wildest dreams - taylor swift

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I love you.

Tw: smut ;)

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Tw: smut ;)

We were both extremely drunk, stumbling through the door. Rafe's hands moving up and down my body and mine running wildly through his hair.

We miraculously made it to the bedroom without either of us falling.
"Aren't you on your period?" He asked while kissing my neck.
"No it stopped today I don't know." I mumbled while breathing heavily as he continued kissing down my neck.
"Oh fuck it." He murmured before undoing his belt and throwing it.
I smiled up at him while sitting on the edge of the bed.
I undid his pants and pulled them down while Rafe worked on the buttons of his shirt.
I think he undid about 8 buttons before giving up and practically tearing it off of himself.
He kicked his pants off and pushed me back while crawling over me. Kissing down my neck as he began to pull my dress up over my head.
I hadn't forgotten about the cuts, but I didn't need to worry, the light was off, there was no way he'd see them.
Once my dress was thrown off and in a corner somewhere, Rafe's eyes grew darker upon seeing my naked breasts.
"So fucking perfect." He muttered, more to himself than me to be honest..
I smiled up at him before sliding my lace panties off and tossing them off the bed.
I watched a small grin grew on Rafe's face.
His eyes were full of lust as he watched my body.
He dropped himself between my legs as I cried out at the feeling of his soft skin against my bare clit.
He began kissing down my neck, each kiss getting more sloppy and needy.
I ran my hands through his hair as he moved his mouth further down. I gasped as he covered my nipple with his mouth.
"Fuck." I whimpered.
Rafe muttered something but I couldn't hear over my own breathing..
While continuing to attack my breasts with his mouth, he slipped a finger inside of me.
He began pumping his fingers in and out and I couldn't stop the whimpers that were so desperately trying to escape.
"Rafe." I cried out as he slipped another finger inside me.
"I know baby, you're doing so good." He whispered softly before continuing to kiss down my breasts towards my stomach.
His hot breath against my skin felt amazing.
I just want him all over me.
I could feel my stomach contracting and more heat pooling between my legs by the second..
"Please don't stop." I mumbled while trying not to cry out.
"Not yet." He said before pulling his fingers out.
"Rafe." I whined while shooting him the meanest glare I can muster.
"I wanna come with you." He mumbled in my ear, instantly causing butterflies to swarm my stomach. We both gasped as he slipped the tip inside of me. "You feel so good baby." He whispered in my ear as he thrusted inside me.
I didn't want to cry out too loud, this mansion may be huge but it's walls are thin.. plus we have windows open to try and cope with the unbearable heat.
I bit down on his shoulder which made him do some sort of hot groan.
I could feel myself tightening around him as he found a rhythm between us.
After each thrust I became more desperate for him.
"Harder, please Rafe." I mumbled into his arm.
"You need to be a little more specific baby." He said with a smug little smirk on his face.
God, don't make me say it.
"Rafe, please." I whine.
"I need you to tell me what you want baby." He whispered beside my ear sending shivers throughout my body.
"Fuck me harder Rafe." I said just above a whisper. It must've been loud enough since I looked up and watched the smirk on his face grow.
"You should've just said that baby." He said before picking up the pace and getting more aggressive.
He stood up, pulling my ankles to the edge of the bed so he can stand and do it..
I gasped as he slipped it inside of me.
His hands now on my hips pressing down on my lower stomach.
He hit that same wonderful spot, only this time it felt so much better with his hands holding down on my lower stomach.
"Oh my god." I gasped as he continued the same rhythm, just rougher.
He began rubbing circles on my clit as I was getting closer to my climax.
"Oh my fucking god." I whined.
"Jules, baby. You feel so good." He groaned.
"Please Rafe, don't stop." I cried out, Whatever fear I had of the surrounding houses hearing us.. well they definitely heard us..
I felt myself coming undone.
"I'm gonna come, please come with me." I whimper, hoping to hold my orgasm off.
"Fuck, okay baby." He said while thrusting deep inside of me.
A few thrusts later and I could feel him throbbing inside of me.
"Fuck, I'm coming." He groaned.
I didn't even tell him that I was, but I think he knew..
I slammed my eyes shut and let my orgasm take over.
I inhaled deeply, trying to calm my heart down.
Rafe sighed before dropping backwards beside me.
"Fuck, Jules. That was amazing. Are You okay?" He asks while leaning on his side.
"Yeah, I can still feel my heart pounding." I mumble as a smile grows on my face.
"I love you. Okay?" He said before leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you too." I nod.
A couple of minutes later, Rafe disappears into the bathroom and comes out after 5 minutes.
He's holding a small wet towel.
He sat on the bed and spread my legs, it was dark so I don't think he could see the cuts.
He wiped the come off my front and inside of my thighs before kissing my forehead again and disappearing into the bathroom.

I heard the shower flip on and off. A few minutes later, a wet haired Rafe steps out.
He had a white fluffy towel draped loosely around his waist, clearly not too bothered about it falling..
I was still lay there. Just thinking about him.
I really do love this man..

"You okay baby?" He asked while standing at the edge of the bed looking down at me.
"Mhm, just thinking." I replied while propping my head up with my hand.
"About what?" He said with a smile.
"That's a secret Mr. Cameron." I said ironically.
I watched as his cheeks began to turn pink.
He's actually a really beautiful person.
"Oh I need to shower. I'll be back in a few minutes." I said while kissing his cheek before making my way towards the en suite bathroom.
Like the rest of the house, the bathroom is beautiful..
it's got white tiles, a large oval shaped bathtub, an amazing shower that I'm pretty sure 6 or more people could stand in.. one of those cool sinks that are actually more like fountains and a bidet!!
I showered quickly, enjoying every second of this feeling.
I hopped out of the shower and lightly towel died my hair before twisting it into a loose plait.
I put on some aftersun and moisturiser before rejoining Rafe in the bedroom.
Rafe was now stood at the balcony that overlooked the ocean, he was wearing grey sweatpants along with a white shirt.
I only had the towel draped around me which caused Rafe to smile.
"Are you not cold?" He asked while wrapping his arm around me.
"In this weather?" I asked with a grin.
"Fair enough." He mumbled.
"It's so beautiful here." I blurted while staring off at the ocean.
"Yeah, I don't usually get this room. I had it in December when Kelce, Topper, Kai and I all went here for winter break." He mumbled.
I felt my stomach twist and churn at the mention of Kai's name.
"Oh fuck I'm so sorry Jules. I completely forgot, I am so sorry." He said while pulling me into a tight hug.
I nodded. "It's okay, you're allowed talk about your friends." I nodded.
"That fucking cunt is not my friend. He can rot for all I care." He mumbled while kissing the top of my head.
I feel so safe with Rafe.
"I love you Rafe." I mumble against his chest.
"I love you more than anything." I said while looking up at him.
"I love you too." He said while kissing me once again.
Right here, right now. This is my happy place.
I feel safe. I don't feel worried, I don't feel sad, I don't feel guilty, I just feel content. And that's okay for me.

Agh okay! That's the last chapter for tonight. I'll try upload more over the weekend ! I love you all so much. I hope everyone had an amazing day. I love you all so much :)

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