The Calm

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It was early in the morning on Pabu, very few people were walking about starting their mornings. They got back late and everyone had just chosen to crash on the Marauder again. Aurora woke up early as usual and was soaking in the morning weather. She was leaning against the ledge, looking out at the water. She took in a deep breath.

Someone wrapped their arms around her waist when she exhaled. "Hunter?" She turned her head towards him and saw him standing there with his eyes closed.

"You were gone." Hunter said as he opened his eyes. "I can't help but get worried you've run off."

Aurora chuckled and leaned into him. His arms just wrapped tighter around her waist. "Now I have no clue what gives you that idea."

Hunter laughed too. "I don't either."

The two of them continued to stand there watching the sunrise over the ocean. Aurora thought that she could just stay like this with him forever.

"Hunter?" She finally asked.

"Mhmm." He said.

She looked back up at him. He had his eyes closed again. "Can we do something crazy today?"

Hunter opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow. "Something crazy?"


"Like what?"

Aurora sighed, and turned around in his arms to face him. "We need a break, desperately. So I'm proposing we be domestic today."

"Be domestic?" Hunter questioned, with an eyebrow still raised.

"Yes, domestic." Aurora confirmed. "We do domestic family things."


"I don't know!" She paused. "Things like... you work on machines. I cook lunches and dinners. We play with the children, make a fire, or play in the ocean. I wear a dress and you smack my ass or something-"

"That's a little sexist." Hunter commented.

"Whatever we want to do!" She continued. "Or I don't know. We even fight about something stupid and not important."

"You want us to fight?" Hunter leaned back.

"No of course not!" She exclaimed. "Like we fight about something petty but then we have the greatest make-up sex ever. The day is ours!" Hunter shook his head. "Please Hunter?"

Hunter thought for a moment. A few more people had exited from their homes and started going about their day. "What would the others do?"

"Whatever they wanted to do today." Aurora said.

"Okay." Hunter nodded. "What we want today."

"Yay!" Aurora cheered and leaned in and kissed him passionately. "You're the best!"

"But you're helping me with maintenance with the Marauder then." Hunter smiled.


"So I can do whatever I want today?" Omega asked again for the fifth time.

Aurora ducked down from the wires of the Marauder, spanner in hand. "Yes, Omega. For the fifth time, you can do whatever you want today." She chuckled.

"Seriously?" Omega turned to Hunter who was climbing down the steps with more tools in his hands.

"Yes, Omega." Hunter nodded. "It's only early in the morning. You have the whole day to do whatever you want."

"I'm going to go see Mox, Deke, and Stak then!" Omega jumped up and down excitedly before running off and disappearing into the morning crowd.

Aurora chuckled and leaned back into the wires of the ship. Hunter came around to see what Aurora was doing. She was tightening something when Hunter brought his hand right across her ass.

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