the night we met - lord huron

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The taxi arrived quicker than I expected, causing me to down the rest of my drink

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The taxi arrived quicker than I expected, causing me to down the rest of my drink.
"You could've just left know that right?" Rafe asked while watching from the doorframe with an amused expression on his face.
I raise my eyebrows at him before following after him.
I watch as Rafe rolled his eyes.
"Are you ready? You're sure you're not missing anything?" He asked.
"No. I'm okay, let's go." I smile as I take his hand in mine and drag him to the door.

The taxi ride was long.. but it was okay since I had time to annoy Rafe. He loves me really.

"I swear to god Jules.. if you ask me one more stupid question I'm gonna ask the taxi driver to let you out.." he sighed for the millionth time during our conversation.
"Don't be dramatic.. I was just asking your favourite dog breed.." I mumbled.. I know I'm being annoying, but it's so funny.
"I don't know! What do you think it is?" He asked.
"A shih tzu.. you remind me of a shih tzu." I spoke in between giggles.
"A what? Did you just call me a shit?" Rafe furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at me in complete and utter disbelief.
"No.. it's a dog breed.."I explained before finding a picture of one.
"No. Wheezie wanted one of them.. they look a bit weird." He mumbled while inspecting the photo.
"What? They're my favourite breed.." I spoke dramatically.. trying to get a reaction out of him.
"Oh no, I mean yeah.. I suppose they're cute.. if you look hard enough.." he mumbled while squinting at my phone.
I burst out laughing at his reaction.
"No, no.. you're more of a Great Dane." I shrug before turning my phone off and sliding it in my purse.
"Thank god.. I don't like them. Those shit dogs look a bit weird." He grumbled.
I giggle at his words.. the rest of the taxi drive consisted of me asking him the most unimportant things.. just because I can.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, Rafe being the little gentleman he is, he opened the door.. maybe it was to get me out of the car as quick as possible without asking anymore stupid questions.. but either way, I'm saying he's a gent.
"Jules if you ask me one more question, I'm going to pretend I don't know you." Rafe spoke, although he was trying to be threatening, his smile said otherwise.
"I'm just wondering what your favourite Disney movie is.. god.." I sighed. I love being dramatic, I'm not hurt by him not being interested. I quite literally praise him for having such patience..
"If I answer, will that make you stop?" He asked with a small smile.
"Yes." I lied with a smile.
"Alright, probably your favourite?" He shrugged.. which isn't much of an answer.
"That's not fair.. but anyway, Cinderella or Meredith from Brave?" I ask. I'm only asking because this is a mini test in my eyes.. I know it doesn't actually mean anything, but it does to me.
"Cinderella." He sighed as he approached the door. His choice made me smile.. maybe a little too much, but it made me smile.
"Good choice. Since you've passed, I'm done with the annoying questions." I give him a smile and link our arms as we get seated. I've never been to this restaurant, it's quite fancy.

We take our seats and as I'm busy picking out which drinks we should have, Rafe is busy picking out which dessert he wants.
"French 75's to start?" I ask after a few minutes of searching.
"Yeah, sounds good." Rafe nodded as he kept his eyes glued to the desserts.
"You remind me of a child. Do you know that? A child." I sigh but a small smile forms on my lips. I think it's cute that he's so 'feared' when he's actually a big softie who's biggest decision right now, is if he's going to have chocolate cake or ice cream.
"I'm thinking ahead! I don't want to be sat there stuttering and stumbling over my words because I didn't check the menu beforehand." He protested.
"Uh-huh. If you say so." I give him a flat smile and nod before ordering our drinks.
We talk about our days, which is quite hard to talk about when you spend every moment together.. so when the drinks came, it was no surprise that I was so excited. Something to change the topic.
"Tell me what you think of it. I was going through my moms stuff and found a book on cocktails, I made one for myself and it was this, so I'm hoping it tastes as good as it did." I smile before taking a sip. It's pretty good, but I'm going to pretend I like mine more.
I watch as Rafe takes a sip, I can tell he doesn't like it.
"Oh.. wow. That's.. something different.. it's very lemon-y.. isn't it?" He spoke, trying to not hurt my feelings.
I burst out laughing at his reaction.
"I'm gonna take it that you don't like it?" I asked with a small smile.
"Not It's too bitter." He spoke as he placed the glass down.
"Oh well.. more for me." I give him a teasing smile before taking a sip of my drink.

The rest of the dinner was fine. We spoke about the good news and we celebrated.. we celebrated with 8 drinks each and Rafe made sure to celebrate extra hard with a cheesecake. Guess I was wrong about the chocolate or ice cream..

We decided to take a walk on the beach because neither of us felt like going home.. but of course, this walk turned into a swim, which resulted in Rafe carrying my heels.
"If you were a star, I'd buy you." I spoke as I continued to stomp through the beach.
"Thank you? If you were a star I'd buy you too. I think." Rafe seemed a lot more sober than me.. must've been that cheesecake.
I pause and turn around, gasping dramatically and hugging him tightly as a smile spreads on my lips.
"We could be star parents!! Can we buy a star?" I ask with a little too much enthusiasm.
I've never seen Rafe look absolutely stunned. He stood there with his mouth open, staring at me like I have 12 heads.
"Of course we can buy a star." He finally settled on.
"Perfect!" I smile as I take a seat on the sand. Despite the sun being down for a few hours, the sand still held some heat. I felt my smile grow as Rafe sits beside me.

"Can we talk?" Rafe asked after a few moments. I felt myself tense up, my sobriety coming at me with open arms.
"Of course." I give him a smile, although I was terrified.
"I know we've not been together for very long.. but so much has happened. I don't know. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I don't know what's going to happen when this is all over, but I'd like to be with you. I don't want to be without you, I don't know if it makes sense because I'm drunk, but I really don't want to lose you." He spoke with complete certainty, I've never had a man or a boy speak to me like that.
"I'd like if you were with me, no matter what." I give him a smile and press a gentle kiss to his lips. Once we pull away, Rafe quickly reached into his pocket and took out a small black velvet box.
"It's not an engagement ring, so don't get too excited." He smiled teasingly before opening the box to reveal a beautiful round shaped diamond on a golden band.
"Oh my fucking god. That's beautiful." I deadpanned as my eyes flicker between his beautiful blue eyes and the beautiful diamond.
"It's just a promise ring, I want the real thing to be better than this. You deserve better than this.. but I'm just trying to buy you one now so you'll never leave." He smiled teasingly as he slipped the ring on my finger.
In my lifetime, I've had many different experiences and many different expensive items.. but somehow, none of them compared to this ring. This ring wasn't just an object, it was a symbol of our love.. a promise.
"I think you've just made me love you a little bit more. Just a little bit though, don't get too excited." I smiled as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.
"I love you." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"I love you too." He spoke before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

It feels like I say this a lot.. but this man really is perfect.

We sat in each others embrace until the nighttime breeze was too much. We walked to the taxi rank like two children, smiling and laughing as if we're on drugs.

Hey pretty people, this is the final chapter until 2024. I like leaving things on a happy note. I hope everyone has enjoyed this story so far, and thank you so much for all the love. It's honestly such an incredible feeling seeing people read my work, like what?? Anyway, I hope everyone is okay, feel free to text me if you ever need to talk or anything. I love you all so much and I'll be updating in January ❤️

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