Into the Breach

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Aurora was leaning on Hunter's shoulder while he typed away on his data pad. Their 'new friend' paced back and forth across the landing zone. Phee had dropped them off on Bora Vio while they waited for a pickup.

"Where in the blasted galaxy did that pirate abandon us?" Rampart looked at the two of them. He rubbed his bandaged hand. "And why are you keeping me here?"

Aurora looked at Rampart and leaned into Hunter and whispered something in his ear. "Behave." He smirked. "You'd prefer we take you back to that imperial labor camp instead?" Hunter offered.

Rampart sighed. "We had a deal."

"A deal in which you didn't oblige to and ended up losing some fingers." Aurora reminded him.

"I did tell you what I know about Tantiss." Rampart stated. Aurora chuckled.

Hunter finally looked at the disgraced admiral. "You'll get your freedom when we get the exact coordinates to that base."

A ship was on approach and everyone looked up. Rampart turned around. The shuttle landed and Hunter walked by Rampart, shoulder checking him. The door opened and Echo met them at the entrance.

Aurora smiled. "Now there's my all time favorite clone!" She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Good to see you." Echo said. He pulled away and Hunter met him with a handshake.

"Nice work." Hunter praised.

"A stolen shuttle is the best I could do on short notice." Echo looked at the ship. "The supplies we need are on board and also your special request Aurora."

"Thank you, Echo." Aurora nodded.

Echo looked at Rampart. "You really think we can trust that hydrosnake?"

Rampart scoffed. "I can hear you."

Echo raised an eyebrow. "What happened to his hand?" He looked at Aurora. "Your doing?"

Aurora chuckled. "Just some of my best work if you ask me." Echo also chuckled.

"We don't trust him." Hunter said. "But he's our best chance at finding Omega." Echo nodded and turned. Hunter and Aurora followed him and Crosshair nudged Rampart forward. The two of them and Wrecker were shortly behind the other three.


Once on the ship Wrecker forcefully pushed Rampart into a seat. Aurora stood with Echo while he got the ship ready. "Now start talking or I get the woman." Wrecker threatened.

"How many times do I have to explain it?" Rampart rubbed his shoulder. "Hemlock put safeguards in place to keep his base's location a secret."

"But you've been there before?" Hunter asked.

"Any ship going there must first dock at Imperial Station 003, in orbit over Coruscant, where the coordinates are transmitted directly to the navi-computer." Rampart said.

Echo pulled out a holo-map of Coruscant, everyone saw the space station. "Well his intel about the orbital station checks out." Echo said. "But I can't confirm the rest of his story."

Rampart scoffed once again. "Do you think I'm lying?"

"Yes." Aurora, Wrecker, and Crosshair said all at once.

Hunter observed the station as Echo zoomed in on it. "Once we reach the station, we can find a ship departing for Tantiss and pull the coordinates."

"We're going to need Imperial clearance codes." Crosshair pointed out.

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