tongue tied - grouplove

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What the fuck?
Tw: verbal abuse.

I woke up in Rafe's arms, on a sunchair

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I woke up in Rafe's arms, on a sunchair.. outside... with the worst feeling. I groaned while sitting up, I feel so fuzzy..

I looked over and saw Kiara asleep beside the pool with JJ beside her, cuties.
Not even a few feet from them Pope is sprawled out beside John b and Sarah.
They look so relaxed. So innocent and sweet. Such a shame that today is the day everything is going to blow up.
The pogues have even on the news for their disappearance, and now all of a sudden they just casually rock up.. I don't think anyone will be too pleased to know that they left voluntarily..

I ended up going back to sleep beside Rafe. He's surprisingly warm.
I woke up a little while later to the sound of Kiara and Sarah talking.
"You're awake!" Kie said excitedly.
"Unfortunately." I smiled.
"Oh 'cmon, don't be so dramatic." Sarah smiled while pulling my hands to help me up.
"I just know when I step foot through that door my mom and dad will literally kill me." Kie spoke. Although I want to say it's not true.. it is. Her parents aren't very understanding to say the least.

We left the boys to sleep while we decided to order food.
"Maybe don't tell the boys about this?" Sarah said while grabbing some fries.
"They'd literally cry about it for so long." I shrugged.
"And they call us dramatic." Kie said while rolling her eyes.

After eating and hiding the evidence we headed back outside to see the boys waking up.
"I feel like I've been hit with a truck." Pope groaned while rubbing his head.
Pope didn't smoke as much as us, he doesn't really like smoking, so he stuck to alcohol.
"That's why smoking always wins." JJ said while stretching.
"Todays probably the last time you'll see me for at least a few months." Kie said while handing a glass of water and an aspirin to Pope.
"Same here." Pope nodded.
"I'll kidnap you guys individually, don't worry." JJ replied while wrapping his arms around Kie's waist.
"Real helpful." The two nodded.
"I always am." JJ smiled.
It's weird seeing JJ like this, he doesn't seem to be bothered about the news of our mother.
I mean he didn't really have much to mourn, she left him, she didn't treat him well, but i don't know. I was expecting something else.
"I say, we kidnap you guys permanently so that way, your parents can't ground you." JJ said which instantly Sarah agreed to.
"With Ward gone, we have lots of room!" Sarah said with an amused look on her face.
"Yeah, with my mom gone I'm sure we can all live together." JJ said while shrugging.
This caught the rest of the pogues attention.
"What do you mean 'gone'?" John b questioned while taking a sip from a beer.
"Oh she died while we were away." He shrugged, which caused John b to spit out his beer.
"God JJ, what a way to tell them." I mumbled.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. We didn't know." Sarah said while turning to look between JJ and I.
"Oh no, don't apologise to me, I didn't know her." JJ shrugged.
"It's fine honestly." I shrugged hoping to change the topic.
"I'm in shock." Pope said while staring between Jj and I.
"It's cool. Free house, right?" He smiled.
"Uh, I was actually going to sell the house and buy a smaller one just for us." I shrugged.
"Shit, even better." JJ shrugged.
"Okay what the fuck.." Kie mumbled.
"Bombshell." JJ said dramatically while taking out a blunt from the stash and lighting it.
"Why go home sober?" He said while placing the blunt between Kie's lips.
Kie hesitated before shrugging and taking a hit.
"Good point, pass it." Pope nodded.
Everyone cheered as Pope took a hit.
"Who are you? And what have you done with the real Pope?" Sarah said while laughing.
"I'm going to be killed either way, why not be killed while being high?" He said while laughing.
Kiara took a few hits before tying her hair in a messy bun.
"Agh fuck. I really do gotta get home.." she said while nodding.
"Let me drive you." I said while yawning.
"I'm coming too!" Sarah said excitedly.
"Shit can you drop me home too?" Pope asked.
"Alright, let's go." I said with a nod.
"JJ, Rafe, John b. Don't kill each other." I warned before taking a drink of water and leaving with the group following behind me.

