𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 - 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐊 ✰

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Psychotic bitch.

A couple of days had passed since I slashed Rafe's tyres and since I told the pogues

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A couple of days had passed since I slashed Rafe's tyres and since I told the pogues. They all felt terrible but I had to reassure them that it wasn't their fault. There was nothing that could be done . I felt guilty for telling Sarah since she was the one who told me to go, I felt so bad seeing her cry so much. She tried apologising at least 50 times, each time I told her it wasn't her fault. The pogues are so understanding.

I was out in the garden and heard Ward and Rafe yelling, which must've meant they were yelling loud since our homes were far apart.
I ignored them and continued reading an article on my phone.

Rafe's POV:

(A few days ago)

I took a girl out golfing with Kelce and Topper, honestly I was just looking for a distraction and she was perfect.

I was showing off, teaching her how to get ready to hit the ball, teaching her to bend her knees push her hips back, all the usual shit.
Well that was until I saw Jules. She was dressed in pale pink golfing gear which complimented her tan skin and blonde hair beautifully.
I nearly slapped Kelce when he waved up at her. She didn't even seem fazed, she waved back before turning around and walking towards the bar. She made me nervous for some reason.

I continued being touchy with the red head, I mean she was perfect. Rose, or maybe it was Rosalyn. I don't know and I don't care but she would normally be my type, she was absolutely beautiful and all over me, but my eyes couldn't stay off of Jules. I could still see her sat at the bar beside her piece of shit of a mother. I scoffed at the fact she didn't care that I was here before I went back to flirting with rose petal .

We golfed for a few hours but my mind was busy thinking about Jules. She drove past earlier with a large group of photographers and a fancy looking man, Kelce being the prick he is said hi and she smiled.
God I miss her stupid smile.

I was getting bored of rose bush but I needed to take my mind off of Jules. Not that rose torn was helping.
The sun began to set so we went back to the bar. My plan was to drink as much as possible and then fuck rose bush and hopefully hallucinate that I'm fucking Jules.
I was drinking a whiskey while rose petal was drinking a fruity drink that smelt like shit when I saw Jules approach us.
Except she didn't. She walked straight past us and sat at the bar. I watched her while she ordered shot after shot. I thought she had a low tolerance but whatever.

I continued flirting with rose petal and I knew she wanted to fuck me. She was extremely touchy and laughed at everything I said even though it wasn't that funny. My interest turned back to Jules as she approached us.
She was clearly drunk but wanted to speak to us.

"Heyyy." She said drunkly.

"What're you doing here?" Is all I could manage to say.

"I love golfing what do you meann?" She said drunkly, she was smiling like a child.

"Tell your friend I love her hair." She said while smiling.

"Thank you, I'm Rosalyn." The red haired girl said.
Honestly I'm glad she repeated her name because I couldn't remember for shit and what was I gonna say? 'Tonight was fun rose bush, I think we should do it again?' That would be mean.

I watched as Jules smiled showing her beautiful perfect teeth. She then turned to me, her smile quickly fading.

"You look good together." She said before walking off.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Who was that?" Rosalyn asked.
"Jules." I said while finishing the last of my drink.
"She's fucking wasted." Rosalyn said with a laugh.

I hated her laugh. I wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up but I just nodded.
I ordered drink after drink until the bar began to close and Rosalyn wanted to leave. We walked back to my truck, not to drive home but to fuck.
I noticed my truck looked different but couldn't figure out what it was until I looked at my tyres.

That psychotic bitch.

She slashed three of my tyres so insurance wouldn't cover them. I would normally be livid over someone doing this. But since I know it was Jules, it made me smile.
I knew she still cared, I'm glad she's jealous.

"Holy shit, what're you gonna do? Do you want me to call the cops?" Rosalyn snapped me back to reality with her annoying voice.

"No. It's fine." I shrugged before telling her I was bored and wanted to go home.

I know it was a prick move. I left Rosalyn at her home without a jacket or a car, I didn't kiss her goodbye, I didn't do shit. I just walked home with a smile on my face.
"That fucking psycho." I muttered while a smile grew on my face just thinking about the blonde, drunk crazy girl who had done it.
I bet she was smiling or laughing thinking about my reaction. God I miss her and her stupid smile.
If any other whore did this I would kill them. But Jules is different, I mean fuck, she could run me over with my truck and I'd still think she's the most perfect person.

By the time I was home I was tired and still buzzed so I went to sleep.

The next few days just consisted of my father screaming about my truck tyres being slashed and how wrong it was for someone to do that.
I just shrugged and said I didn't care which angered him more.
Even though I don't particularly like my dad, I still don't want him to be disappointed with me but then again I don't really care.

We were out in the garden and I was busy making myself a drink.

"Rafe. Which one of those silly girls you hang around would do this?" Ward shouted.
"I don't know Ward. Probably some junkie." I said while smiling.
"Is this funny to you?" He shouted.
I inhaled deeply while nodding.
"Yeah dad, I would say it's pretty funny." I replied.
"Please, explain what's funny about this." Ward said while walking towards me.
"You're acting like you'll be paying for it. I'm paying for it. Alright? Me." I said while drinking my drink.

My father got pissed off and went back inside. I had to see Jules and make this right . I finished my drink and headed over to Jules'.

Please vote and comment, let me know your thoughts and what I should change🫶

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