𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐊.𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐲 ✰

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_________Jules' POV:

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Jules' POV:

I must've somehow fallen asleep, I opened my eyes to see Rafe still asleep and holding me tightly. I smiled at how peaceful he looked.
I checked the time and it was around 5pm.
I decided I needed to check on Sarah and I somehow had to slip out of bed without Rafe waking up. I began trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he was holding on tightly. After what felt like forever he moved in his sleep, causing his grip to falter so I took advantage of that and began shimmying my way out of his bed.

Once I was sure I hadn't woke him, I went in to check on Sarah.
I knocked gently on her door just in case she was still asleep.
"Come in." She called out quietly.
I opened the door to see Sarah's eyes filled with tears and her cheeks stained with tears.
"How're you feeling?" I asked while sitting on her bed.
"Great." She said ironically.
"Look I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off at him." She muttered.
"It's okay, it's not your fault." I said with a sad smile.
Sarah nodded before looking up at me.
"What should I do?" She asked while biting her lip nervously.
"Honestly?" I paused to gather my thoughts on what I should tell this girl.
"I don't know, I worked things out with Rafe and gave him a second chance but I don't want you to get hurt." I said while reaching for her hand.

Sarah nodded while wiping her eyes.
"I just don't want to lose him. I know it's stupid or pathetic but I really love him. I care about him so much. I would've never done this to him." She said while her eyes began watering once again.
I sighed and hugged her tightly.
"I know. I know you love him. And it's not stupid or pathetic. What he did was stupid ." I said .
Sarah nodded and pushed her blonde hair back behind her ears.
"I just want to talk to him and work this out." She muttered.
"We can go over to John b's if you want. But only if you're ready." I said with a sad smile.
Sarah sat there clearly lost in thought for a few moments before turning to me. "Yeah, I think I should." She replied quietly.
I nodded in agreement as Sarah climbed out of bed and began trying to find something to wear.

After a few minutes of Sarah getting dressed and I just scrolling through my phone her bedroom door opened.
"Oh you're still here, I thought you ran off." Rafe asked while walking inside.
"No I just didn't want to wake you, you were kind of holding me hostage." I said with a smile.
Rafe laughed at this and sat next to me.
"Where are you two going?" He asked only now realising that both Sarah and I were getting ready to go out.
"To speak to John b." I replied.
"Oh. Him." Rafe replied.
"Yeah, him." Sarah replied while standing up with some clothes in her hand.
Sarah disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed while Rafe and I stayed on her bed and talked.

"Do you think she'll forgive him?" He asked while looking at me.
"Well, I forgave you for using me as a bet.. soo I don't exactly know." I said with a shrug.
"You know how sorry I am about that. But cheating?? No, not on my sister." Rafe replied while shaking his head.
"Hm, well it's her decision. Honestly I don't care as long as she's okay." I said with a shrug.
"Yeah.. I know it's just he doesn't deserve her." Rafe replied.
"She's 17, you can't tell her what to do anymore. It's her decision if she wants to forgive him. I know it's hard but it's all her decision." I said while leaning on his shoulder.
I watched as Rafe bit the inside of his cheek in thought. God he looks so hot.
"Yeah, but I don't want her getting hurt over some prick." He said quietly.
"I know. But there isn't anything you can do, I'm sorry." I said while putting my hand over his.
Rafe nodded. "Can I come with you two?" He asked.
"You'll scare him and you know it." I said with a grin.
"I'll wait in the car!" He pleaded.
"I'll ask Sarah." I said while trying to stifle a laugh.
Rafe nodded and a few seconds later Sarah appeared fully dressed.
"Do you need some clothes?" Sarah asked only now realising I'm only in a shirt and socks.
"Yeah please." I said with a smile.
Sarah grabbed some denim shorts and a cropped tank top and handed them to me along with a pair of converse.
I thanked her and headed for her bathroom.

I quickly got dressed but realised the problem. My dress last night didn't need a bra since it was backless but now I have no bra under my shirt. I sighed and took down my hair, trying to hide my chest area.
I walked back into the room and a smile grew on Rafe's face. Sarah didn't seem to notice but Rafe definitely did.
Rafe walked over and stood in front of me.
"You look good." He said with a smile.
"I like the no bra look." He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
I felt the heat rising to my cheeks at his comment.
"Thank you.." I muttered.

