dark red - steve lacy

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Beautiful .

Tw: smut ;) it's been a while

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Tw: smut ;) it's been a while.

Once I was back at The Cameron's house, a funny warm feeling spread inside me.
It's so strange how The Cameron's house feels more like home than any other place I've been.
"Alright, I've to go collect my man child, I'll see you tomorrow?" Sarah smiled at me.
"Of course." I smiled before walking through the large hallway and towards the stairs.
The dark hallways were barely lit with the shine of the sunset pouring in through the windows. I'm not a photographer but I know for a fact this would make a beautiful picture.

I opened Rafe's door to find him sprawled out in bed, face buried in his phone like an iPad kid.
"I'm glad your home, I thought Sarah was trying to run away with you." He smiled before his eyes opened in realisation that he had said home.
"Home?" I asked while a smile spread on my lips.
"Well, you know? It just feels homey with you here." He said awkwardly.
"Good." I smiled while dragging myself towards the bed.
I dropped down into his mattress and let out an overly dramatic sigh.
"Todays been long." I spoke before rolling over to face him.
"Mhm, I liked how you just ran out on me this morning. Really felt like you'd finally given up on me and ran away while you could." He smiled while moving his hands to rest on my waist.
"That was actually my plan, I just realised your rich and I should probably stay." I shrugged.
"Probably?" He asked.
"Yeah it was more of a 50 - 50. Should I stay or go type of thing." I nodded.
"So mean." He mumbled before pushing me underneath him, I smiled as he sank between my thighs.
"I missed you today." I spoke after a few moments of silence.
"I suppose I missed you too." He said while a small smirk spread on his lips.
"Mhm?" I hummed.
"Of course." He hummed before pressing his lips on mine.
The kiss was soft and slow, as if he was memorising every detail of it.
After a few moments he pulled away and began kissing down my neck.
I couldn't stop the whine that escaped my lips as his lips pressed against my jaw.
My weak spot...
I could feel him smirk against my skin as he continued slow, torturous kisses down my neck, down my collarbones until he reached my shirt.
"This looks expensive." He mumbled.
"Such a shame." He shrugged while pulling it off and tossing it someplace behind him.
He buried his face in my breasts as he kissed and sucked lightly on my breasts.
I gasped as his tongue began to work my nipple.
Rafe laughed slightly against my skin before continuing to kiss and suck at my skin.
Somewhere in between kissing and sucking, he managed to pull my jeans off and throw them behind him.
I yelped as he pulled me towards the edge of the bed.
He kissed down my stomach before pausing at the lace band of my underwear.
"Perfect." He mumbled against the inside of my thigh.
He pulled my thong off and tossed it behind him.
I suddenly realised just how exposed I am before him.
Heat crept onto my face as he continued kissing the inside of my thighs.
"So beautiful." He murmured before dragging his tongue up my front.
I felt myself shiver under the waves he sent through my body.
He began circling my clit with his tongue and sucking lightly.
More and more warmth was pooling in my stomach by the second.
"You taste so good." He mumbled before continuing to suck lightly on my clit, his soft lips feeling unbearably good.
"Rafe." I whined as he slipped a finger inside me. He didn't stop, just continued circling my clit with his tongue.
He slipped another finger inside me and I felt myself tighten around him.
He began pumping his fingers inside me in such torturous movements I cried out, rather loudly..
"You want everyone to hear you getting fucked?" He smiled down at me, an amused look on his face and his eyes, usually crystal blue, seemed dark .
"No." I managed to say.
"These walls aren't as thick as the ones in the Bahamas." He smiled down at me before continuing to suck and lick my clit.
I came twice in his mouth, but that still wasn't enough.
"More. I want more." I struggled to speak, embarrassment creeping upon me.
"So needy for me. You came twice in my mouth and that still isn't enough?" He asked while dropping himself between my thighs.
I said nothing, I just wrapped my legs around his waist, I could feel his erection against my front, throbbing slightly.
I slipped my hand between us and reached inside his shorts, wrapping my hand around him. I worked my hand up and down, adding a slight twist while at the top.
"Fuck." He mumbled while dropping his head into my shoulder.
"I want you." I muttered, feeling embarrassed from my words.
"So needy." He sighed while pulling me towards him.
I had no time to react before I was on my feet and entering the bathroom.
Rafe stopped in front of the mirror and pushed me over the marble countertop.
"A mirror?" I asked while a smile grew on my face.
Rafe spread my legs slightly while placing a hand on my lower back.
"I don't like having to choose what side of you I see." He smiled.
I could see he was bending his knees so I propped myself up onto my tippy toes as he pushed himself inside me.
I heard him let out a ragged gasp before pulling himself out.
"Condom." He muttered while ripping open a drawer beside me.
I placed my head in my hands as I waited for him to finish with the condom, the need for him growing each second he isn't inside me.
A few seconds later he returned and slipped inside of me, causing both of us to gasp.
I dropped my hands to the marble counter, grabbing the edges.
His hips moved forward to meet me and each time, he hit the perfect spot.
He continued moving his hips in an erotic motion, each time more needy than the last.
His hand slipped under my stomach and slid down to my clit. He circled my clit perfectly, each thrust matching the perfect feeling.
"Oh my god." I whined while digging my nails into the countertop.
"Fuck. You feel so good." He mumbled.
My legs were shaking as he used his spare hand to wrap in my hair, pulling it slightly.
My mouth parted slightly with pure pleasure.
"Please don't stop." I begged while trying to suppress the whine that so desperately begged to be heard.
Rafe's hips slamming into me, while his other hand massages my clit, that's how I'd describe pure bliss.
"Jules.." he mumbled while continuing with his deep thrusts, filling me up fully.
I felt myself tighten around him.
I dropped my head back as Rafe continued his desperate thrusts.
"Fuck." He groaned while dropping his hand from my hair to grab my ass.
"Don't Fucking cum yet." He spoke while continuing to attack my clit.
I could feel myself tightening around him, more and more by each thrust.
"Please." I whined while dropping my head against the marble countertop.
"Not yet baby, you're doing so good." He spoke while continuing to pound into me.
His lips parted as his breathing hitched.
"Come for me." He said between heavy breaths.
I felt myself tighten around him before slamming my eyes shut. My thighs began shaking as I lived out my orgasm for as long as possible, Rafe didn't stop rubbing circles on my clit while swearing curses under his breath.
I felt him come, the feeling of him twitching slightly inside of me before he pulled out.
"Oh my god." I sighed while leaning back into his chest.
"You're so beautiful." Rafe muttered before cupping my chin and planting a slow mesmerising kiss on my lips.
"I love you." I spoke against his lips.
"I lo-" I kissed him, drinking down his words.
I pulled away after a few moments and a small smile spread on his lips.
"Shower?" I asked with a smile.
Rafe nodded before slipping off the condom and following me into the shower.

