Death Of A Princess

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Hunter was assisting Tech and Echo with repairs on the Marauder. Hunter was handing tools to Tech and Echo who both were underneath the ship.

"Hydrospanner." Tech instructed Hunter. Hunter grabbed the tool and handed it to Tech. "Thanks."

"Yea." Hunter said. He heard someone exit the ship and he turned and saw that Aurora had exited the ship. He saw she had a backpack on and he heard metal clunking around. Odd. He thought. He watched as she quickly left the port the ship was docked on. "Excuse me." He left Tech and Echo and followed Aurora from a safe distance. She weaved in and out of the crowds and Hunter did the same. He was far enough back so that way Aurora didn't know he was following her.

The two of them entered the open city market. The busiest part of Ord Mantell. It was mid-day and the crowd was thick at this time, but Hunter managed to keep his sights on Aurora.

Then she was gone.

Hunter looked around the market and saw Aurora was nowhere to be found. He spun in a circle looking for her but it was no use. She was gone. How? Did she know I was behind her? Hunter looked back to the way he came. Where could she have even gone? He turned and made his way back to the Marauder.

Hunter entered the port the Marauder was located on and he didn't see Tech and Echo working on the ship but the door was open. He walked onto the ship and he could hear Tech and Echo talking.

"Finish with repairs?" Hunter asked.

"Yea, shortly after you walked away." Echo said. "Where did you go?"

"I followed Aurora, there was something in her bag and it seemed like she was on a mission but for some reason I lost her." Hunter said.

"You... of all people lost someone you were tracking?" Echo questioned.

"Yes." Hunter rolled his eyes. "It happens."

"Hunter." Tech interjected.

"What is it, Tech?" Hunter asked.

"Speaking of Aurora, I did some more research into her." Tech adjusted his goggles.

"Tech, we found out why that wasn't a good idea last time." Hunter scolded.

"I believe I found something out." Tech stated.

"You did?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Tech pulled out his data pad. "You see I remembered something with Roland Durand and how he was shocked to find out Aurora was alive. Of course finding out information on her was non-existent but I also recalled, he called her Space Princess. Which we all know the nickname does not sit well with her-"

"The point Tech?" Hunter said.

"Well I looked into the nickname and possible deaths where 'Space Princess' coincided, and after jumping through many loopholes I found something." Tech handed Hunter the data pad and Hunter saw an article from Coruscant. "Now of course there are no first names and most of this article is redacted but if it is her then it seems that Aurora has faked her own death and guess who was the one who authorized this information to be redacted on her."

Hunter read the article title: Tragedy on Coruscant; The Death of a Princess. "Who?" He asked.

"Senator Padmé Amidala." Echo added.

"Senator Amidala?" Hunter looked up. "Isn't she dead?"

"Yes." Tech said. "But this article came out right before Order 66, like only a few weeks before." Hunter skimmed the article, Tech was right. Most of the article was blacked out, but the few snips he read mentioned things like the Space Princess blew herself up in what was an abandoned building, no one knowing why her bomb was a faulty one. She's never made a bad bomb, but of course nothing is mentioned about who the Space Princess actually was. Hunter skimmed to the end of the article. The last line read: Her Space Prince is in shambles and refuses to believe she did this herself and thinks foul play is at fault.

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