𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝 ✰

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Grady white.

I woke up pretty early considering I had barely slept

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I woke up pretty early considering I had barely slept. I checked my phone and it read 7:35AM

I realised I'd be wearing the same clothes again since I hadn't packed any. I groaned and looked around for anything to wear. Of course there wasn't, 2 boys live in this house at most I'll find a bra.

I quickly remembered Sarah lives next door and while we were picking her up I could get changed. I smiled at my plan and tugged one of JJs large shirts over my head and took a blue cap that matched the shirt. I slid on some socks and made my way outside to see what damage had been done to this already damaged home.

I stood outside and to my surprise JJ and John b were already up.
"Hey, ready to go?" JJ called out to me.
"Yeah okay, I just need to stop by moms to grab some clothes." I said with a smile while walking towards a rotten dock.
I hopped on the white boat.

"Looks like the hurricane did a number on this place." JJ said with a grin.
"Think about all the fish we're gonna catch." John b said with a smile.
"Not with your terrible fishing skills." JJ scoffed .

We sped through the water until we reached a fish mongers shop. I looked up to see what we were doing here when I saw Pope.
"I can't, my dad has me on lockdown!" Pope groaned.
"Your dads a pussy, Over." JJ said while pretending to be talking into a walkie-talkie.
"Make a run for it!" John be teased.
"Oh I heard that you little shit." A male said which I could only assume was Popes father.

"Don't you dare get on that boat son." The man said in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry! I'll do it tomorrow!" Pope said as he ran for the boat.

He jumped in and John b began speeding off until we could no longer hear Popes fathers shouting.

Next stop was Kiaras house, apparently her parents hated the boys which is understandable but they're her best friends.
We arrived at her dock which was clean and looked well taken care of, Kiara was clearly wealthy but didn't seem to care for money.
"Hello boys, hey jules." Kie said while carrying a large cooler.
"Hey! Whats in the cooler Kie?" JJ asked which caused Kie to smile.

"Just some juice." She said innocently.
"My kind of juice?" JJ said which causes everyone to laugh.
Kiara opened the cooler and revealed at least 40 beer cans, and of course it was the gross beer from last night. JJ excitedly grabbed one and opened it before we headed over to Sarah's mansion.

Her dock was clean and well taken care of as well, which was no surprise since mine was the same. "Hey guys." Sarah said which caused John b to smile at the sight of Sarah.

"Hey!" Kie and I said in unison.
John b pulled her on board and she squealed at the motion.
"Get a room lovey dovies." JJ said while laughing.
Pope smiled and began driving towards my dock.

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