I Don't Trust You

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It's been a couple rotations since The Bad Batch helped Hera save her parents. Aurora sat up top a big hill, overlooking Ord Mantell, the area was secluded and tucked away from the world. Earlier in the day she delievered some grenades to Fennec. It was a perfect place for Aurora to think about everything that happened. A tree hung over blocking out the hot sun, Aurora watched the people down below. Ord Mantell was coming into its hotter weather. She took a drink from her canteen and stood up. She brushed the dust off from her pants and made her way back to Cid's Parlor.

Back at the parlor she walked in and saw Wrecker and Omega at one of the dejarik tables with Echo watching the two of them.

"Where's Hunter and Tech?" Aurora asked, walking up to them.

"I think they're at the Marauder." Echo said, not taking his eye off the table. Aurora saw that Omega was smoking Wrecker.

"Thanks." She responded and made her way to the ship, she wanted to talk to Hunter about the whole grenade situation as they never discussed it. She saw the door was open and she carefully made her way up the steps. She could hear Tech and Hunter talking in the bridge but something made her pause.

"-She still is a mystery, Hunter." Tech said. "She's a ghost, she's never existed beyond us. I haven't found anything on her."

"What do you mean a ghost? She obviously has a past. We know she does." Hunter said.

"Well of course but how she managed to erase it is beyond me. She must've paid someone good to keep this information hidden." Tech said.

She heard Hunter sigh. "What happened to her that was so bad that she needs to hide it."

"Perhaps it's just too harsh of a memory." Tech responded.

"Most likely. That woman on Felucia mentioned something about an ex, he probably abused her. Then she mentioned the man that she saw in the street and she told us about the grenade making and no parents. She is very careful on how she gives her information and she knows it. We only know what she wants us to know, I know not a thing about this man or how to find him. She seems paranoid about something." Hunter said.

The two of them were silent for a moment. Aurora couldn't believe it, they were trying to dig up dirt on her. She felt hurt, betrayed. They didn't trust her. She could feel tears in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.

"Maybe that man was her ex or another ex played a part in whatever trauma she's experiencing." Tech said after sometime.

"You think she's traumatized?" Hunter asked.

"Well of course, from hiding her past and the flinching from touch. It's clear she has some form of PTSD." Tech said.

"I didn't even think about that-" Hunter paused. "Someone's here."

Aurora came around from the corner, not even bothering hiding the hurt behind her face. "How could you-" she started.

Hunter's eyes widened. "Aurora! Listen-"

"No!" She said. "You both are trying to dig up dirt on me? For what blackmail?"

"No Aurora." Hunter said, walking towards her. "We would never blackmail you."

She backed up away from him. "Then why else would you need to know." She could feel herself getting emotional. "I told you that I didn't want to talk about it, why are you doing this?"

Hunter picked up on her getting upset. "We just wanted to make sure you weren't in any danger."

"Of course I'm in danger!" She yelled. "I am in danger. You all are in danger with the Empire! Everyone has their own dangers!" She picked her bag up off the floor. "I can't believe you." Tears threatened to pour over.

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