what you need - the weeknd

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Beautiful boy.

Beautiful boy

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I woke up, feeling extremely hungover and tired.
"Good morning." I heard Rafe mumble from behind me.
I rolled over to face him and saw he looked just as rough as I felt.
"I feel like shit." I mumbled while dropping my head into Rafe's chest.
"I think it's the alcohol in the Bahamas, because I do too." He mumbled before resting his chin on the top of my head.
"God. The idea of doing anything today is actually giving me a headache." I whined.
"I know. I think today we should just have a lazy day." Rafe mumbled before kissing the top of my head and climbing out of bed.
"Where are you going?" I called out while propping myself up with my elbows.
"Shower, brush my teeth and then go sit in the sun. I can physically feel the alcohol leaving my body." He mumbled before closing the door to the en suite bathroom.
I dropped back into the large bed and began staring at the ceiling.
Everything we did last night dancing on my mind..

After a few minutes of reminiscing about last night I decided that I won't feel any better if I stay in bed.
I practically forced myself out of the bed and instantly regretted the force I used to get up.
A shooting pain in between my legs.. maybe it wasn't necessary for us to be as rough as we were last night but god, it felt good in the moment.

I picked up a powder blue bikini with a large white shirt to throw over in effort to hide the cuts on my thighs.
I pulled a pair of white denim shorts from my bag just in case.
I made my way towards the main bathroom to take a shower since Rafe is a bathroom hog.

I quickly showered and brushed my hair, twisting it into a ponytail since the heat is too much for my hair to be down.
I pulled my bikini and shorts deciding not to wear the shirt.
I made my way into our bedroom and saw Rafe dressed in pale grey swimming shorts and a white tank top sat comfortably on a small armchair. "You look poguey" I said while walking up behind him.
"No pogue could ever look as good as me." He mumbled before standing up and placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Hm. I don't know if I'd go that far." I teased while trying to hide the smile on my face.
Rafe pretended to be hurt before picking me up and dropping me on the bed.
"Oh hell no. I'm sore today, give me a few hours and a few drinks." I spoke while admiring his beauty.
"I could make you feel good without you getting hurt." He mumbled while dropping himself between my legs and kissing down my neck leaving purple little bruises as he went.
"I know you can. I just don't know if that's smart.." I said in between breaths as Rafe began kissing across my collarbone.
"God that feels so fucking good." I murmured while running my hands through his hair.
"Take it as an apology for hurting you." He mumbled into my neck.
He began to pull down my bikini top as he sucked on my breasts, leaving more purple bruises.
"Rafe, someone's going to see my neck.." I said while trying to fight the grin on my face.
"Well if they see these, we're gonna have a problem." He said while signalling towards my breasts.
"Yeah I was thinking of just pulling my bikini top off and going shirtless." I said ironically.
"I'd like that." He said while continuing to attack my breasts with his mouth.

We had decided to sunbathe, I was still wearing the shorts while Rafe had thrown his shirt off.
"You wanna go to a club later?" He asked while stretching his arms out.
"I didn't bring my fake." I whined.
"You only have to be 18 to buy alcohol here." He said with a proud smile.
That explains why he goes here so often..
"Okay." I said while smiling over at him.
His beautiful blue eyes glistening in the sun was so mesmerising.
"Did you put sunscreen on?" I asked suddenly, I don't remember seeing him put any on.
"Yeah on my face." He mumbled while getting comfortable on the sun bed.
I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically.
"You need sunscreen or you'll get skin cancer." I said while shimmying off the sun bed and grabbing the sunscreen.
I made my way over to him and he had his eyes closed.
I sprayed some on my hands and on his skin which caused him to open his eyes and glare at me.
"You scared me." He said in his usual grumpy voice.
"Good." I smiled down at him while working the sunscreen into his tan skin.

