𝐃𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰? - 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐬 ✰

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Forgive but don't forget.

After our little talk, we decided to go over to mine so I could get ready since today we had plans to go to the beach with the pogues, no one has cancelled yet so I'm assuming it's still on

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After our little talk, we decided to go over to mine so I could get ready since today we had plans to go to the beach with the pogues, no one has cancelled yet so I'm assuming it's still on..

"You can come in you know?" I said to Rafe who was stood outside my bedroom door looking shy.
"Oh yeah, no I know." He said while following behind me.
"Mhm." I hummed.

I walked into my closet and picked out a deep red bikini, it was triangular cupped with strings you had to tie.
I pulled on some dark blue denim shorts but still didn't quite like the way I looked.
I groaned before going over to my jewellery set up. "You look nice." Rafe said while sat on my bed.
"Thank you." I replied with a smile.
"Okay , okay. What goes better, gold or silver?" I said while picking up a gold hoop and a silver hoop.
"Gold?" He asked.
"Yeah I thought so too." I said while putting in some gold hoops.
"Can you help me with my bracelet?" I asked while handing him a gold Saint Laurent charm bracelet.
"Isn't it a bit much for the beach?" He asked while clasping the bracelet closed.
"Hm maybe. I don't know." I said while sliding on my gold pandora triple band ring.
"Should I use chunky rings or no?" I asked while facing Rafe.
"I think you look nice right now." He said while smiling at me.
That's literally the worst answer but whatever it's cute.
"Thank you." I said with a shy smile.
I slipped a Saint Laurent anklet around my ankle and decided this wasn't the outfit.
"I don't like this outfit, what colour are you wearing?" I asked while turning to look at Rafe.
"I was gonna wear grey. Why? You wanna match." He said with an amused smile.
"I suppose we could." I said while walking back towards the closet and pulling out a grey bikini that had little golden charms on the straps.
I grabbed a large white shirt and pulled it over my bikini.
"What do you think?" I asked while walking back into my bedroom.
"You look beautiful." Rafe replied with a grin.
He's such a cutie pie.
I walked over to the bed and sat beside him placing a kiss on his lips.
"I'm glad you think so." I said while smiling.
I slid on some white sandals, took my white purse, grabbed some sunglasses, a white fluffy beach towel, sunscreen and alcohol.

We headed back to Rafe's house so he could get dressed.
Like he said earlier he wore grey swimming shorts with no shirt. He slid on some white socks and airforce. Sicko. We're going to a beach...
I spun my finger in a circle, "give me a twirl." I said while a small grin crept onto my face.
Rafe sighed dramatically before doing the slowest twirl ever.
"Perfect." I said while smiling up at him.
He truly looked amazing.
I made him take a few pictures and he whined the whole time. "I don't like pictures." He groaned.
"You look so good, just one more." I pleaded.
Rafe rolled his eyes before giving my phone a dirty look.
I decided to stop harassing him with pictures and go to the beach with him.


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I hadn't seen JJ or Sarah since last night, my guess is that they're both dying of a hangover .
I couldn't be sure though.
While in the car we noticed Sarah's white jeep is gone. Hm she probably left early?
"What do you think is going to happen?" I asked while focusing my gaze on Rafe.
"Honestly, I'm not sure." He replied while shrugging.
"Hm." I said while leaning back into the seat of his truck.

Once at the beach we were expecting to be the first ones here, I was surprised to see Kiara, Pope and JJ all sat awkwardly in the sand with their surfboards.

"Heyy!" I called out while walking towards them.
"Oh god I'm so glad you're here, it's been so awkward." JJ said while running up towards me.
I couldn't hide the smile on my face at the thought of these three trying to have a conversation after learning the truth.
"I know I'm amazing!" I said dramatically.
"We would have been earlier, it's just your sister is a perfectionist with her outfits." Rafe scoffed.
"Hey!" I said while playfully slapping his arm.
Rafe smiled and shrugged as we continued walking towards Kie and Pope.
"Hey Jules!" Pope called out.
"Hey Pope, haven't seen you in awhile, how you been?" I asked while sitting down beside him.
"Well, the usual. How about you?" He asked with a smile.
"Same old." I said with a smile.
Kiara finally spoke.
"Hi." She said shyly.
"Hey Kie." I said kindly.
I could see a look of relief on her face as she smiled.
"I brought alcohol, but maybe we should ehm watch how much we drink." I said while reaching for the cooler that I made Rafe carry.
JJ snickered loudly at my comment.
I felt bad when I saw Kiara blush.
"I deserve that." She said with a nod.
"True." JJ said while grabbing himself a drink.
I know that JJ is only pissed because him and Kie had a little thing going on, but then again so did Pope and Kie? I don't know it's really confusing.

