A Different Approach

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Someone lightly smacked Aurora's leg. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes, the two boys that had fallen asleep next to her also started to stir. Her back was stiff from sleeping up against the wall.

"Wake up sleepy heads." Wrecker said. "We're back."

"Where are we?" Deke asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"A safe place." Aurora said as he pushed herself off the bed. "How long were we sleeping for?"

"Practically the whole ride." Hunter said, also appearing from the bridge. "But that's a good thing. You all needed much deserved rest."

"Your people," Mok said, standing up. "They'll accept us?"

"Of course." Aurora smiled. "They did accept us after all."

"Awesome." Stak said.

"Come on." Aurora ruffled Mox's hair. "Let's go meet Shep." The group of six exited the ship. It was the middle of the day and Pabu was just as busy as ever, but of course Shep was already walking towards the group. His daughter right beside him.

"Welcome back!" Shep smiled with open arms. The three clone cadets stood awkwardly besides Aurora. Which Aurora found funny and then thought how long it must've been since they've talked with people.

"Shep, thank you." Aurora said.

"I see you have more friends." Shep commented. "Welcome to Pabu."

"Thank you." Mox said and bowed his head slightly.

"These are clone cadets who were abandoned by the Empire." Hunter said. "We found them on our latest search."

"Still no Omega?" Lyana asked.

"Not yet." Wrecker said. "But I feel we are close." That was enough to make Lyana smile.

"Well then, make yourself at home on Pabu." Shep smiled.

"Really?" Deke perked up.

"You're just letting us stay, just like that?" Stak questioned.

"Well of course." Shep said. "Pabu is a fresh start for everyone. You are most certainly welcomed here."

"You can be more than just soldiers here." Aurora said. "You can be whatever you want."

"Thank you for getting us out of there." Mox said to the group.

"Of course, we wouldn't leave ya behind." Wrecker laughed.

"Come alone, Lyana and I will show you three around." Shep turned and started walking. Lyana following right beside her father. The three boys looked at Hunter who nodded.

"Go on." She encouraged them and the three clone cadets smiled and jogged to catch up with Shep and Lyana. Aurora turned and faced the other two. "So what now? I don't know about you boys but I for sure could use some much needed rest."

"Actually, while Setron was a bust, there is another planet I want to check out." Hunter said.

"You're joking." Aurora crossed her arms.

"Not at all." Hunter said.

Aurora looked at Wrecker who shook his head. "Aurora-" Wrecker started.

Aurora threw her hands up. "Forget it." She turned around and stormed away from the two of them.

"What was that all about?" Hunter questioned.

"You." Wrecker said.

"Me?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

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