𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 - 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐲 ✰

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The Great Gatsby.

After our bath I was exhausted and Im sure Rafe was too

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After our bath I was exhausted and Im sure Rafe was too.
I walked over to the bed and dropped backwards which earned me a sigh from Rafe since he had just made it.
I quickly got up and pretended I hadn't just plopped down on his freshly made bed.
I only now noticed his room had personality, there were baby pictures of him and Sarah holding their baby sister Wheezie in the hospital, he had a large smile on his face and looked so sweet.
There was another picture of him with his family at midsummers which must've been an old one since Wheezie looked about 5 and Rafe was wearing a white suit with a large smile on his face while Sarah was wearing a pink flowery dress with a large gummy smile on her face where she was missing teeth. They looked so happy.
I picked up a book that was sat on the shelf and read the title which made me smile. 'The Great Gatsby.' I didn't expect Rafe to even know how to read a book...
I opened the book to see it was only 12 pages in and there was a bookmark, that explains that.
I however love reading before bed. I grabbed the book and walked over to Rafe's bed. Rafe was still in his closet, picking out something for me to wear.
A few moments later Rafe appeared with a pair of his boxers and a large grey zip up hoodie.
"I don't have anything that will fit you." He said while handing me the clothes.
"It's okay, you can stay at mine tomorrow and I can dress you in my clothes." I said with a smile.
I loved Rafe's clothes, the scent of him was actually the part I loved.
I quickly pulled on the boxers and the hoodie.
He wasn't lying, it didn't fit at all, the boxers hung loosely on my hips while the hoodie looked like I was in a grey sleeping bag...

I began walking over to the bed with the book still in my hand.
"Is it okay if I read this?" I asked while sitting beside him.
"Read it out loud." He said while dropping his head into my thighs and closing his eyes.
"Okay.." I said while opening the book.
"Im starting from the beginning since you're only 12 pages in." I said while flicking back to the first page.
Rafe grumbled something but he was too tired to actually speak so it came out as a grumble.
I began reading and I looked down at the blonde haired boy who lay there in my thighs, he looked so peaceful and calm.
"Why'd you stop?" He grumbled.
"Oh I thought you fell asleep." I muttered.
"Stalker.." he said while a small grin appeared on his lips.
"Obviously." I said sarcastically before continuing on reading for him.

We must've been at least 20 pages in before I felt my eyes getting too heavy. I placed the book on the side and flipped out the light before returning to my spot underneath Rafe.
Rafe grumbled at the movement but didn't seem to care since he fell asleep shortly after.
I lay back and began running my hands through Rafe's short hair, his hair was growing back since he hasn't buzzed it in a few weeks, but it was still short.
I enjoyed being with Rafe, I truly did. I've never felt this way about anyone, I'm so surprised that my feelings can be so strong for a boy I didn't even know existed a few months ago.

I finally drifted off to sleep feeling happy and content.
I was safe, I found my person.

I woke up to an empty lap, I wonder where he went.
I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room hoping to see him, it was still dark out so he couldn't be far. I climbed out of bed and shuffled towards the bathroom since I really needed a pee. I knocked on the door and heard no answer that's weird but whatever.
I didn't even bother flicking on the light since I was planning on crawling back into bed straight after.
I quickly relieved myself and washed my hands before getting back into bed. I decided I'd text him to make sure he's not dead.
I sent a simple text asking if he was okay and since he's a little dickhead he replied with 'no I was brutally mauled by a gator.'
God he's such a prick.

'I'll be back up now, I just wanted to grab a drink.'
Okay at least that's a good explanation.
Or maybe, he's Spider-Man and is out saving lives and stopping criminals and just doesn't want me to know!

I lay back down and waited for Rafe, to my disappointment he isn't Spider-Man, a few seconds after my Spider-Man thoughts Rafe entered the room with two glasses of water.
"See you can't be without me, you woke up because you missed me." He teased.
"No, my spidey senses told me you were Spider-Man then changed their mind so I was going back to sleep." I said while smiling up at him.
I took my glass and placed it on the side after taking a sip.

I rolled over to face Rafe and decided that wasn't close enough I pushed out of the sheets and threw my leg over him while resting my head on him like a pillow.
"Comfortable?" He asked, I could actually hear the smile that was on his face.
"Extremely." I replied.
Rafe Wrapped an arm around my waist and I fell back asleep in a few minutes. I was safe.

I woke up early the next morning which is surprising considering how tired I was.
I slipped out of bed as carefully as I possibly could to avoid waking up Rafe.
I felt like shit, I had extremely bad cramps and my back hurt.
I stumbled into the bathroom and nearly cried upon seeing blood. "Fuck." I mumbled while looking around to see if there's any pads or anything.
Of course there isn't, why would Rafe need these things ?
I stood up quietly waddled towards the main bathroom. I opened the door and thankfully there's pads in there.
I quickly put one on and washed my hands then returned to Rafe's room.

Throughout my attempt at being quiet, I mustn't have been since Rafe was sat up and taking a drink.
"Where'd you run off to?" He asked with a small smile.
"Spider-Man activities." I said with a shrug.
"Do you have any pain killers?" I asked while looking at him.
"Mhm." He mumbled while taking a small bottle of pain killers from his bedside table.
"How many do you want?" He said while turning to face me.
"The whole bottle will do." I mumbled.
"Alright then." He said while taking out two and placing them in my hand.
I scoffed at the fact he didn't find my joke funny.
"Thanks." I mumbled before taking them.
"So what's up? What's wrong I mean." He said while sitting forward.
"My back hurts." I muttered while taking a sip of the water.
"Did I do that?" He asked with concern.
"No, it wasn't you. It's my period." I mumbled.
I felt embarrassed to tell him that I got my period but something told me he would continue to pester until I told him.
"Oh, okay. Do you want a hot water bottle? Sarah always uses them while on hers." He said while climbing out of bed.
"No it's okay. Thank you though." I said with a smile.
He's so cute.
Rafe smiled and walked over to me.
"You look beautiful in my clothes." He said while bending down to kiss my forehead.
"I think you'd look nice in mine." I said while trying to stifle a laugh.
"Mhm. I don't think it would fit." He said with an amused smile.
"Do you want to stay at mine tonight? You don't have to since not much will happen." I asked while looking up at him.
"Yeah, of course. Your mom won't mind?" He asked while leaning down to kiss my forehead again.
"No, I haven't seen her car so I'm assuming she's off somewhere. Either way, I paid for the house.." I said while dropping my head into his chest.
"Okay." He said softly while wrapping his arms around my waist.

He's such a cutie.

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