swim - chase atlantic

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Tw: contains smut

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Tw: contains smut. :)

It had been a few days since we've reported our siblings missing and all we've done is worry and comfort each other.

I was stood in the kitchen, preparing our pre workout while Rafe was texting on his phone.
"What're you doing?" I asked him.
"Boat party. Later on, you wanna go?" He asked while looking up to face me.
"I don't know, I mean it feels a little wrong to be having fun while we don't know where Sarah and JJ are." I mumbled.
"It might get your mind off it." Rafe said while walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist and dropping his head into the crook of my neck.
"True." I murmured.
I mean I love parties, so maybe I should?
"Hm okay we can talk about it after our workout." I said while handing him his pre workout.
"Thank you baby." He mumbled while taking a drink.

Our workouts are completely different, while I do cardio, abs and legs, Rafe just lifts. He does arms, legs and a small bit of abs .
"You're definitely going to be a yoga mom." Rafe said while laughing.
"Yoga is good for you." I protested.
"Mhm." He hummed.
I stood up and walked behind him since he was busy picking out a song he didn't even notice until I jumped on his back.
"You need to be more alert." I shrugged.
"From what? The bad men?" He laughed.
"No, from a psycho killer." I shrugged.
"How do you know I'm not the psycho killer?" He asked with a flat smile .
"Because you're slow." I replied while dropping my head into the crook of his neck.
"Slow?" He asked and I could almost here his smile.
Next thing I know he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and walking towards the shower.
"Excuse you. Put me down!" I yelled while slapping his back.
"In a minute." He replied while continuing to walk towards the showers .

He entered a shower and turned it on, dropping me back on my ass.
"Excuse you!" I yelled.
"What?" He asked with a smug smile.
I didn't even have time to take off my clothes before the cold water fell over me.
"Rafe!" I yelled while scrambling to my feet.
"Im done with my workout and didn't want to shower alone." He shrugged.
He began pulling his shirt off and kicking his shorts off.
His toned body had little droplets of sweat on his abs and I felt myself blushing at the sight before me. Suddenly it felt as if the water wasn't that cold..
"If you're worried about anyone seeing us. No one else is home." He whispered in my ear.
"I know." I mumbled while taking off my bra and shorts.
I could feel Rafe's eyes moving up and down my body but chose to ignore them.
"Will you wash my back?" I asked.
"Mhm." He nodded while getting some body wash and slathering it on my back. His touch is electrifying, it sends shivers throughout my whole body and I love it.
I didn't even wait for him to finish before I turned around and kissed him.
He instantly kissed me back and lifted me up.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed me back against the wall.
The water was getting hotter, so the shower was getting steamy.
Rafe was kissing down my neck while I worked my hands between our intertwined bodies to help him enter me.
"I don't have a condom." He murmured.
"I'm on the pill, you still have to use a condom, this is just the one exception." I muttered.
I've been on the pill since I was 16, I get really bad headaches and cramps which aren't ideal.
I normally don't tell boys I'm on the pill because they assume we don't have to use a condom.
"Oh?" He said while a smile crept onto his face.
We both gasped as his tip entered me.
I kind of just let Rafe do all the work, he has more experience anyway.
I slid off of his body and leaned my body against the wall while he pushed my shoulders down slightly. I gasped as he reentered me.
He pulled my arms behind my back and thrusting aggressively.
I could hear his heavy breaths as his thrusts became more hungry with each one.
My legs felt weak and I think Rafe knew, as he gripped my waist, pulling me backwards to meet each thrust.
I placed my hands on the wall to steady myself.
"Oh my god." I muttered in between breaths.
"You feel so good." He whispered into my ear.
This just made heat rise to my cheeks.
I felt his minty breath on the back of my neck, his soft lips kissing the back of my neck and just under my jaw.
"Fuck." I moaned loudly.
"I know baby, you're doing so good." Rafe muttered against my ear, sending shivers throughout my body.
His grip on my hips tightened and I could feel his shaky breaths on the back of my neck.
My core was tightening more and more after each thrust. I could feel the familiar feeling building up.
"Rafe I'm gonna come." I muttered while dropping my head back into his chest.
"Not yet." He said while picking up the pace with his thrusts.
I bit on my lip hoping to hold off my orgasm which was nearly here.
I couldn't even think straight, all I could focus on is the pure pleasure I feel.
"Rafe." I whined while I felt my knees begin to buckle.
"You can come baby. You're doing so good." He mumbled in my ear.
Rafe didn't even get to finish his sentence before my orgasm came crashing over me.
I slammed my eyes shut and couldn't stop the whine that escaped my lips.
I could still feel the waves of my orgasm taking over me as Rafe began to pull out.
"No, I want it." I mumbled while pushing myself back onto him.
Rafe didn't argue about that, instead he pushed himself deep inside of me and not even a few seconds later I felt him release.
We stayed like that for a moment, both of us trying to catch our breaths before Rafe pulled out and kissed my neck.
"Did I tell you I love you?" He muttered into my ear while pushing my hair out of my face.
"No. It's really mean actually." I said while a grin crept onto my face.
Rafe pouted dramatically and put his hand over his heart.
"Oh you poor thing . How do you cope?" He asked while dipping his head down to kiss up my shoulder.
"It's truly tragic." I mumble.
I leaned in and kissed his neck, working my kisses down to his shoulder before biting it and walking back under the water.
"Wow, rude. First you don't tell me you love me back, then you bite me?" He asked while pretending to be hurt.
"Mhm." I nod while grabbing the shampoo.
"Cold." He mumbles.
"Oh you'll be okay." I mutter while reaching up on my tippy toes and pulling his face towards me to kiss him.
"I love you." I mumble with a smile.
"You're okay I suppose." He replies sarcastically.
I look up at him and pretend to be hurt before taking a palmful of water and throwing it at him.
"We're in the shower I was bound to get wet." He shrugs.
"We're in the shower I was bound to get wet." I mimic.
"I don't sound like that." He says.
"You do! You sound like a 40 year old smoker." I scoff while finishing my shower.
"You mean my voice is deep?" He said while laughing .
"No. I mean you sound like a my little pony." I deadpan which earned me a glare.
"You sound like Olaf from Frozen." Rafe said while walking behind me and grabbing the shampoo.
"How do you know about Olaf?" I turn around while grinning at him. What a weirdo. I don't even watch frozen.
"I have two sisters dipshit." He said while flicking the back of my head.
"Oh." I mumble.

I prefer the longer chapters, I might go back to them. Also today I'm in a writing mood so expect more chapters!! Sorry this chapter was mainly smut. This chapter is important for the story though!!!

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