Bad Territory

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Aurora and Hunter were sitting in the Marauder together. The two of them were chatting with each other when they heard Crosshair and Omega talking to each other outside of the ship. Batcher of course was right next to Omega.

"He and Rex lost most of their squad in that attack." Omega was heard saying. "All because the Empire was after me. I have to do something to help them."

"You are." Crosshair said. "By staying away."

"He's right." Aurora spoke up, appearing in the doorway.

"We need to know more about why Hemlock's after you," Hunter chimed in. "And what his M-count experiments mean. Until then you have to lay low."

"I've reached out to some of my old contacts." Aurora added. "None of them have heard about it. I mean there is one other person I could-"

"No." He cut her off. "We talked about this and not her."

"Hunter, we need answers." Aurora defended herself. "You convinced me to stop selling to her long ago. I respected your wishes but we need answers."

"Hey," Wrecker interrupted from behind Aurora. "Incoming transmission from Phee."

Hunter nodded for the other two to climb on board. It took a moment before Crosshair and Omega joined the other three, but once on board. Wrecker pulled up her holo-projector.

"Hey Phee." Omega waved.

"Hey kid." Phee said.

"What do you got for us?" Hunter asked.

"I've been asking around about this M-count thing, which hasn't been easy, by the way." Phee said.

"I'm so sorry for your sacrifice." Aurora mumbled.

"Watch it." Phee pointed at Aurora. "Tech's brain was the data bank, not mine, but I came through. As always."

"What did you find out?" He questioned.

"Word is certain class one bounty hunters have been retrieving M-count targets for the Empire." Phee said. Hunter missed the daggers he got from Aurora.

"Why?" Omega asked. "What's is mean?"

"Don't know." Phee said. "You're better off asking a bounty hunter." Her eyes trailed to Aurora. "Well, an active one at least."

"Careful." Aurora lowered her voice. "I would hate for you to find your fuel line to be cut."

"Making threats are we?" Phee questioned.

"Promises." Aurora folded her arms.

"Aurora." Hunter held his hand out.

"Besides." Phee said, moving on. "Even if she doesn't know. Guarantee she knows someone who does."

"I do know some bounty hunters." Aurora glared at Hunter again. "Fennec." Hunter rolled his eyes.

"I remember Fennec." Omega said.

"Who?" Crosshair asked.

"Fennec Shand." Hunter looked at Aurora. "She was hired by the Kaminoans to abduct Omega... and she and Aurora have history."

"She might know something." Omega said.

"She definitely does." Aurora added. "She's smart, if she doesn't know, she knows someone who does."

"She's dangerous." Hunter stated.

"But our only option." Aurora said.

"I can probably track Fennec down for you." Phee said. "But she's not gonna hand over that information for free."

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