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Aurora was walking through Ord Mantell back to Cid's Parlor. She dropped off some more grenades to Fennec and Aurora tossed the sachet of credits in her hand. She hoped to beat the boys and Omega back from their mission so that way no one asked questions. Well more like Hunter asking questions. She thought with a chuckle. She turned a corner and who does she bump right into?

The Bad Batch.

"Aurora?" Omega questioned.

"What are you doing outside the parlor?" Echo asked.

"I went for a walk." Aurora quickly said. Hunter was the only one to notice she quickly pocketed something and that her response was a little too quick. But no one else thought it was weird. "So how was the mission?"

"Horrible. There were Gundarks everywhere." Echo commented and the group continued on walking.

"Aww, I'm sad I missed all the fun." Aurora said. The group made their way closer to the parlor and they noticed all the helmeted men that loitered around the place. Aurora slowed her pace down until she was right next to Hunter. "You noticed too?" She whispered.

Hunter only nodded his head but the group made their way inside the parlor.

"When did this place get so popular without Aurora?" Echo asked. Aurora hid a smile.

"And who are they?" Tech pointed.

"Not our problem." Hunter said. "Let's find Cid." They started walking to Cid's office when two Pyke's walked out. Aurora's eyes grew wide and she kept her focus straight ahead.

Don't recognize me. Don't recognize me. She thought, but the Pykes eyed all of them but continued on their way. Aurora let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She was so focused on the Pyke's that she didn't see Hunter stop and she bumped right behind him.

"Where do you think you're going?" The masked guard asked. Aurora noticed the man had a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"Oh no." She whispered.

Hunter grabbed the man's arm and punched him in the face twice and the man went flying into the wall and slumped into the ground. The group stepped over him and moved into Cid's office. Once inside two more masked men pulled their blasters out and the boys and Aurora pulled out their blasters. Aurora shoved Omega behind her.

"It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced." A man said from behind the masked men.

"Oh no." Aurora rolled her eyes.

"This isn't your office." Hunter responded. Wrecker and Echo turned around to hold their at the other guards in the door.

The Devaronian scoffed. "Guess again." He picked his feet off the desk and made eye contact with Aurora. "My my. The Space Princess lives."

Hunter looked at Aurora and he could see flames in her eyes. Clearly the nickname upset her. "Don't." She said through gritted teeth.

The Devaronian smiled. "Wait, you know him?" Hunter asked.

"Not him but I knew his mother. Worked with her before." Aurora didn't take her eyes off him. "Never got to meet the spoiled brat she raised."

He laughed. "Me? The spoiled brat, my dear if I recall correctly he was that-"

Aurora cocked her blaster and took a couple steps forward. His men pointed their blaster at Aurora's head. "Finish that sentence I dare you."

It's been a while since Hunter had seen an anger like this in Aurora, clearly this man knows something about her past and he was playing with fire. "Aurora back up." Hunter said. Aurora stood still for another moment before taking a couple steps back. Omega peaked around from Hunter.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now