I made us a salad since neither of us were hungry because of the sun.
We were getting ready to go clubbing and I had a few pre drinks in me already so I completely forgot about the cuts on my thighs.
I pulled the bikini off, along with the shorts, throwing them into the laundry basket.
Rafe walked over from the bed and put his arms around me.
"You are so beautiful." He murmured beside my ear.
"Thank you baby." I said while kissing his knuckles .
I picked up a white lace thong from my drawer and pulled it on while Rafe stood behind me watching my every move.
"I'm so lucky." He spoke while resting his hands on my hips.
"Stop." I said while a smile formed on my face.
"I mean I suppose you're alright." I said ironically while turning around to face him and placing my hands on his chest.
"Just alright?" He questioned in a fake hurt tone.
"Alright, maybe you're a little pretty." I rolled my eyes while reaching up on my tippy toes to place a kiss on his lips.

I chose a pink dress and some white wrap around sandals.
"What are you wearing?" I asked while finishing my makeup.
"Black shorts and a white beach shirt with some pandas, why?" He asked while sliding on his shoes.
"I knew if I dressed you enough, my style would rub off on you." I said with a smile growing on my face.
"Mhm." Rafe hummed while standing behind me and placing his hands on my hips.
"You look so beautiful." He mumbled beside my ear.
"Thank you baby." I said while continuing to touch up my makeup.
"Alright, I'm gonna wait in the bedroom okay?" He said while placing a kiss on my neck.
"Okay." I smiled at him.
I feel happy. Like all day I haven't thought about the guilt of anything, Rafe is my perfect little escape.

I entered the room and saw Rafe sat on the armchair while reading some sports article.
I walked up behind him and dropped my head into the crook of his neck, placing a kiss on his jaw.
"Come on beautiful boy, or all the clubs will be closed." I said with a smile.
"Beautiful boy?" He said while turning around to look at me.
God he probably thinks I'm a weirdo.. but he is beautiful, not the type of beautiful you'd call a girl but more like the mountains or sunset.. I don't even know how to describe it.
"Well, are you not?" I scoffed while taking a seat on his lap and turning to face him.
"Beautiful is what I call you, it sounds weird when you call me it." He mumbled before placing a kiss on my lips.
He has a point but it suits him so well..

We ended up taking a cab into town, he took me to a much busier and louder part of Nassau but I liked it just as much.
Rafe led the way towards a large, fancy looking building.
There was a large line outside but Rafe skipped all of them and just as the bouncer was about to tell him to get back he spoke.
"Cameron, Ward." He said and I watched in confusion as the bouncers face changed.
"And the girl?" He said while looking me up and down.
"Rose Cameron. My wife." He said while wrapping an arm around me.
The bouncer said nothing just nodded before stepping out of the way to let us in.
"Your wife?" I questioned once we were far enough from the bouncer.
"Of course." He said with an amused look on his face.
The lighting changed and the hallway was now lit up by purple lights.
"Are you bringing me to get murdered?" I asked while looking up at him.
"Yeah. Sorry you had to find out this way." He said while opening a large mirrored door.
As we stepped inside I felt my cheeks turn pink.
There were both male and female strippers dancing, coke stations everywhere, people grinding all over each other and small pills of molly sat in a large bag.
"Ignore this part." He said while leading me towards a different area that read 'vip' .
Another two bouncers stood at the doors to enter this area.
"Names?" They asked while looking us up and down.
"Cameron, Ward." He replied.
The bouncer nodded before pointing at me.
"My wife, Rose Cameron." He said with a blank expression.
"Have a nice night Mr. and Mrs. Cameron." The bouncer said before stepping out of the way and opening the door to reveal a room full of people who were clearly high or extremely drunk, all dancing and grinding on each other,
There were velvet couches lined up all around and small glass tables covered in coke and other drugs I didn't recognise.
The lights stayed purple but sometimes flashed pink.
"Let's get some drinks." Rafe said while pulling me through the crowd of drunk, rich, high fools.

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