woo - Rihanna

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Little cuties

It was around 7pm and we had to start getting ready for the party, well I did

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It was around 7pm and we had to start getting ready for the party, well I did. Rafe? He sat there and told me every outfit I put on looked good.
I must've been about 5 outfits in and I came out dressed in a pale green bodycon dress with some white wrap around heels.
"Okay, I don't know about this one what do you think?" I asked while looking at him.
"You look perfect." He said with a smile.
"You've said that for every single outfit.. you're no help whatsoever." I groaned before walking back into my closet.

I decided on a satin black bra top with some dark grey cargos and black prada high heeled sandals.
"Be brutally honest. Do I look bad?" I asked while walking into the room.
"No you look perfect." Rafe said with a smile.
"I'm going to throw my shoe at you if you say that one more time.." I said while laughing.
"You'd knock me out. Are those shoes or fucking weapons? I mean how did you travel with them?" Rafe asked while laughing.
"They're nice!!" I protested.
I slid on some chunky prada rectangle sunglasses, even though it's nighttime..

"Get ready so we can pick up some alcohol before the party." I said while walking over to Rafe who was sat on the edge of my bed watching me.
I placed a kiss on his cheek and as I was walking away he grabbed my waist.
"Forget the party. I wanna spend time with you." He groaned.
He pulled me back into his lap and I couldn't help but laugh.
"The party was something you suggested!" I protested.
"I know. But I just want to be with you." He murmured.
"Are you serious?" I asked while turning to look at him.
"Mhm." He hummed with a smile.
"You little bitch. I'm finally dressed and now you tell me you don't want to go?" I whined.
"I liked the show." He said with a shrug.
"Mhm okay." I said while walking back towards my closet.
"Actually. No let's go." He said while standing up and walking into the closet with me.
"You're so confusing sometimes." I groaned before leaving towards the bathroom.
"I'm sorry!" He yelled from the closet, I didn't have to be looking at him to hear the smile on his face.

Once in the bathroom I put on some glam makeup and lashes. I looked glowy and alive which is the opposite of how I felt. But yolo.

Rafe came in a few minutes whining about his outfit.
"I look like I'm trying to be a pogue." He whined.
"You look perfect." I mocked.
"Aren't you funny?" He said while trying to fix his outfit.
He did look perfect, he's just a picky person.
"You just need jewellery. Come here." I scoffed while grabbing my gold jewellery collection.
I gave him a gold chain and diamond stud earrings I'd never worn.
"I look like a wannabe rapper." He mumbled.
"Shut up. You look nice." I said while fixing his shirt.
"Fine. Are you ready to go?" He asked while looking down at me.
"Mhm. Let's go slim shady." I said mockingly which earned me a glare.

Once we picked up some alcohol from the liquor store I began drinking while Rafe drove.
"So I'm guessing I'm the designated driver?" Rafe asked.
"Nah, we can get an Uber!" I replied with a smile.
"There's no Ubers here, we can get a cab." He corrected me.
"Hm okay." I hummed while drinking from the bottle of whiskey.
It burned but I just wanted to feel buzzed and relaxed before we got to the party. I used to love parties but Obx parties kind of ruined that for me. Well, no. Kai Coleman ruined them for me..

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