I wait for you - Alex g

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"So, about that party

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"So, about that party. You wanna go?" Rafe asked while pulling me back to sit on his lap.
He lay back and I was straddling his waist, he had a tight hold on either side of my hips and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it...
"I think I'll stay here. You go though! You haven't seen your friends by yourself in a while." I said while tracing the outline of his abs.
"Are you sure?" He asked. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't want to look down at him.
"Mhm. I know your friends miss you." I mumble.
"Yeah, but I wouldn't enjoy the party without you." He mumbled.
I lay down on his chest, my legs in between his while looking up at him.
"You'll be okay. I'll be here waiting for you." I smile up at him.
"If you're sure." He mumbled while kissing my forehead.
"Of course. Besides, I need to go pick up some stuff from my house." I smile up at him.
"Okay, be careful though. If your moms car is there, just come straight over here." He says while playing with my hair.
"Mhm." I nod.
"What do you think of me getting my natural curls back?" I ask while looking up at him.
"I think you'll be beautiful either way." He says while tracing shapes on my back.
"Aren't you a little cutie patootie?" I say while a grin forms on my face.
"Oh god." He mumbles while a smile grows on his face.
"Oh can I dress you?" I ask, suddenly getting excited.
Rafe opens his mouth to speak before pressing his lips together and nodding.
"Good." I say excitedly while rolling off of him.

I decided on his outfit. A white vest top, black shorts and a black beach shirt. I wanted him to wear pandas but he reminded me it was a boat party..

I kissed him goodbye and he told me to call if anything goes wrong before climbing into Kelces truck who gave me a large smile.
I waved them off before walking back inside.

Once inside his large home I noticed a window open. Weird, I don't remember opening it but whatever.
I walked into the kitchen and ended up scaring myself senseless. A small grey cat was roaming around the kitchen, it was cute but definitely scared me.

Not even five minutes after posting, I got a text from Rafe telling me to put it outside and apparently he doesn't own the cat

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Not even five minutes after posting, I got a text from Rafe telling me to put it outside and apparently he doesn't own the cat.
It's mine now.. I've just sort of claimed it..
I picked the cat up, it wasn't vicious or mean, in fact it was licking me which felt awful but I didn't mind since it was my new little friend.
"Pickle. Do you like that name?" I asked it while bringing it upstairs.
It had no collar so I'm just going to catnap it...

I lay on Rafe's bed just scrolling through our friends stories when I clicked on Toppers story I froze. In the far background I could see Rafe with his arm around another girl. He wouldn't do me like that.. not after today?
"Okay pickles. You wanna come on an adventure?" I asked while scooping the cat up from the bed.
The cat obviously didn't reply.

I pulled a jumper over my head and took the cat with me outside.
I put Pickles down to see if he wants to run away, instead he followed me to the car.
I decided why not, and picked him up. I placed him in the passenger seat and the cat lay down.
I put on some Tyler the creator music while driving towards the docks.

I parked the car and left the ac on.
"I'll be back in a minute Pickles." I said while closing the door. The cat once again obviously didn't reply, instead just lay there sprawled out on the passenger seat.
I walked towards the dock and saw the party.
I stepped on board and moved my way through all the sweaty teenagers who were all clearly high and wasted.
I let my eyes scan the room and paused when I saw a girl sat on Rafe's lap. The same girl from that photo.
I felt as if someone slapped me, I know it's not the biggest betrayal but this didn't sit right with me.
I was planning on walking over to confirm the thought that I'm just overthinking but that was quickly thrown out when I saw the girl lean in and kiss him. I was waiting and hoping he'd push her off or even just pull away, but he didn't. Rafe kissed another girl. I felt my eyes water as I made my way to the exit.
"Jules. You're here!" I heard someone say.
My mind was such a fog I couldn't figure out who it was that said it.
I turned around looking for a familiar face when I saw Topper.
"Hi Top." I said flatly.
"You haven't seen Rafe have you?" He asked with a little grin.
"No." I'm not even sure why I lied but something tells me I was right to.
"Oh good." He said with a smile.
"Don't say you saw me here, I just needed to give someone something." I mumbled.
"Why not stay?" He said with a grin.
"I don't like parties." I mumbled.
"We both know that's not true." He laughed.
"I gotta go take pickles to the vet." I mumbled.
"It's 6pm I doubt the vets are even open, just have a drink with us." He said with a smile.
"No I really do have to go. Sorry. Bye." I clipped while leaving.
The whole conversation with Topper I was trying so hard not to cry.

I practically sprinted to my car and thank god I had pickles. My new best friend..
My brothers missing, I have no other friends other than The pogues who are missing, Rafe is cheating on me. What a day.
At least I have this cat?
I felt tears streaming down my face as I drove off towards the vet. I do have to make sure im not catnapping someone's cat.

Thankfully he didn't have a microchip and was most likely a stray. He had all his vaccinations so someone did care for him.
I don't know.
I drove home feeling like shit .
I didn't even bother collecting my stuff from Rafe's house, instead I just went home, took Pickles into my room and crawled onto my bed.

I turned on 'grand army' and ended up crying even more because I watched it with Rafe and also it's sad as fuck.
I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up it was much darker and the cat was gone.
I walked around my house looking for pickles but he was gone.
Okay, maybe I don't have the cat.

I walked around my house and realised I left my window open. God I'm such an idiot.
That must've been where Pickles ran away from. I really thought we had a little nap connection...
I pulled a hoodie on and decided I'd go to John b's chateau, I know he's not there but I don't want to be near Rafe at all.
I didn't feel like driving since I just wanted to enjoy the fresh air.
It was around 1AM anyway, not many people would be up.
Most people on the cut have early morning jobs so they'd most likely be asleep so maybe I'm doing something by not driving.
I pulled on some white sweatpants along with a black long sleeved shirt. I kicked on some pandas and put in some AirPods, listening to lana del rey as I walked off towards John b's Chateau.

This chapter made me sad to write. I promise it'll be important in the future..
whatever anyway,
I love how I said I was going to make shorter chapters, that has yet to happen!
I hope everyone is having an amazing day, and I love you all so much ❤️

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