𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 - 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐑 ✰

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A couple of days had passed since I last saw the pogues and Rafe

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A couple of days had passed since I last saw the pogues and Rafe. I wasn't ready to deal with either to be honest.

My car was still at the chateau so I was just walking wherever I needed to go. The cops picked Kai up after finding security footage of what had happened.
I feel bad for his family. But he's a piece of shit.

I got my stitches taken out yesterday and it was healing well. I'm honestly surprised considering how much shit I've been doing but whatever.

Today was a new day and I had to go to some golfing thing for the photoshoot which I was dreading.
I pulled on a simple pink golfing outfit. Honestly, I can't even play golf. Last time I was there at the country club was with Rafe, Topper and Kelce.
I wish I could go back to that day and just stay friends. I wish I hadn't agreed to that stupid date because now I care about him, I miss him.

"Let's get going. I need a drink before you start." My mother called from downstairs.
I took her keys from her and we both got in her car and drove towards the country club.

The car ride was silent besides the occasional whine from my mother. My mother truly loved to complain, she complained about rich people, poor people, how unfair it was to be her, how she could've been a model, how she gave me everything. Honestly I'd rather crawl to the country club then listen to her bullshit.

I was so thankful to be there and out of that car beside my mother that I nearly jumped out of the car.

My mother walked off towards the bar while I began walking towards the terrace that overlooked the golf course praying that I wouldn't see anyone my age.

I scanned the course and to my luck Rafe was there, along with Kelce, Topper and a beautiful red haired girl.
I scoffed upon seeing Rafe place his arm around her and lean down to kiss her forehead.
I wanted to throw a golf ball at him but I fought the urge.
Just as I was going to turn away, Kelce waved up at me. I nearly died in that moment. I had been caught being a stalker. I waved back and walked back over to my mother at the bar. I ordered a mai tai and downed the whole thing in under a minute.
My mother and I sat down and waited for the photographer and the director of this advert.

A couple of minutes passed and finally we watched as a wealthy looking man with many camera crew approached us.
"Jules Maybank! I have to say, I'm a fan of your work." The man smiled.
"Thank you so much sir." I said kindly.
"Agh. Alright let's go take some pictures." He said with enthusiasm.
I really didn't want to fake smile today, but then again it is my job.

Of course to my unfortunate luck, we had to drive past where the Cameron boy and his little girlfriend were, also Kelce and Topper but they don't matter.

I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes as we drove past, in hopes that they wouldn't notice me. But they did.

"Hey Jules!" Kelce yelled.
I waved and smiled before playing on my phone . That was extremely embarrassing for some reason.

We got to a nice looking area with a beautiful view in the background and took a few pictures and I ended up changing outfits since they changed their mind.
A few hours and hundreds of photos later we bid our goodbyes and I began leaving. My mother had left to go to the bar a few hours prior so it was just me walking back.

I walked past the golf course where I'd seen Rafe and his new little girlfriend earlier.
As jealous as I was, even I could admit she was gorgeous. She had beautiful deep red curls with the most beautiful green eyes, her skin was tan and clear. She didn't even need makeup. Her body was slim and her legs and torso were long. She was the definition of beautiful.

I assumed they had left since I hadn't seen them but to my surprise they were sat at the bar. The red haired girl was drinking an appletini while Rafe was drinking a whiskey.
I'm not sure why but I felt the urge to tell the bar tender that they were under age just so
they couldn't drink. I'm so petty..

I took a seat near the terrace and ordered a glass of Champagne , I was celebrating after all.
I made $60,000 for a few hours of posing in front of a camera.

I called a cab and decided I'd drink some more before leaving. I walked up to the bar and ordered a shot, then another, then another and so on.
About 8 shots later I felt more than tipsy. I don't normally drink too much but I was bored I think, actually no I'm not even sure why I did that.

I looked over at the red haired girl who was laughing at something Rafe said. Rafe isn't funny, why is she laughing? She's definitely laughing at me.
"Heyyyy." I said while walking towards the two.
I watched as Rafe's smile faltered a little.
"What're you doing here?" Rafe asked.
"I love golfing. What do you mean?" I lied.
"I like your friends hair." I said with a smile.
"Thank you, I'm Roselyn." She said with a kind smile.
I flashed her a kind smile before turning to Rafe. "You two look good together. Have fun." I said before walking off.

My cab wasn't here yet, but Rafe's truck was.
I quickly walked over to his truck and took out the swiss army knife JJ bought me. I pulled out the small knife and slashed three of his tyres. "Prick." I muttered while putting the army Swiss knife back in my purse.

I walked over to the entrance and waited for my cab which arrived a few minutes later.
The whole drive home I had a smile plastered on my face.
I can't say I felt bad, because that would be a lie. The only thing I felt bad about was leaving as now I can't see the angry look on his face. Rafe really loves his truck.

I paid the cab driver and headed inside.
I snuck upstairs even though my mother still wasn't home.
I was extremely drunk.
I pulled out my phone and began texting the pogues explaining what I had done.
Pope gave out to me but the rest all cheered me on, including Sarah.
I forgot that I ran out on them the other day so their congratulations quickly changed to questions.
I told them I'd come over and explain. Which wasn't a smart idea but who cares.
I put on some white sweatpants and a tan cropped shirt, I slid on my white converse and I was ready to leave. The upside of being back on the Obx was the weather. It was 8PM and still extremely hot out.

I walked all the way to the chateau and began sobering up slightly.
It's time to tell them, they're my friends. I hope it'll give them some sort of explanation as to why I left the way I did.

I'm gonna start writing shorter chapters like around 1,000 words. I hope you all enjoy❤️

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