𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝 ✰

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The bet

Even though I was scared to walk through the cut in the dark, I just wanted to see my brother

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Even though I was scared to walk through the cut in the dark, I just wanted to see my brother. I wanted to hug him and explain everything but first I had to get there.

The streets were dark and felt cold, the streetlights dimly lit the street just enough to see the road but not enough to see my surroundings. Fear was beginning to creep into my body, I'm somewhere unfamiliar in the dark and if anything happens I have no one to call. I let the haunting thoughts leave my head once I see the large oak tree that stood tall and strong in front of my old family home.

I quickly text the number that I'm outside and a few minutes later JJ appeared and began making his way towards me.

"We can't talk inside. Dads home." JJ said coldly.

"Okay." I nodded.

I followed JJ towards the large oak tree and we sat beside each other at the bottom.

"You wanted to talk. So talk." JJ said in a cold tone.

"I'm so sorry mom left you. I've asked her soo many times to come back and save you but she never did. I am so so sorry JJ." I blurted.

"Jules.... My whole life I've wondered why not me? I mean why can't my own mother love me?
I don't think you'll ever understand that and I don't expect you to. But you never came back for me. You're 19 now, you could have come at 18, but you didn't. So why are you back now, because I know it's not for me." JJ said sadly.

"I never wanted to leave you. I didn't visit sooner because of mom. She's never been very kind, but since I turned 17 she's become unbearable, she began threatening me, if I cut her off or attempted to return to you, it would end badly for everyone. I'm sorry." I said quietly.

JJ said nothing, he just pulled me into a tight hug.

"I will never leave you again." I said while holding him tightly.

"Yeah because I'm coming with you. I'll get in your suitcase if I have to." JJ said with a smile.

JJ and I talked for hours before we fell asleep under that oak tree in the garden.

I woke up at around 6AM and realised my mom would kill me if she knew I was out all night. I quickly woke up JJ and told him I'd be back later. He waved me off before I made my way back to my mothers house.
I still had no idea of my way around the island but I tried my best to navigate my way back home. I was getting confused between which street I was meant to take when I saw a familiar black truck.

"Hi." I said excitedly.
"Hi." The blonde Cameron boy replied.
"I really need a ride back to mine." I said with a smile.
"You think I'm a taxi huh?" He joked.
I could feel the heat pooling into my cheeks from his comment.
"Uh no, sorry I just really need a ride." I said awkwardly.
"You and me both." He said with a shrug before unlocking the doors.
I blushed at his words before hopping into the passenger seat.

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