand by her blaster.

"How many?" Omega whispered.

"Three at least." Aurora said.

"Stay casual." Echo said. "Wrecker, Aurora, you ready?"

"Waiting on you." Wrecker said, Echo and Wrecker put their helmets on and everyone started running. They pulled out their blasters in stun mode. The scrappers took off running, Echo and Aurora stunned two of the scrappers but Wrecker missed his shot and the scrapper made it to his speeder.

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