all i need - Lloyd

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Bahamas baby.

I'm not gonna lie, the Cameron's private jet was extremely impressive

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I'm not gonna lie, the Cameron's private jet was extremely impressive.. it would have been much more enjoyable if we were travelling under different circumstances though.
But no, I'm so pathetic that I can't stay in my own house so I guilt my boyfriend into bringing me to the Bahamas. If you ask Rafe he'd tell you a different version, but I know that's why he took me here. He feels bad.

I was stood before a large white mansion that overlooked a beach.
'Oceanside Estates: 7' was written in a fancy font outside the main door.
"This is amazing.." I muttered while looking at the long driveway that had beautiful roses on each side of the pavement.
"It's alright." He mumbled while producing a set of keys and unlocking the door.
I stepped inside and a smell of fresh linen, flowers and sand hit my nostrils. The scent was just holidays. Everything about it reminded me of being on holiday or work bookings in hot countries.
"Oh my god.. Rafe this is literally beautiful.." I muttered while letting my eyes scan the place.
"If you say so." He shrugged while wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"Do you have eyes?" I asked in confusion.
'If you say so' hell no, this place is gorgeous and he should know.
"Fine okay yes it's extremely beautiful." He said while a small grin spread across his lips.
"You want a tour?" He asked while holding my hand.
I liked this feeling, it was as if he were normal.
"Mhm." I smiled up at him while following behind him.
He showed me every room in the house, each one being more impressive than the last..
"And now, finally. To conclude our tour, the master bedroom." He said in his best realtor impression.
"Oh wow. I think we should take it baby, what do you think?" I said in my fakest voice. I'm trying to impersonate a new home owner but I just sound like I'm really excited..
"Mhm, I think we could try something new on the bed." He said which caused me to blush.
Rafe dropped his head into the crook of my neck, kissing up towards my jaw.
I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped my lips.
I felt my cheeks go red as a grin spread across Rafe's face. I wish I told him some other bullshit excuse as to why I can't swim..
Rafe wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me backwards into him before dropping his head to my neck, just below my ear and kissing it.
"I love you so much. I know I don't say it enough, but I do, I love you more than anything." He mumbles in between kisses.
I want to believe him, but how am I supposed to.. he cheated..
"I love you too." I said while turning around and pulling his neck down to kiss me.
Rafe picked me up, bridal style and walked over to the bed, dropping me down gently before crawling over me. I had my knees up and together but that didn't stop him, instead he just pushed my legs open with his knees before sinking between them.
He was now lay between my legs while hovering inches from my face, his hot minty breath on my lips. I just wanted to rip his clothes off and eat him. In a cute way I think. I'm not a cannibal. I just want to bite him.
"Aren't you gonna kiss me?" I asked while admiring his beautiful blue eyes.
"One second." He said before continuing to scan my face.
"What are you looking at?" I said feeling a little self conscious, he definitely thinks I'm ugly.
"I'm so lucky. You're so beautiful." He mumbled before pressing his lips against mine.
Even though I'm still kind of angry, I have to admit, Rafe Cameron is a cutie..

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