𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 ✰

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Fuck you.

I laughed at how he handed me the wrong phone

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I laughed at how he handed me the wrong phone. I decided I'd text my phone from his since he must have mine.
I opened his phone which had no password, Idiot. And texted myself letting him know that I had his phone.
I know it's bad and I shouldn't, but I noticed a new text from Kelce. I've never been the one to snoop but it caught my attention. I dropped the phone onto the bed. "No." I muttered to myself .
I'm not going to snoop through his phone. We went on one date. I need to control myself.

I decided to take a shower to distract myself from going through his text with Kelce.
As much as I didn't want to wash Rafes touch off, I knew he'd be all over me tomorrow.
I got out of the shower and quickly dried off.
I walked over to my bed and heard a notification.
I picked up the phone and it was Kelce.
I had to convince myself not to snoop.
God why is this so hard?

The phone buzzed again and it was Rafe on my phone . He made fun of me for having such an easy password. I don't know what he's laughing for, his phone doesn't even have a passcode.
I told him I'd give him his phone once I put some clothes on.
I quickly pulled on a bra and some shorts before pulling a silk robe over myself.

I walked downstairs and thought about snooping some more.
For some reason it was extremely hard to not do it.
I opened my main door to see Rafe stood there with my phone. There was a worried look on Rafe's face.
"What's up?" I asked with concern.
"Did you go through my phone?" He asked staring down at me.
"No, I was tempted to but I decided not to." I said quite confused.
"Oh okay good." He said with relief.
That was weird but anyways.

I handed Rafe's phone back to him and he handed mine back. "I think you mixed them up so you could see me again." I said with a smile.
"Hm maybe I did." Rafe said with a grin.
I kissed him goodnight and went back inside .
I had a party tomorrow and I was nervous to be with Rafe again.

I opened the door to the kitchen to grab myself a drink only to see my mother passed out with a pill bottle and wine in front of her.
"fuck mom." I muttered while taking the pills from her hand .
My mother used to have an extremely bad oxy addiction while I was growing up. Even though I made us rich she would spend most the money on alcohol, pills and clothes. I've basically been feeding myself since I was young .

I sighed and poured the wine down the sink.
I went back over to try and move my mom only to realise she wasn't moving. I checked her pulse and she was barely breathing. I began panicking so I took out my phone to dial 911.
"fuck mom, wake up." I said while shaking her.
My mother didn't make any sound she just lay there, face down on the table.

A couple of minutes later the ambulance was outside, I ran out and tried explaining what she took.
The EMT's began working on her and putting an IV into her arm. I stood there uncertain of what to do .
As much as my mother dislikes me, I'll always love her even though I'd like to hate her for everything she's done. I just can't.

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