First Day To The Rest Of Our Lives

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"I know it may not look like much, but we have done some great work today!" Shep informed the people of Pabu. The sun had started to set. The people gathered around Shep, he stood in front of the giant tree. The Bad Batch and Phee stood in front of the Mayor of Pabu. "We continue the rebuilding tomorrow, everyone get some much deserved tonight." Everyone started to disperse.

Hunter looked around realizing Aurora and Omega were nowhere in sight. He leaned over to Wrecker. "Have you seen the girls?" Wrecker shrugged.

"They decided to move on ahead to get some rest." Shep said as he walked towards them.

"So they're on the ship?" Tech asked.

"Well no." Shep said. "Since you all have been so helpful, I offered up one of the homes for you all. There's only four rooms but the girls said they would share one."

"I see." Hunter put a hand on his chin. "But we couldn't possibly take the place away from someone-"

"Please, I insisted." Shep said. "Aurora said the same thing. But please go and get some rest."

"Thanks Shep!" Wrecker said and took off running.

"Wrecker, do you even know where you are going?" Tech questioned and followed him, walking.

"Thank you." Hunter said.

"Of course, Hunter." Shep nodded. "I do hope you thought about the offer more. I know Lyana loves you all already."

Hunter chuckled. "Omega enjoys her company too and this does fit Aurora's description of a good place to disappear too."

Shep also laughed. "Aurora is an interesting woman. The two of you seem quite the pair."

"We are-uh-we're working on it." Hunter sighed.

Shep put a hand on Hunter's shoulder. "Give it time Hunter. It'll be worth it in the end."

Hunter nodded again and turned, walking away from Shep towards the hut that he graciously gave him and his brothers.


Hunter walked through the door. He could hear Omega.

"Wrecker, I picked your room to be there," Omega said, Hunter walked in to see Omega standing on the couch and pointing to a door. "Tech yours is there." She pointed to another. Hunter looked around the room. It was an open concept. A living area kitchen combo. Omega turned to him and smiled. "Hunter! Your room is next to mine!" She pointed to a door down a short hallway. The others moved to go check out their newly appointed rooms.

"Where's Aurora?" He asked.

"She's already sleeping." Omega said. "She said she was really tired and wanted to go to bed early."

Hunter helped her get down. "And that is what you should be doing. Now go get some rest."

"Okay, night!" She disappeared behind a door and Hunter walked down to his dedicated room. He paused at the door, someone else was in there.

Slowly opening the door it was dark inside, but the moon shined through. He saw someone else sleeping in the bed. Walking over, he saw that it was Aurora.

I thought Shep said that you were sharing with Omega? He thought. Not that he minded at all. He carefully sat on the bed and took his shoes off. Aurora was laying on her side, facing away from him. The sound of the ocean drew his attention back to the window, but he realized that it wasn't actually a window but a balcony. The door was opened. He got up and closed the door before moving back to the bed. He settled down and leaned over Aurora, brushing some of her hair out of her face. The moonlight shined upon her face.

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