𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦 - 𝐑𝐚𝐲𝐞 ✰

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Pinky promise?

_________Jules' POV:

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Jules' POV:

I ordered a cab and waited outside the beautiful golf course, I've been to such amazing countries and places but somehow the sunset behind this golf course is one of my favourite things, I've never wanted to just stay in one place before now which is extremely surprising.

The cab arrived and drove me back to my large home.
I quietly crept upstairs in an attempt to go unnoticed by the psychopath that I call mother, but almost like destiny, she once again woke up and had something to say.

"Is that you Jules?" My mothers hoarse voice rang out.

I hesitated on wether or not I could get away without her hearing me.

"Yeah mom?" I replied quietly.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mother snapped .

"I have to go meet JJ." I muttered.

"You liar. JJ doesn't want to speak with you. So I'll ask again, where do you think you're going whore?" My mother shouted.

"I have plans with JJ, I swear." I mumbled.

My mother sat up clutching a bottle of gin

"You're just a whore. Maybe if you stopped worrying about boys you'd lose weight." My mother snapped.

"okay." I said quietly.

I watched in disbelief as my mother threw the half full bottle of gin at me. I didn't move quick enough and felt a sharp burst of pain soon followed by a warm liquid trickling from my eyebrow, I reached up and wiped my eyebrow only to be met with blood. I sighed and picked up the large pieces of glass.

"Good luck being a whore with that on your face." My mother teased.

"Alright, see you later." I said while exiting her room.
My once pink polo shirt was now blood stained. I sighed at the sight of myself.
I stripped from my clothes and switched the shower faucet on, letting the cold water hit my warm skin. I looked down and watched as the water washed away the blood, diluting it as it went down the drain.
I quickly showered and stood before myself in the mirror inspecting my wound.

I used a small plaster and put it over the large cut that was definitely going to scar.

I pulled on a large oversized tee and denim shorts, I put on a pair of sunglasses in hopes of hiding the cut that was left on my face.
I sighed looking at myself in the mirror I used to be so confident, my mother has ruined it all.
I feel like I can never be thin enough.

I quickly slid on some shoes before making my way downstairs and out the large doors.
As I was leaving my house I saw the Cameron boy arrive at his.
"Hey." He called out.
"Hi." I said in return .
"You need a ride?" The blonde boy offered.
I decided to take him up on this offer since I still don't have my car and I don't feel like walking all the way to the cut.

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