We dropped Kie off first since she's closer, then Pope, then we decided we wanted coffee so we took a little drive to Starbucks.
"God. I'm ready to sleep again." Sarah said.
"Same." I nodded while taking another sip of my coffee.
"Do you think JJ seems a little off?" I asked.
"I mean, yeah. He seems to cope with grief a little different." She said while turning to face me.
"He didn't even cry. He didn't seem sad like at all. I don't know." I shrugged.
"Yeah, it's weird." Sarah nodded, agreeing with my statement.

We drove back to Tannyhill and saw the three boys sprawled out on the grass with a blunt in each of their mouths.
"Those fuckers." I mumbled.
"Ain't no fucking way." Sarah said while quickly getting out of the car.
"All three of you. Smoking without us?" Sarah said while glaring at the three boys before us.
"We saw you ordered food.." Rafe defended.
"Oh." I mumbled.
"Biggest betrayal ever." John be spoke, pretending to be hurt.
"You smoked without us, so it's actually ruder." Sarah whined.
"Low." I said dramatically.
"Super, low." Sarah added.
"Oh you'll be fine, there's a few more in the stash." JJ shrugged while closing his eyes.
"What are you even doing?" I asked only now realising they're lay in the grass..
"Sunbathing." John b replied.
"Looking at the clouds." Rafe replied.
"Bird watching." JJ replied.
Sarah and I burst into laughter about their different responses.
Fucking idiots.

We smoked some more and chilled inside watching a movie, I honestly couldn't even remember the start. I was watching it but if you asked me what happened I wouldn't be able to to tell you.
I'm pretty sure its a comedy.. I don't know.
"What are we watching again?" Sarah asked for the third time since we pressed play on this movie.
"A dogs purpose" JJ nodded.
"No, it's not. It's Dog gone." John b replied.
"No fuckfaces, it's Marmaduke. Sarah you chose it." Rafe rolled his eyes.
"Oh yes! I don't know why." She replied.

The rest of our night seemed to be about dog movies.. I don't know though, I fell asleep pretty early.

Kiaras' POV:

I wasn't expecting a nice welcome home, I knew my parents would be livid, but I had hoped maybe they would be more thankful I'm alive..
Obviously that's not the case.

"You leave for nearly a whole month, and what? Your excuse is, Ward Cameron stole gold that YOU found?" My mom shouted.
"Mom no, we got stuck on an empty island." I tried to explain.
"Oh save it. I'm sick of your shit Kiara, you're a kook. I'm so fucking tired of you pretending to be a pogue. You will never hang around with them filth ever again." She shouted.
"Mom. Please." I spoke, hearing my voice break when she mentioned my friends.
"You're unbelievably pathetic. I thought you'd be better, I thought maybe you'd wisen up and realise they aren't your friends, but you never fucking did." My mom screamed.
"Stop. You don't know them." I defended my friends.
"I know enough. I know that those Maybanks are no good, one parent dead the other on his way out. I know that John b kid has no father figure, no mother figure, he's bad news they all are.. and Pope Hayward, you know he blew a interview for some bullshit, they're all headed down a shitty path just like their parents. Since that Jules girl has moved here it's like she's bad luck. I don't want you around her or the pogues. You know I don't mind Sarah but that's it." My mother shouted before shoving me into my room and locking the door.
"You can't fucking do this." I yelled while kicking the door.
"Watch your language you little bitch." My mom yelled.

It's true. My social life is very much over.
I wish JJ really would kidnap me, well it wouldn't exactly be kidnapping.. I'd be more than happy to go with him.
Sometimes I wish my life could be a little easier.

So I'm starting a new fanfic.. on Draco Malfoy.. I know, I know. But whatever.
Thank you so much for 4k reads!! I've planned the ending, but there's still some more drama that has to happen. I'm sorry for the slow updates, my exams are in two weeks and they kind of determine the rest of my life I suppose. Anyways I love you all so so much. Please be safe and im sorry if you're experiencing any of the topics mentioned ❤️🫶

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