After we had showered and slipped on some pyjamas, we were both exhausted.
I lay on his chest, fingers interlaced as he traced shapes on my bare skin.
"If you ever had kids, what would you have and what would you name them?" I asked while facing him.
"If we had kids, I'd want to have a boy and a girl, probably  a year apart." He smiled before kissing my hand that was still in his.
"What would you name them?" I asked with a smile.
"The girl would be Camille or Valerie. The boy would be Atis or Daniel." He shrugged.
"I like Valerie, I'd call her Val for short, and Atis is cute." I smiled into his chest before placing a kiss on his skin.
"I'm glad you approve." He smiled.

We lay there, talking about where we'd live, what we'd work as, what sports our kids would do, what order we'd have them, just talking for hours about small things. I don't even know what time I fell asleep at, but I can only assume it was really late, or extremely early.

I woke up in his arms, the smell of his cologne lingering in the air. My favourite smell.
I carefully rolled over to face him. I lay there in silence trying not to wake him, while also trying to memorise every part of him.
He's perfect, he is so unbelievably perfect.

After a few minutes, Rafe began to wake, his eyes opened slowly before he smiled at me.
"Good morning." He spoke before placing a kiss on my jaw.
"Good morning." I smiled while pushing his hair out of his face.
"Wanna go for breakfast?" I asked.
"Of course." He laughed while climbing out of bed.
We dressed quickly, not putting much into our appearance before we left to go to a small cafe beside the beach.

Yes I know this chapter was mainly smut, actually no... it was just smut, but it's been too long since they saw some action...
Anyway, thank you so much for 6k reads. That's absolutely wild. I can't believe it.
I love you so much and hope you're enjoying your summer, I won't be able to upload till at least Friday, my exams start on Wednesday.. kms. Anyway I love you all! ❤️🫶

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