home - edward sharpe

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Tw: mention of suicide.

I woke up feeling extremely hungover, which has become part of my daily routine

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I woke up feeling extremely hungover, which has become part of my daily routine...
I grabbed my phone already prepared for all the texts I'd be getting from Rafe. Upon reaching my phone, I was surprised to find it dead. I had honestly thought I put it on charge, but then again I'm still fully clothed...
I felt a frown forming on my face, as much as I don't want human interaction, I don't have a charger and it's not fair for Rafe to be texting me, probably worried just because I don't want human interaction.

I sighed extremely dramatically, but I can't be blamed, my whole summer is a practical joke, I deserve this sigh.
I checked through JJ's closet and pulled out not so many options. I decided on a purple, palm tree beach shirt, which I could style, hopefully..
I left a pair of white denim shorts here from when I was shot, I was planning on wearing them on the way home after that day but obviously not a wise decision with the wound..

I pulled them on along with a white bikini top and the purple Palm tree beach shirt.
The purple and white palm trees matched the rest of the outfit quite well .
I pinned my hair back with a claw clip I had in the pocket of the leather jacket.
I took an aspirin before sliding on my shoes and heading over to Rafe's house.

The walk there was so unbelievably silent, I like silence, but I also hate it. I can't even distract myself with my phone since it's dead, so instead I'm stuck with a pounding headache and my own thoughts which are worse than any type of physical pain.

I decided to stop in a corner store, I haven't been eating much lately but this morning I feel like I've never eaten in my life, I'm starving.
I grabbed a bag of chips and a coffee, it wasn't fresh but right now I'm not complaining.
The rest of my walk was fine, I saw some people heading off to work which must mean it's early. I'm extremely surprised I'm up then. I never wake up early, especially not with a hangover like this..
I watched as the shitty run down homes turned into well decorated homes with trees outside. I bet if you put a tree outside of dads place it'd be robbed by the time you reach your porch. Why people would feel the need to rob a tree? I don't know. But they would. Only reason that damn oak tree is still there is because it's probably been there longer than the house.

I like figure eight. I like the over the top homes with white fences, it reminds me of a movie. Whereas the cut reminds me of something you'd try and hide, something you wouldn't show in a movie because the ratings would drop. Either way, there's beauty in both. I love the view from the docks on the cut, but the view of the sunset by the golf course is beautiful too.

I felt myself relax a little upon seeing Rafe's large home.
At least I have him.
I stepped inside and noticed instantly that everything seemed still.
"Rafe?" I called out while closing the door behind me.
No response.
"Rafe, you home?" I called out while walking towards the kitchen.
Upon entering the kitchen I didn't notice much out of place, besides the large French doors.
I bet he forgot and went out or something.

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