The blonde - Tv girl

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Good news

After breakfast, we ended up taking a small walk on the beach

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After breakfast, we ended up taking a small walk on the beach. I ended up pushing Rafe into the water so he ended up dragging me down with him..

"You're such a pig.. I don't have any spare clothes." I sighed dramatically while sat at a picnic table.
"But it was okay when you thought you would push me in?" He laughed while taking a sip from his soda.
"Rafe! I look like I pissed myself." I sighed.
"Ew, go sit somewhere else pissy pants." Rafe laughed.
"I'm gonna sit on you and say you pissed yourself.." I whined.
"I'll say you pissed on me." He winked while laughing.
"I hate you." I mumbled while taking his soda and drinking some.
"I love you too baby." He smiled while looking me up and down.
"I suppose I could give you a pair of sweatpants.." he spoke while smiling.
"Thank you!" I smiled.
"I said I could, not that I would. Besides.. do you think you've been nice enough to deserve my clothes?" He asked with a proud look on his face.
"I'm going to drown you." I sighed while finishing his soda.
"Excuse me, I was enjoying that before you inhaled it." He cocked an eyebrow at me as he spoke.
"You're so dramatic.. I did not." I smiled.
"You literally gulped the whole thing down as if you've never experienced drinking in your life." He sighed while standing up and wrapping an arm around me as we walked back to the car.

We were busy talking about the house and the new possible buyer, when we noticed Topper and a beautiful girl. Both of them were stood by a small coffee shop.
"Oh god." Rafe sighed.
I squinted my eyes and thought the exact same thing.
Rosalyn and Topper.. getting coffee?
"Alright, so where to next?" Rafe asked ignoring the two who were staring.
"I need to get out of these clothes.. I look like I pissed myself." I laughed while looking down at my outfit.
"I think it's funny." He smiled before climbing in the car.
I sighed at his immaturity as I began to get in the car.
"You wanna run in and grab us two iced coffees, if I go they'll make me talk to them.. I don't want to talk to them." Rafe asked.
"I look like I pissed myself! I don't want to be seen!" I whined.
Rafe groaned before pulling of his shirt and throwing it at me.
"It's longer than your pissy shorts." He smiled as I pulled the tee over my head.
"Fine." I grumbled.
"Thank you, I worship the ground you walk on baby!" Rafe called out as I walked towards the coffee shop, sticking my middle finger up at the man child in the car.

I made it inside without incident, I quickly ordered our drinks and made my way outside.
"Oh, I didn't think your standards were that low.. you know he cheated right?" Topper asked.
"Fuck off." I sighed.
"Oh.. angry.. so you only took him back because you were lonely? I know about the timeline.. strange." Topper shrugged.
"Move?" I cocked an eyebrow at him but he wouldn't budge, not until Rafe came over.
"What the fuck are you doing, just move." Rafe hissed while shoving him aside, wrapping an arm around me as we walked back to the car.

"It would've been nice if you saved me a little earlier." I smiled.
"Yeah, my bad.. I was playing crossy roads. It's such a bullshit game.. The roads aren't like that at all." Rafe scoffed as if he was actually angry about a child's game...
"Oh wow, you don't say?" I asked sarcastically while handing him his drink.
"You know what I mean." Rafe rolled his eyes while taking a sip from his drink.
"Oh god is this vanilla iced coffee?" He asked while making a disgusted face.
"Yes.. I got it for myself but then decided yours looked nicer.." I admitted while sipping on his iced coffee.
Rafe stared blankly at me before rolling his eyes.
"Fine." He mumbled while sipping on the vanilla iced coffee.

We drove home, I was feeling a little shitty.. but I know he only said that to get under my skin.
"Are you okay?" Rafe asked while a concerned expression spread on his face.
"Mhm, just tired." I nod.
Rafe gave me a skeptical look before nodding.
"Right.. so I probably shouldn't tell you.." he said while trying to sound mysterious.
I love him.. but what are you doing right now..?
"Tell me what?" I ask, suddenly feeling a little optimistic.
"The real estate agent called, and that girl I don't remember her name, apparently you met her? I don't know, she's made an offer on the house. I got the call while you were in the coffee shop, I just pretended I was playing crossy roads because it would be bad timing.." he said while a smile grew on his face.
"No fucking way." I felt myself smiling with each word.
At least he's not an iPad kid..
I wrapped my arms around him while smiling like a child.. he can be annoying but so cute.
"Yeah.. I think she thinks we're like married or something.. she called me to talk to you." Rafe smiled.
"Well.. good thing she didn't because I left my phone in the car." I couldn't hide my excitement.
"I think we should go for dinner tonight.." He spoke while pushing some stray hairs behind my ear.
"Yeah, dinner sounds good." I smiled up at him.
He's such a cutie..

