𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐲𝐥𝐧 - 𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐎' 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 ✰

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After Rafe and I decided to try again I turned to him

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After Rafe and I decided to try again I turned to him .
"Also, get rid of your other girls. I refuse to be second choice." I said while poking him.
Rafe looked confused.
"You mean the whores?" He said with a smirk.
"They aren't whores.. they just you know.. like you." I said while trying to think of the right words.
"Hm okay, but first. Jules Maybank, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked while smiling at me.
I smiled at his words.
"Very straightforward." I said while moving closer to him.
"I don't like talking stages, I find it boring. And I don't stay loyal unless I have a girlfriend." He said with a smile.
"Soo? You gonna answer my question?" He asked while kissing my forehead.
"Yes Rafe Cameron, I suppose I'll be your girlfriend." I said dramatically.

Rafe smiled and pulled me into his arms.
"I'm glad you said that." He said while holding me tightly.
"You wanna go back to the party? I won't mind." I said while looking up at him.
"And leave you? No. I prefer to be with you." He said while smiling shyly.

I smiled and put my head on his chest.
His heartbeat was so soothing for some reason.
I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I hadn't even done my skincare or brushed my teeth.
"I have to get ready for bed or I'll regret it tomorrow." I said while pushing myself off the bed.
My legs were shaking while I was walking and I heard Rafe laughing at me. "It's not from you by the way, I'm just cold." I lied.
I walked into his en suite bathroom and was surprised by how clean it was. Everything was in place and extremely clean, but then again his room was extremely clean too.

I was surprised to see suncream, moisturiser and a cleanser. That explains the clear skin.
I decided since I didn't have my skincare routine that this would do.
I quickly did my skincare before looking for a spare toothbrush. I opened a drawer and it was mainly condoms to which I scoffed upon seeing.
"Slut." I muttered before snooping for a toothbrush. I rifled through his drawers for a little longer before finding an unopened toothbrush. I excitedly took it out and began brushing my teeth.
I was also surprised to see a hairbrush.
"Do you have another girlfriend?" I called out from the bathroom.
"No?" He asked confused by my question.
"Why do you have a hairbrush, you're bald." I said while laughing.
"Bald? I'm not bald. I have a buzzcut.. and I used to have longer hair believe it or not." He said while laughing.
"Oh. Yeah I forgot the word buzz cut and bald is practically the same thing." I said while taking the hairbrush out.
I brushed my hair and put the hairbrush back into his drawer.

I was now sobering up and felt shy around him.
"Can we watch a movie?" I asked while climbing into bed beside him.
"Mhm, what you wanna watch?" He asked while turning to face me.
Maybe he could tell how stiff I was. I was lay flat and awkwardly.

"Oh uh i don't know, you choose." I said shyly.
"Why are you hiding from me?" He asked while crawling over me, his knees were on each side of my hips and I felt myself blushing .
"I'm not!" I pleaded.
"Liar." He whispered in my ear before rolling over and putting an arm around me.
"I feel strange about what happened. I don't normally do that." I said while twisting my rings.
"I feel honoured." He said while smiling down at me.
I smiled at his words before putting my head on his chest. Once again his heartbeat was soothing me.
"Don't fall asleep yet, we haven't chosen a movie." He whispered in my ear.
"You're making me sleepy." I said while fighting my eyelids to stay open.
Rafe laughed and I could feel his chest rise and fall with each laugh he let out.

Rafe ended up putting on 'scary movie' which is a comedy version of scream which we already watched together. I enjoyed watching this movie since I was with Rafe.
I did however fall asleep half way through it since Rafe was playing with my hair.

I woke up to the sound of the door shutting. I looked up to see Rafe stood there with a large tray filled with food. "I didn't mean to wake you up sorry." He said while placing the tray on his bed before sitting beside me.
I smiled upon seeing him.
"I made breakfast for us." He said while pointing towards the large tray of food.
The idea of food itself brought bad thoughts into my mind but since I was with Rafe it wasn't that bad.
"Thank you." I mumbled while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"You fell asleep before the good part of the movie." He said while grabbing a plate of pancakes.
"You were putting me to sleep. You were literally playing with my hair while I was already tired so it's not really my fault." I protested.
Rafe laughed and placed a plate in my lap.

I smiled at Rafe and began eating the pancakes he made.

"I didn't know what you liked so I made everything." He said quietly.
"It's perfect." I said with a smile.
"I'm glad you think so." He said while grabbing a glass of orange juice.

I watched as Rafe flicked on a movie and leaned back. He looked so pretty.

"What?" He asked while laughing.
Oh fuck. I just said that.
"I mean you do.." I said while taking a glass of orange juice from the tray.
"Hm. Okay." He said while a smile grew on his face.
"Wanna go to lunch?" He asked while continuing to eat his pancakes.
"After this feast I don't think we'll need lunch." I laughed.
"Okay, that's fair. Dinner?" He asked while smiling at me.
"Hm okay." I said while eating the pancakes.
I hadn't eaten properly since we had our fight so I was starving.

We finished our pancakes and I headed into the bathroom to get ready for today.
I brushed my teeth and did some skincare.
Rafe appeared behind me and began brushing his teeth.
He looked so good, even in the mornings. This man was perfect.

After we were cleaned up I headed back into his room.
"What am I gonna wear?" I asked, just realising that I couldn't just walk home in Rafe's shirt.
"Sarah had loads of clothes you can wear, well at least until you're home." He said with a shrug.
I nodded before grabbing my phone as Rafe followed me towards Sarah's room.
Sarah was sat on her bed staring at her phone with a look of disbelief and anger.

"What's going on?" I asked with confusion.
"He cheated.." Sarah replied while her eyes began watering.
"Who cheated, Sarah?" Rafe asked quite pissed off.
"It doesn't matter." Sarah replied while shaking her head.
"If it was John b. I swear to god." He said while sitting on the bed beside her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her into a hug.
I sat beside her and held her as well while she cried.
I am going to find John b and cut his dick off.

"With who?" I asked after a few minutes of her crying.
"Kiara. They were drunk and pissed off, Ward got away with the gold." Sarah said quietly.
"That's not an excuse. I'm so so sorry Sarah." I said while holding her close.

I'm so disappointed in John b and Kiara I have to speak to them. I can't understand why they would do this to Sarah.

Did the title scare you? 🤭🤭

Anyway. I'm trying to upload more, I just have important exams coming up that kinda determine what college I go to.. anyway.
I hope everyone is having an amazing day. I love you all so much ❤️❤️

𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ఌ|| Rafe Cameron fanfic Where stories live. Discover now