8teen - Khalid

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Blue sky.

_________Jules' POV:

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Jules' POV:

I woke up in Rafe's bed, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist.
I became suddenly aware of how much I needed a piss.
God how long have I been holding this?
I sort of wriggled out of his grasp until I made it to the end of the bed, I then got up and sprinted to the bathroom.
I quickly relieved myself before freshening up.
I feel so stale, I don't know if that makes sense, but I feel like my hair is crunchy and my mouth dry.
Probably all that weed.
I decided a shower is the best thing for me right now.
I entered the shower and flicked the faucet on, sighing as the hot water hit my skin.
Today I'm supposed to be meeting with a potential buyer. The house is too big for just JJ and I, I've never really liked big houses, so I plan on downsizing and putting a large chunk of the money aside for JJ, wether he wants to go to college or travel the world, or even just blow it all on weed, it's his choice.
The last two days have been amazing. My family is together again.
I do slightly regret the night before the pogues returned, I wish I hadn't have even thought of suicide. My brother would never leave me.

After my shower I was surprised to see Rafe still asleep. God he looks so peaceful while sleeping.
I love him, I want to be with him all the time, I don't care if it's clingy of annoying. I don't think I could ever get sick of him.
He is perfect.

After admiring Rafe for a little while longer, I remembered I do have to get ready.
I pulled on a white shirt with blue jeans and some strappy heeled sandals. I straightened my hair and put some makeup on.
I have to look serious, I suppose.
After sliding on my last ring, I grabbed a white prada bag and began my exit.
I carefully closed the door behind me, I don't want Rafe waking up. He deserves his sleep.

I headed towards the kitchen and saw JJ, who looked rather stressed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh nothing. Just some issues with Kiara, she's not answering her phone and her parents aren't answering either." He nodded.
"Oh. I'm sure she's okay, she's smart." I smiled.
"Yeah, true." He nodded.
"I'm meeting a potential buyer of the house today. I'll keep you updated. Also, if Rafe asks, tell him I'm meeting with Rose's friend." I nodded.
"Okay." JJ nodded.
I looked at him again, he seems worried. Extremely worried.
"Oh fine, come on. We'll go check in on her." I sighed while dragging his hand and pulling him outside with me.

The sky was clear, aside from the occasional cloud. I love being here.
I unlocked the car and watched as JJ hopped in, for some reason I have a really bad feeling in my stomach, almost like something bad is bound to happen. I know there's nothing wrong, I know everyone is safe but that feeling won't leave.
I hopped in beside him and we made our way over to Kiaras house.

Her driveway was empty, strange.
I hopped out, JJ beside me, as we made our way towards the house.
I knocked carefully but there was no answer.
"Maybe she's not home?" I asked.
"Where else would she be?" He asked .
"I mean, she's got other friends. Call the rest of your friends and see if she's there if it's troubling you so much." I shrugged.
To my surprise he did just that.
He called John b, Sarah (which made no sense considering we stayed in the same house), some other people I don't know and finally Pope.
Thankfully she's with him, and safe.
"You want me to drop you over there?" I asked while climbing back into the car.
"If you don't mind." He smiled awkwardly.
"When we get our new place, Kiara can stay with us, I mean I don't see why not." I shrugged.
We drove off towards the Haywards.
I was running slightly behind schedule but whatever.

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