Common Ground

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*Meanwhile at the capital in Raxus*

A crowd could be seen gathering at the city capital on one sunny day. Murmurs could be heard throughout the citizens as they gathered. An imperial officer walked up to the edge of the balcony.

"The Empire is not your enemy." She said, the crowd jeered. "We promise to treat all planets within the Confederacy of Independent Systems fairly. All we asked in exchange was for your loyalty. Yet that has not been forthcoming here on Raxus."

"I can't go through with this." The senator for Raxus, Avi Singh said to his protocol droid.

"Senator, it is your only option." The droid said. 

"This is what it's come to? I must be a puppet for the Empire?" He asked. 

"If you do not comply, you will be arrested like all the other senators. Or worse." The droid said.

"To deal with the rise of incursions," the imperial officer continued her speech. "A mandatory curfew will be put into effect for your protection." The crowd angrily roared. "Such measures were approved by your esteemed senator, Avi Singh, who would like to say a few words about the importance of cooperation. As we build a unified galaxy." She stepped aside and motioned for the senator to move forward. "Senator."

Before he moved forward he turned to his protocol droid. "GS-8, if anything happens to me, follow my instructions to the letter." He walked forward to the balcony.

"What will happen, senator? Senator?" GS-8 questioned but he moved forward.

The crowd cheered as he looked upon his people. "Fellow citizens, I implore you to embrace these new laws. Under the Empire, Raxus will flourish once more, and as your senator I promise-I... I promise too..." Senator Singh looked at his people. "No. This is wrong. It is my duty to act in your best interest, and it is why I can no longer condone this unjust occupation." The imperial officer sighed but the crowd cheered louder. "They wish to intimidate us, to scare us," The officer nodded and clone troopers moved forward and grabbed the senator. "But we shall not cower at their acts of aggression." GS-8 took this as their sign to turn and run away while they were distracted with the senator.

On the comms the officer said, "move in." The clone troopers on the ground started to push the civilians out of the way. 

"Step aside. Clear out!" The clone troopers said.

"We have a right to be here." One citizen said. "You're the ones trespassing." An alarm could be heard as AT-TE walkers could be seen moving into the square. The crowd started screaming and the citizens started running.

GS-8 ran and hid behind a pillar, the droid pulled out a comm and spoke into it. "I'm sending this message on behalf of my master, Senator Avi Singh of Raxus. The senator has been seized by imperial authorities and is in grave danger. We require your assistance." GS-8 ran off.


Aurora shifted, she was laying down and she buried her face into the pillow. She took a deep breath and the pillow smelled of someone familiar, she groaned and sat up in the bed. The blanket falling to her waist. She looked around the room and saw she was in an unfamiliar part of the Marauder. Continuing her search around the room, it was small, but she realized this was Hunter's space. She didn't remember coming here. Then she realized she was still in her same clothes from Felucia. She took out the ponytail and ruffled her hair. She stood up and made her way back out to the Marauder. There were only Hunter, Tech, and Echo on board.

"Good morning." Hunter said as she walked up to them.

"Morning." Aurora said, rubbing her head. "Why was I in there?"

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