The Aftermath

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The ride back to Pabu was the quietest the Marauder has ever been. No one knew what to even say or do. Hunter retreated to the gunner's mount, he wanted to be alone. Wrecker stayed sitting in his chair. Aurora had moved back to the front of the ship, sitting with Echo. The two of them quietly piloting the ship together. Aurora snuck a glance behind her, at Hunter. He was tucked away from them, hiding. She shook her head before turning back around. Echo was looking at her. The two of them shared a sad look before looking back in front of them. The planet Pabu appeared in their sights.

Echo and Aurora had the Marauder back on the ground in no time and once the ship was settled. No one moved. It was like everyone waited to see what the others would do first. This went on for a few minutes before everyone heard a heavy sigh from Wrecker.

"What do we tell Phee?" Wrecker quietly asked, for Aurora this was the first time she's probably ever heard him talk this quiet. Like he was almost afraid of the answer.


Aurora didn't know how to answer Wrecker's question. She had overheard Phee tell Tech to not go chasing after other pirates but Aurora thought if Phee knew what Eriadu's outcome was, she would have preferred he did just that. Aurora could tell the two had good chemistry. Phee was going to be devastated once she found out what Tech had done.

"We just have to tell her the truth." Echo finally said, turning around in his chair.

Wrecker just grunted in response to Echo's answer. Aurora slowly turned in her chair as well. Wrecker stood up followed by Echo. Echo patted Aurora on the shoulder before the two of them exited the ship. Aurora could hear the birds chirping cheerfully outside, clearly they didn't get the message.

Aurora also stood up. She looked at the gunner's mount to still see the back of the gunner's chair. Hunter hadn't even moved once from his spot. Carefully, she walked over to the ladder that would lead up to the gunner's mount.

"Hunter?" Aurora whispered.

He didn't respond to her.

"Hunter, we landed." She quietly said and climbed up the first couple rungs to the ladder. "We need rest, why don't you come on down-"

"Leave me alone." Hunter snapped, cutting her off.

Aurora was taken aback by this but tried not to snap back. She knew he was hurting. "Hunter-"

"Will you just go?!" He yelled, still not turning around to face her. "What's so hard to understand that I want to be left alone." He missed Aurora flinching from him.

Aurora opened her mouth to speak again but stopped herself. Even though he couldn't see her, she nodded and climbed down the ladder. She walked towards the door and didn't even look back at him as she left, missing that he turned around.

As soon as Hunter snapped at her he immediately felt guilty. Aurora didn't deserve to be talked to like and he knew he was an idiot for yelling at her. He heard her leaving and he turned around in his chair and watched her leave. Not once turning around to look at him one more time.

"Good going you idiot." Hunter scolded himself. He knew he had to apologize to her but he stayed in his seat. The guilt of everything just keeps on piling up for him.


Aurora looked up at the sky. The sun was getting ready to set, the orangy-yellow hue igniting in the sky. Aurora fought off the tears in her eyes. This time it bothered her how Hunter spoke to her, she had to remind herself that he's also in pain but still she couldn't help but be upset with him. She thought about the others and had no idea where Echo and Wrecker ran off too but she wanted to find Echo. She had something she wanted to ask him. She looked over to Echo's ship and figured she would start there, but someone else walked up to her first.

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