I took a drink out for myself and Rafe.
"Who has a speaker?" I asked looking at the three of them.
"You know I come equipped." Pope said with a smile.
Pope reached into a backpack and pulled out a speaker and handed it to me.
"Thank youuu." I said with a smile.
Rafe sat awkwardly considering Kiara is the girl that betrayed his sister, his friends bet Pope up and so did he and well JJ is just JJ.
"So uh, where's Sarah and John b?" I asked while sipping on the cold sweet alcohol.
"Oh, they went for a walk like 20 minutes ago." Pope said while looking at Kie then I.
"Oh. Okay. I hope we don't see a body wash up." I said ironically.
"Oh it would definitely be John b's, Sarah is pissed. We drove here together." JJ added with a large smile.
"Well I didn't think it would be Sarah's." I joked.
We drank and played some music for awhile before I decided I wanted to surf.

"Hell no, not on my board you aren't." JJ said while laughing.
"I think it's only fair you use John b's board." Rafe added which made me laugh.
"I agree." I said while nodding.
I quickly stood up, taking off my shirt and throwing it at Rafe while taking John b's board and running down to the water.
I don't really know how to surf but it looks easy, I mean what? You wait for a wave, lay on ur stomach, then once it starts to curl you like stand up and just ride it like a skateboard?? I don't know. I'll try that though!

I paddled out pretty far so no one could see me make a fool of myself .
I saw a nice looking wave and began to paddle with it. Once it began to curl over I stood up only to fall straight back down into the water.
Okay maybe not a surfing expert.
I decided to get on the board and just sit on it and let the waves push me.
It was extremely peaceful to be honest, well that was until I remembered I was on my period. What if the sharks eat me? I began to panic at this thought and paddle back in.

"You weren't out there long." Rafe said with an amused look on his face.
"Yeah, I didn't want to become shark bait." I said while pushing my hair out of my face.
"Wait wha- Never mind. It doesn't work like that but okay." He said while laughing slightly.
"I don't believe you." I said with a shrug while walking back up to the others.
We were all talking and joking around and soon enough the awkward tension was gone.

After a few hours of joking and watching the pogues surf I got a text from Sarah explaining that she and John b made up, she then sent me a mirror photo of the two.
"Oh my god." I said loudly.
I turned my phone to show everyone and they cheered.
"I'm glad they're back." Kiara said which earned her a glare from JJ.
"Oh god, that was hell." Pope said with a large smile.
Rafe didn't seem angry or happy he just shrugged and nodded.

A few minutes later of us all just talking about the situation, I noticed that it was getting dark.
"Oh shit. I've gotta go, my parents have been threatening me with boarding school, and If I'm not home at a decent time they'll send me." Kiara said while grabbing her board.
"Drop us off on the way?" Pope said while pointing at himself and JJ.
"Of course, but we gotta go." She said with a smile.
"I'll see you later shit face." JJ said while scuffing my hair.
"Thanks." I said ironically.
"See you later guys." Pope said while grabbing the rest of his stuff.
"Bye Jules, bye Rafe." Kie said while jogging up towards the car.
I waved them off before standing up and grabbing Rafe's hand to pull him up.
"You're weak." He said while standing up on his own.
"Ehm excuse you?" I said while grabbing the cooler, as if that would demonstrate how strong I am.
Rafe scoffed and grabbed our towels while heading back up to the car.

Once in his truck I turned to him.
"You seem off, are you okay?" I asked while scanning his face.
"I'm disappointed that she forgave him." He said while nodding.
"I know, but I'm sure she knows what she's doing." I said with a reassuring smile.
Rafe nodded in agreement before smiling at me and driving back to mine.

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