Rescued By The Batch

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Aurora traded credits for some fruit with one of the vendors on a Pantoran moon. She nodded and walked away from the vendor. Aurora had just finished a mission for some big wig, he wanted a youngling Mantis and she delivered and got a pretty credit for the creature. She wandered the streets taking in the view, she pushed her purply-teal hair away from her face. She leaves back for Coruscant soon but she wanted to do some sight seeing beforehand. Aurora was still walking when a small blonde child bumped into her. "S-sorry!" she pushed past her looking lost and panicked. She raised an eyebrow, bit into the star fruit and followed the girl, but she stayed out of sight. She came upon a scene of another bounty hunter holding the girl by her arm, but something about that bounty hunter seemed familiar. Aurora was about to go interrogate the two when another person, a man. Came into view. She ducked again and the two adults started fighting. The girl ran off. Aurora tried to follow the child but she lost her. She moved on.

A little while later, Aurora heard commotion and followed the noise. She looked up and saw the same child dangling from a maintenance tower. "By the moons of Gozgo." She was speechless and impressed with how long the girl was able to hang on, but she saw her slip but at the last second the same bounty hunter caught her. The same man was on a speeder chasing them. The bounty hunter dropped the girl and herself onto a cargo ship. Aurora followed on the ground watching the action unfold. She saw a couple of speeders crash including the ones where the girl, bounty hunter, and man were driving. The girl crashed down onto the ground and Aurora went running over to her. "Are you alright?" She checked the girl over for any major damage.

"I-I'm being chased." The girl sobbed. At the same time the bounty hunter came into view and shot a warning shot at Aurora. She shot back and hid the girl behind her. The child clutched the back of her shirt.

"You need to back away from us, she's not going with you." Aurora held her blaster steady.

"Like hell she isn't." The bounty hunter said. "You don't want to get involved... again."

"Back away." The man appeared, bringing a knife to a blaster fight apparently.

The bounty hunter looked between the girls and man and started to back away. "This isn't over between us." The bounty hunter ran off.

"Is it over?" The girl said, still holding Aurora's shirt. Aurora pointed the gun at the man who slowly started inching his way towards them.

"Omega are you alright." He asked the girl.

"Hunter, what's going on?" She called out. Aurora took note of them knowing each other. She whipped the girl in front of her, keeping an arm across the girl's chest.

"Stay back. I don't want to hurt you." Aurora called out.

"I swear if you hurt her-" He started.

"I don't hurt children! Can you say the same?" She called back, catching the man off guard. Then Pantoran guards started blasting, bursting through the crowd. Keeping the two groups apart.

"Quickly come on! I'll get us out of here!" Aurora grabbed her arm and pulled them away. Some of the guards followed them while the others followed the man. They ran down an ally getting pinned. Aurora started to fire back, protecting the girl. A stray blast got past her heading for the girl. "Watch out!" Aurora jumped into action pushing the girl out of the way landing on top of her. What Aurora didn't know was the man watching them from the rooftop. The guards had the girls pinned but Aurora had the girl still behind her, protecting her. "Just stay behind me kid, I'll get you out of this I promise." Just then the man jumped on one of the guards incapacitating him. He swiftly took out the other guard and the girl ran up to him and hugged as more guards blocked the one exit for the three of them.

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