𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐰 - 𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐨𝐫,𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 ✰

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Whiskey shots.

Once Sarah, Rafe, JJ and I were back at mine I quickly dressed them all

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Once Sarah, Rafe, JJ and I were back at mine I quickly dressed them all. Tonight's party was a pool party and I wanted us all wearing some sort of matching clothes.

I dressed Sarah in a white bikini with gold chains. I gave her a box of my golden jewellery and let her pick whatever one she wanted.
She looked beautiful. I decided beach waves would make this outfit perfect and I was right. She looked like a model. She looked perfect.

I dressed JJ in black Tommy Hilfiger swimming shorts with a half buttoned black shirt over him.
He complained but I think I dressed him perfectly.

For Rafe I decided on black swimming shorts with a black cap and a white and black north face tee.
He looked so hot.

For myself I wore a white bikini with silver chains and kept on my usual silver jewellery.
I tied my hair in a messy claw clip and slid on a large white shirt to cover my scar from the bullet wound.

Once we were all ready to go I decided I'd drive to which everyone complained about.
"You're a terrible driver Jules, just let me drive." Rafe argued.
"How am I terrible?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows.
"You backed into a tree the other day." He said while staring at me blankly.
Oops fair point.
"Fine! But you have to drive my car, it suits our outfits!" I protested.
Rafe sighed dramatically before taking my keys from my hand.
"Your seat settings are so stupid. How small are your legs? I thought you were a model.." he muttered while fixing the seat settings.
"You're a giant." I muttered.
Rafe rolled his eyes before driving off.

We arrived at Mason's party and I began getting nervous seeing so many boys there.
I know I should probably be over what Kai did but I'm not. I still feel uncomfortable being around a large group of boys. Thankfully I have JJ and Rafe, they make me feel safe. Almost like when I'm with them nothing bad can happen to me, not just because of their intimidating look, but the way they reassure me and make sure I'm okay. It's comforting.
It must've been obvious I was nervous since Rafe grabbed my hand and held it a little tighter than needed.

Sarah and JJ scrambled through the sweaty bodies of teenagers while making their way towards the alcohol but when Rafe and I walked through people cleared out of the way, I can't tell if it was from fear or respect and honestly I don't want to know.
We all rejoined at the bar area and began drinking.
Sarah, JJ and I took a few shots while Rafe was sipping on a glass of whiskey.
Whiskey is nice, but every single party he always goes for whiskey I wish he'd try something else.
"I wanna dance!" Sarah yelled over the loud music.
"Yesss!!" I shouted in agreement.
Rafe nodded and followed Sarah and I towards the dancing area.
Call it scary dog privilege but once we got to the dancing area, people began moving out of our way.
Sarah and I sang our hearts out while Rafe stood there laughing at us.
A couple of songs later and our voices were nearly gone.
"Wanna swim?? I haven't been swimming since before I got shot!" I said loudly.
"Are you sure you're okay to swim?" Rafe asked while looking down at me.
"I'm amazing at swimming!" I drunkly shouted.
Rafe nodded while a smile appeared on his lips.
I couldn't think of what was funny but just as I was about to ask, Rafe lifted me up and began jogging towards the pool. I began pleading with him to not drop me but he said nothing.
"Rafe pleaseee! I'm sorry!! Don't!" I said before I hit the water.
Thankfully the pool was warm otherwise I'd grab Rafe and throw him. I swam up to the surface and looked up to see Rafe stood there laughing loudly at me.
"You aren't funny. Like at all. I'm not laughing." I muttered while pulling myself out of the pool.
I had a great idea while doing so.
"Ouch wait give me a hand my side hurts." I lied.
I watched as concern flashed across Rafe's face before he put his hand down to help me up.
Without thinking twice I grabbed his arm and pulled him in.

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