Truth and Consequences

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It was a slower day on Ord Mantell. Cid was busy working with Dev and the group remained on the Marauder. Hunter sat on the steps, Wrecker snored away in his chair, and Echo sat in one of the pilot seats. Tech and Aurora were squeezed under the control panel of the ship, busy working with the wires underneath. Tech guiding Aurora on what to do. Hunter leaned back to see how the two were working on getting along.

"-and now you connect that wire with-" Tech instructed as Aurora connected the wire to the other port Tech told her to attach it to. A small spark happened and Tech sucked in a breath. "Please do be careful with MY ship."

Aurora groaned. "Tech, I'm going to rig it so that way it'll blow up the next time YOU jump to hyperspace." She glanced at him and saw the look he was giving her. "Relax you big baby, I'm joking." She connected the wire in the correct spot, right next to where Tech had instructed her. "Why did you even ask for my help if you are going to criticize my every doing?"

Tech adjusted how he was laying down. "Because my hands are too big to fit in the tiny hole, yours aren't and seeing how you were able to manage yourself with your limited knowledge on fixing that 12-Series Speeder. I deduced that you were capable enough to work on my ship. Under my strict guidance of course."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Thanks... I think?"

"You're welcome." Tech affirmed. "I know you said you are average at fixing ships and other various machines but you are in fact doing quite a good job."

"Was that a compliment, Tech?" Aurora laughed, "because I think it was. Like I told you back on Safa Toma, I'm a fast learner if you show me what to do."

Gonky beeped right as Aurora but the panel back on the ship. The two of them slid out from underneath and saw the GNK-Series Droid walking over to Omega. Who was sitting criss-crossed in the gunner's mount. Echo also followed their gaze as well.

"She's been doing that a lot." Aurora commented as Gonky beeped some more and turned around, waddling back over to the group. Omega opened her eyes as Echo got up and walked over to her. Tech and Aurora heard a beep and Tech stood up. He turned and held a hand out for Aurora who took it, right as Hunter boarded the ship.

He sat at the controls and Aurora leaned over his shoulder. "We have an incoming transmission." He turned in the seat and Aurora backed up. "It's Rex."

Aurora smiled. "Oh Rex! Patch him through, Tech."

"Really?" Hunter commented right as Tech played the transmission.

Rex appeared in front of them. "Hi Rex!" Aurora waved.

"Hello Aurora." Rex said, then he looked at Hunter. "Hey everyone. Any chance I could use your squad's expertise for a mission?" Echo and Omega walked up to the transmission as well.

"Finally." Wrecker groaned. "I'm tired of waiting around for Cid."

"What do you need, Rex?" Echo asked.

"I'll explain everything when you get to Coruscant." Rex stated.

"Coruscant?" Hunter questioned, Aurora's smile faltered. She hadn't been back to Coruscant since the first time she met the batch. Her hand lightly touched the side of her leg, where her scar was. She didn't notice that Hunter had picked up on this. "That's a big ask, captain."

"Why? What's on Coruscant?" Omega inquired.

"It is the galactic capital and thus, the heart of the Empire." Tech said.

"But the Empire thinks we're dead." Echo said. "They won't be looking for us."

"I'd like to keep it that way." Hunter said.

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