kerosene - crystal castles

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A few days had past since Rafe spent the night at mine

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A few days had past since Rafe spent the night at mine. We've been in our own little universe but I've began to get worried. None of the pogues have replied to any of my texts which in itself is weird. I mean JJ forgets he has a phone 90% of the time, but Pope ? Pope is a mature, reliable person. I know he's not ignoring me, something is wrong.

I was talking to Rafe and he said Sarah was doing the same thing, 0 replies and it's been three days since we last heard from any of them.
I've decided to go to the police station and report them missing. It's not like JJ has a passport so I think something bad happened.

As I walked inside the station I saw Mr.& Mrs. Hayward stood speaking to an officer.
I waved politely and smiled as they gave a weak smile in return.
I told the officer the last time I was in contact with JJ and how unlike him it was to just completely disappear.
Thankfully the officers listened and didn't just sum it up to him running away or out on a bender which is a common misconception with the last name Maybank.

As I was leaving the station I saw Kiaras parents arriving with posters of their daughter.
I gave them a flat smile and continued on my walk home.

I texted Rafe and told him all about what had happened and Rafe told me that Ward, Rose and Wheezie still weren't home and he has no idea where Sarah is.
I feel awful for him. I truly hope they're all okay.
Knowing them they probably took a boat and pissed off to get the gold back. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they aren't that stupid to go after a psychopath with a lot of money and resources..

Once back at home I was expecting my mother to shout at me for being gone but surprisingly the house was quiet. Normally I'd be thankful for my mother to be out, but considering I don't know where JJ is, I feel lost. I think I just need someone near.
I took out my phone for the 70th time to call JJ. I doubt he will answer but why not try.
I called three times and realised he isn't going to answer.
A feeling of hopelessness came over me.
I need to see him. I need to make sure he's okay. I should've just got us a house to share and left . I doubt he'd be missing if I had done that.
I decided on calling my mother and asking where she is.
No surprise but my mother didn't answer either. I honestly have never felt more alone than I do while sat in this large house with no one to distract me from my own thoughts.

I always seem to self sabotage all of the good things going for me. I love Rafe, I truly do, but I can't help but feel as if he doesn't love me. He says he does but I feel like a fool. He's had many girls in his life, he's done things to hurt me before so how am I meant to just trust him.

As if summoning him, I heard a knock on the main door. I quickly wiped the tears that I hadn't even realised escaped my eyes and headed towards the main door.
I swung it open to reveal Rafe stood there with a sad smile.
"Hi." I mumbled while stepping out and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Hi." He said while pulling me into his arms.
"You wanna come over until we hear anything?" Rafe asked while looking down at me.
"Please." I mumbled while meeting his eye contact.
"Do you want to pack a bag just in case?" He asked while wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Yeah, I don't think we'll hear anything tonight. JJ was good at hiding when we were young, he won't come home until he's ready to be found." I mumbled while walking inside.

I packed some pyjamas, underwear, shorts, a jumper, and some bra tops.
"I hope we find them before that bag runs out." Rafe joked.
"I hope so too." I smiled.
I have a toothbrush at Rafe's house along with his hairbrush so I should be okay for that stuff.
"Oh wait I need my skin stuff." I said while jogging into the bathroom. I pulled out some hair oils and serums along with body wash, shampoo, conditioner and skincare.
"Do you think they're okay?" I mumbled while putting my moisturiser into a bag.
"Honestly, they're not stupid. I think they'll be okay." He said softly while dropping his chin on my head.
"Yeah. I hope so." I muttered.

After locking my door I followed closely behind Rafe who was carrying my bag over his shoulder.

Once inside the safety of Tannyhills walls I felt a little less alone. Just because I had Rafe. Although I've been having uncertainties about us, I love him and he makes me feel safe.
"Where do you think they are?" Rafe said, breaking the silence between us.
"Honestly, I really don't know. I just hope they're safe." I mumbled.
"They'll be okay." He said while pulling me into a hug from behind.
"It feels so empty without them." I said while trying not to cry.
"I know." He murmured before dropping his head down to kiss my forehead.
I sighed and turned around to face him. I can see on his face he's worried, he's putting up a strong front but his eyes look tired and drained.

"Let's watch a movie." I smiled flatly up at him.
Since the house is empty we knew the theatre room would be empty.
Rafe made us popcorn and we sat in the middle row while watching 'Wolf Of Wall Street' .

"I've met Margot Robbie." I said casually.
"No way." Rafe deadpanned while grabbing a handful of popcorn.
"I did! I was at the 'Babylon' premiere and we spoke for a few minutes before it." I protested.
"Who have you met? Like famous people?" He asked with a look of disbelief.
"Brad Pitt, Tobey Maguire, Kendall and Kylie, Gigi Hadid, Kate Moss, Leonardo DiCaprio. I don't know you've put me under pressure now!" I mumbled.
"Thats crazy. You didn't think to mention, considering the movie is about Leonardo?" Rafe laughed.
"I don't know! I wasn't thinking about him." I laughed.

I could see Rafe was getting tired, he looked as though he was fighting to stay awake.
"You can go to sleep you know." I mumbled while running a hand through his short hair.
"We aren't finished the movie." He groaned.
Rafe was now lay between my legs, he wasn't even facing the screen.
"Who cares. Go to sleep." I laughed.
"I'm not even tired." He groaned.
"Liar." I whispered.
I could see a smile spread across his lips as I said that.
I kissed his forehead and continued to run my hands through his hair.
Soon enough the blonde haired boy was asleep basically on top of me.
If you told me a few months ago I'd be absolutely in love with a boy, I'd let him sleep in my arms after he hurt my feelings, I'd call you stupid.
It's funny because I'm now everything I swore I wasn't.

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