Surprisingly Sarah agreed to let Rafe come on this little journey with us so we all piled into Rafe's truck and drove off towards John b's chateau.

Once we arrived I told Rafe to stay in the car and we'd be back soon. I watched Rafe open his mouth to protest before remembering that he suggested he doesn't come in.
We stepped out and headed inside of the chateau.

"Yo.. I'm so sorry Sarah, he's just stupid." JJ said once he saw it was us.
"Don't worry JJ, it's fine." Sarah said with a sad smile.
JJ nodded and walked towards me.
"Rafe came in earlier and threatened him, I can't say he didn't deserve it." JJ said which made me smile.
"He told me a watered down version, he left out the part he threatened him." I said with a small laugh.
"Yeah, are you two good what's going on?" JJ asked which made me shy.
"Yeah.. we like talked... at Sarah's party. And now I guess we're together." I said with a shrug.
"Talked...?" JJ replied with a smile.
"Yeah! We just talked it out you know?" I lied.
"Hm okay." He said before sitting down on a couch.
I sat beside him and told him about how I won ping pong last night.
"No way, we have to 1v1 I'm definitely better." JJ said with a smile.
"I doubt it." I said with a shrug.
I watched as JJ stood up and looked outside. He then walked outside and a few seconds later walked back inside with Rafe.
"He said it was okay for me to be here." Rafe said while trying to defend why he's here.
"I got that." I said while trying to stifle a laugh.
Rafe makes me feel so strange. It's like I can't stop smiling or laughing when he's around and not as a friend way, I just want to be around him all the time.
"So, did you hear anything being thrown?" Rafe asked while sitting beside me and wrapping an arm around me.
"Not yet." I said with enthusiasm.
"Good, that's progress. I was expecting her to throw a goddamn couch at him." He said while leaning in to kiss my forehead.
"Hm it's still early." I said while laughing slightly.
I watched as JJ made gag faces before disappearing into his room.

Rafe and I spoke for a little bit before we were interrupted by Sarah's voice screaming the word cheater .
I instantly stood up along with Rafe. JJ walked back into the room with a concerned look on his face.
"Should we check on them?" He asked.
"I think so." I said while walking over to the room.
I opened the door to see Sarah sat on the bed crying and John b trying to sit down beside her. Like Rafe said there was a broken picture frame of the two on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Rafe asked while walking towards Sarah.
"This conversation isn't over, but if I speak to you or look at you for one more second I will literally kill someone." She said while standing up and walking out.
"What did you say?" I asked John b who looked guilty.
"I told her it didn't mean anything.. but no one wants to hear that." He said with a shrug.
"What were you fucking thinking? Kiara? Sarah's best friend?" I asked.
"I was pissed off and drunk. I don't want to lose Sarah because of some stupid mistake." He protested.
"Mistake or not, you fucking hurt her. You betrayed her trust. You're a dick." I spat before walking out after Sarah.
JJ sighed and closed the door, following Rafe, Sarah and I.

"Well that was a shitshow." JJ said while grabbing a beer.
"You want one Sarah?" He said while offering the blonde girl a beer.
Sarah nodded and took the bottle. It took her about a minute to down the whole thing.
"Who's having a party tonight? And don't you lie to me, every one of your little coke friends have parties every night." Sarah asked while turning to Rafe.
"Oh. Ehm I know Mason's having a party." He said while awkwardly standing there.
"Can we go?" She asked looking at me.
"Of course." I said with a flat smile.
"Okay. Can I borrow a dress, I need something sexy. Cover your ears Rafe." Sarah said while handing Rafe the empty bottle.
Rafe nodded before throwing the bottle in a trash can.
"Yeah, okay." I said while following Sarah outside.
"Hey JJ wanna come?" Sarah called out.
"Free expensive alcohol? Of course." He said with a smile.
JJ came with us and we drove back to mine.
Pope and Kie were no where to be found. But I liked it that way I don't know what would happen if Sarah saw Kie.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, I found it kind of boring. But it's important for the progress of the story I promise!!

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