Once the Pogues were home, I told them the news.. not that they cared too much. JJ wants to use the money to buy a yacht called 'JJ's baby.' Which is absolutely bullshit.. but if he really wants to then i suppose I could allow it.
The day was spent listening to the pogues talk about school and complain about it.. which I'm so glad is something I've never had to really worry about.
Time sort of slipped by and soon enough I was getting ready for our date.

I stood in the mirror, fixing my makeup.
I decided on a red lip look with a black dress and some red bottom heels.
I couldn't decide if the black silk dress is too hooker or not so I went to Sarah.. she's brutally honest.

"I need your honest opinion... do I look like a hooker?" I asked while a frown spread on my face.
Sarah smiled while looking me up and down.
"Well.. no, but if you were.. you'd be expensive." She smiled.
"Are you sure? I need brutal honesty here." I whined.
"No honestly, you just need darker eyeshadow.. maybe smoky eye or some shit.. I would do it for you but you know.. I'm watching American horror story... and I'm unable to move... sorry." She shrugged with a proud smile.
I rolled my eyes before nodding.
"Alright thanks, I'll leave you to watch your little psycho show." I smiled.
"Oh no, I'm not watching for the plot.. it's all for Tate... let's say I have a thing for scruffy boys... don't tell John b that though or he'll probably throw a table at me." Sarah laughed.
I stared at the TV and I kind of see it.. the scruffy hair and brown eyes.. I suppose she's right.
"God no, I see it.." I laughed while shaking my head.
"It's not my fault.." Sarah laughed while continuing to watch her show.
"I don't want to hear your excuses." I laughed as I left.

I quickly redid my makeup and curled my hair before applying some perfume.
"Rafe? You ready to go?" I asked while walking back into our room.
"Yeah, it doesn't take me two hours to get ready.." he smiled while running a hand through his hair.
He looks so hot in a suit...
"You look beautiful." He spoke while his eyes trailed over my body.
"You look okay I suppose." I shrugged.
"Just okay? I would say I look amazing.." Rafe said in a fake offended tone.
"Well I suppose you're right.." I smiled while pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Wow I must look amazing." Rafe smiled.
"No I just felt bad. Anyways.. are we drinking?" I asked.
"Obviously.." Rafe looked at me as if I'd just asked the stupidest thing he's ever heard.
"So we're getting an Uber?" I asked.
"No we're gonna fly." Rafe deadpanned.
"Rafael Cameron. Watch your tone." I said while crossing my arms over my chest.
Rafe sighed while a smirk spread on his lips.
"Firstly, Ubers aren't a thing here.. I don't know how many times I have to remind you.. we'll get a cab.. and secondly.. stop using my full name it's so formal.." he spoke before kissing my neck.
"I forgot.. it's not my fault this little place is like a hundred years behind.. but okay, I'll stop calling you Rafael if you stop being a sarcastic little man child." I smiled.
"I wasn't being sarcastic.. I could throw you in the air and make you fly." Rafe said with an amused look on his face.
"You're such a freak." I laughed while dragging him downstairs by the hand.
"I'll call the 'taxi' you wanna pour me a glass of wine?" I asked with a smile.
"No, wine is disgusting." He grimaced at my request.
"White wine is nice." I protested.
"Fine.." he sighed while disappearing into the kitchen.
"You're a good housewife." I called from the lounge.
"Totally." He replied.
I quickly called a taxi and joined him in the kitchen where we sat, I drank my wine while he sipped on whiskey.
Today has been quite good so far..

Hi my beautiful people!
I'm sorry for the terribly slow updates.. this is a little wholesome chapter, next chapter will be out soon though because I'm nearly finished exams.. thank god. After exams the updates will be much more frequent. I'm sorry for the delay on this chapter. I love you all so much, and what the fuck.. how are so many people reading this? It's so wild to me. I love you all. Thank you!!

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