𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 - 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐲 ✰

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Adam Sandler movies.

________Rafe's POV:

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Rafe's POV:

Once Sarah was okay I left her with Jules.
I hopped on my bike and made my way towards the cut, who does this fucking john b think he is? And what sort of name is johnb?

Once I was outside john b's chateau I walked up the steps and banged on the door.
A few seconds later JJ opened the door.
"Jules isn't here." He said before going to close the door.
"No, not for Jules. For john b." I said while pushing the door open.
I watched as JJ's mouth opened as though he was going to say something before he closed it realising what john b did.
JJ nodded and stood out of the way, allowing me to find John b.
I walked inside and the place was a dump.
Cans everywhere, overflowing ashtrays on the table, dishes all on the side.
I ignored it though and continued on my search for John b.
I opened a door and luckily it was John b's room.
Kiara Carrera was in his bed and they were both still asleep. I threw a towel at Kiara to allow her to cover up before I walked around the side of the bed.

"Wake the fuck up!" I shouted while slapping the back of john b's head.
John b looked confused before realising that I knew.
Kiara quickly sat up and pulled the towel over her and left the room.
"You wanna cheat on my sister?" I asked while bending down to face him.
"No, it was an accident. We both drank too much." He tried defending himself.
I shook my head.
"No. I've been drunk before, that's not a fucking excuse. Ward stole gold from you yeah? Well Sarah had nothing to do with that shit yet you punish her anyway?" I spat.
"I know. But how does she know?" John b asked while pulling a shirt over his head.
"Because not all you pogues are pieces of shit and thought to let her know. While she's sat at home sobbing her eyes out, you're here in bed with another girl??" I shouted .

John be got out of bed and took the blanket with him to hide his naked lower half.
He pulled on some shorts while trying to defend his actions.
"I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm sorry man." He said while running a hand through his hair.
"I could kill you right now and probably get away with it." I hissed.
I watched as John b's eyes widened at the fact that I'm right.
"But Sarah would never forgive me." I said lowly.
"Okay man, I get it. I'll make it up to her." He said while nodding.
"No, I don't think you do 'get it'. My little sister is an emotional mess over you, and you don't seem to care. I want you to stay the fuck away from her. You're going to admit to what a piece of shit you are, you're going to apologise for fucking her best friend and then once she's screamed at you, you're going to stay the fuck away from her." I said while grabbing the collar of his shirt and pushing him against the wall.

"Okay man I'm sorry." He said while trying to push me off.
I stepped back and pushed him harshly against the wall.
"Remember that I could kill you. I will know if you go near her." I hissed.
John b nodded before I walked out the room.
"Thanks JJ." I said before giving Kiara a filthy look and then leaving.

I was seething with anger. Kiara looked guilty as fuck. Which she should though, I don't even feel bad. I hope they both feel ashamed.

I sped back towards my house but picked up some food on the way. Which was a challenge on my bike.

I walked into Sarah's room and saw she was crying on Jules' shoulder while they watched an Adam Sandler movie. I knew Adam Sandler movies were Sarah's favourites and I think it's so cute how Jules is watching it with her.

"I brought food." I said while sitting on the bed.
"Good." Sarah muttered while wiping her tears.
"Did you talk to him?" Jules asked.
"Yeah, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked while pointing towards the door.
Jules nodded before kissing Sarah's head.

Once the door was closed behind us I told her what happened, I was expecting her to scream at me for being so mean but instead she agreed with my actions.
"Sarah didn't deserve that at all. I'm glad Pope and JJ told her but I wish they told her in person." Jules said while pushing her blonde hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, I thought John b would be more appreciative that Sarah chose him, I didn't expect him to fuck it all up." I admitted.
"Yeah, I think Sarah and him need to talk." Jules said while looking at the ground.
I nodded before we walked back inside Sarah's room.
Sarah was passed out in a sweater that belonged to John b.
I sighed before closing the door behind us and leaving.

"Now what?" Jules asked once we were inside my room.
"I don't know if we should get involved." I said while sitting down on my bed.
"It's too late for that. You showed up at his house, I mean you scared the shit out of him." Jules said while sitting down beside me.
"Why is it that we can't have one normal day?" I said while laughing. Even though I didn't find any of this funny at all, honestly I'm pissed off, Although Sarah and I don't get along, she's my little sister. I'll do anything for her.

Jules had to try and convince me to calm down since I was talking myself into going back over to the chateau and not be so nice.
"You need to relax, let Sarah and John b talk before you go and fuck things up entirely between them." Jules said while leaning on my shoulder.
She looked so cute in my shirt, I couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah okay." I said while leaning back into my bed.
Jules rolled over and lay beside me.
"What makes you feel better when you're sad?" I asked.
"Weed, alcohol, music and comedy movies." She said while smiling up at me.
"I can't give Sarah weed. Can I?" I asked looking down at Jules.
"I mean. I smoke with JJ, but I suppose it's different. I don't know, don't let her rely on drugs to feel better." Jules said while placing her head on my chest.
I pulled her onto my lap and she yelped at the motion.
"Hm.. we could all smoke together?" I suggested.
"Yeah, that works I suppose." She said after a few seconds.
Jules looked so beautiful while thinking she bites her lip or the inside of her cheek and just looks so beautiful. I never thought I'd find everything someone does so beautiful.

I pulled Jules forward so I could kiss her and she smiled before placing a kiss on my lips.
I really enjoyed being around Jules, but I was still angry at John b. How does he think he can do that to my sister?

I fell asleep a little while after Jules lay on my chest.
She makes me feel safe and relaxed.

Please let me know what you want to see in the upcoming chapters!
I hope you enjoyed some wholesome Rafe.
Also, since we have Spring break over here, I'll be updating much more frequently. Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. I'm so grateful for all of you reading this story, it took a lot of time so I hope you enjoy 🫶⭐️

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